GreenHell, on 19 November 2011 - 07:33 PM, said:
Starter assault mech = Charger (trololololo)
To be honest, I'm actually kinda hoping it'll be that.
Well, looks like 9/10s of the community wants pay-to-win.
Go download MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, start a new game, play until you can go to Solaris VII, and do the light arenas there. Then you tell me if light 'mechs are as worthless as you think it is, and that you need a heavier 'mech to win fights. A skilled light 'mech pilot could probably do pretty good in the grand championship on Solaris VII.
The funny thing is, I think most Mechwarriors agree it takes tons of skill to successfully pilot a light versus an Assault, yet, we think of growing from small to big.
Never underestimate a light 'Mech.
In canon we got at least a few high-profile people piloting them. Tomoe Sakade (wife of Theodore Kurita) piloted a Panther, for example. As did Minobu Tetsuhara, and his brother Fuhito.
Well, the one that you *are* allowed to laugh at is the OTT-7K Ostscout. The only weapon it has is the TAG...
Edited by Alizabeth Aijou, 20 November 2011 - 05:01 AM.