Lore Insert:
"The Great Kerensky, infinite in wisdom.
Hidden aside he left great tools for his children return.
Some Great, some small, most forgotten to time.
Undiscovered until now, the great Thunderbird will rise."
During Kerensky's grand exodus he left behind both great bases, materials and men, most of which remained hidden throughout the centuries the most infamous case being that of “Camelot Command” found by Adam Steiner in the Dark Nebula. Another such base was that formed in the Aurora planetary system, aptly named for its freak electrical and magnetic surroundings that caused Aura's to cascade all around the system, blocking detection and communications devices. Here in this isolated world Kerensky asked for volunteers, a grim sacrifice, to leave behind a Vanguard for his return should he require.
The Corp sized unit, small for its designation, consisted of a single mech division accompanied by a support staff capable of establishing the repair and training facilities needed to maintain such a force. Kerensky also surprised them by leaving behind four Monsoon class Warships that had once been decommissioned. The Flagship “THS Thunderer” was renamed to “Thunderbird” while the other warships received similar treatments. The intent to provide protection against any random encounters in the system they might face, yet also give them a sense of duty, they weren’t marooned just answering their call. Kerensky then heavy heatedly continued his exodus into clan space.
Disaster then befell the SLFD Forces. Eden revolted, and the resulting battle, Alexander Kerensky's closest friend Aaron DeChevilier would fall to a lucky missile attack. In his rage Alexander's response was out brutal, massacring entire settlements and setting off the Exodus civil war. Not long after Alexander Kerensky suffered a fatal heart attack, forcing the rest of his loyal forces to a second exodus. As his son Nicholas prepared the second exodus he wiped most of his father’s sensitive data. His actions were two fold, to stop the rebels from acquiring fresh material and warriors from the IS and to stop the fighting from spilling over alerting everyone to what was going on. With the press of a button the sacrifices of the Thunderbird warriors was erased from history. As the ages advanced, the toll was taken on the Warships, and one by one they were mothballed due to lack of skilled maintenance and replacement parts.
Then the clans returned.
Aurora and nearby Star’s End, both were bypassed by the clans on their drive towards Terra. Aurora’s unique planetary signature and Star’s Ends intricate belt of asteroids made both hidden from view. The clans rampage left several broken pirate bands, one of which was that of the Greater Valkyrate, where Susie Morgraine-Ryan had escaped from. She arrived in the Aurora system initially intent on settling the world only to be meet by the Thunderbirds upon landing. The preserved advanced tech of the SLDF mechs proved to be the edge the well trained but, real combat experienced Thunderbirds needed to push the pirates back and provide this generation their first real blood. Susie Morgraine-Ryan left the world leaving her half-sisters command to cover her retreat without a second thought.
Following Susie's jumpship into the Aurora system a few days behind her the new SaKahn Phelan found more than he ever expected to. Per clan standards he sent the standard batchall message finding PadreGrimm, the Thunderbird’s commander, prominatly displaying the Star League award handed down to each leader. Dismissing the pirates for a chance to fight a warrior worth of his time Phelan issued a challenge and began his decent to the world. PadreGrimm, still rushing to replace recent losses, pressed even several of the captured pirates into service, including Susie’s half-sister. Meeting Phelan in the sand dunes the Thunderbirds used the low visibility and intricate knowledge of the terrain to score several initial strikes with little damage. Yet, they were facing Phelan, the worst clan commander they could have faced. Recognizing the hit and fade tactics he would employ in his own Wolfhound he devices a trap that lured the bulk of the Thunderbird forces into. When the Wolves finally had a chance to fight, they tore into the Thunderbird forces with the savagery of its namesake.
Facing the kind of short brutal clash most clansmen excelled at most armies would have broken. However, with their bonds of brotherhood the Thunderbirds stood their ground. The fighting almost stopped when PadreGrimm’s Highlander and Phelans Timberwolf meet on the field. With no clanner about to stain the SaKahns honor and PadreGrimm’s DFA, or Highlander burial on a Clan Wolf Kit fox putting him between Phelan and his unit, no one was about to interfere. The fight was brutal as both warriors squared off, lasers, auto cannons and missiles flying between the two of them. With PadreGrimms last shot he tore the right torso of Phelans Timberwolf apart shredding metal in a cloud and twisting the entire torso to the right while Phelan raised his right leg in the air for balance.
Believing he’d won the fight the Highlander slowed its pace only to watch the Timberwolf’s leg drop to the ground in a wide defiant stance before firing back. The Phelans lasers tearing into the chest of the Highlander tearing apart armor and internal structure alike while the salvo of LRMS at point blank range ripping apart the gyro and engine shielding. The massive Highlander shuttered taking a step back plowing into a massive Sand Dune as it went lifeless keeping the Highlander upright. The sight a testament to the Thunderbirds determination to die on their feet the mech left there frozen in time forever.
After gathering the survivors of the fighting Phelan contemplated their fate. Bound by the Truce of Tukayyid, Phelan saw a use for the warriors that had impressed him. Instead of absorbing them into Clan Wolf, he decided to skirt the rules, using the established president set by the Wolf's Dragoons. He sent techs to reactivate the Warships, allowed the Thunderbird's access to clan technology and christened them Clan Thunderbird. By creating a nomadic ally he would use their strength to strike anywhere he desired while avoiding violating the Truce of Tukayyid.
Taking up the mantle of Clan Thunderbird, homage to their history, they now roam the Stars after having been kicked off Aurora. By combining their preserved SLDF culture, Warden Clan Wolf and that of the old Terran biker nomads Clan Thunderbird seeks to ride along the stars in contrast to their once isolated lifestyle. Their only allies seem to be Phelan and the warden Wolves, Considered as Pirates to the IS, Dark Caste to most other clans, their agenda mired the ride among the stars as warriors.
Edited by Dark Glamour, 16 August 2014 - 09:10 PM.