Odwalla, on 20 August 2014 - 03:25 PM, said:
Time Investment
This is one issue that I really don't have a good solution to. But essentially whoever has more time to play during these tournament weekends has the best chance of winning. So since this tournament was extended through a Monday instead of ending on the standard Sunday, it means people who were seriously attempting to win had to play an entire day extra to avoid losing their ranks.
This is so true, I stopped playing the tournament at around 8pm on Sunday night (BST) and I was 8th, then on Monday I like many others had to go to work, and as this tournaments runs through to middnight US time (which is around 6am on the Tuesday morning in the UK) I was unable to play for a significant amount of time near to the closing time of this event, I ended up 18th. This is some what like bidding early on Ebay, the person who bits (plays) last gives their opponents less time to beat their score.
Odwalla, on 20 August 2014 - 03:25 PM, said:
1. Kill focus encourages greedy play. I get that this is a solo tournament, but we still have to play it in a 12v12 environment. So it encourages kill stealing. I actually had to stop targeting mechs that were almost dead so my team wouldn't steal it from me. That's the mindset you have to have when playing in the tournament and it's toxic
I started to do this, I stopped targeting enemy mechs as I was doing all the work, then someone in a LRM boat would get the kill.
I did not document my games, but this tournament was so much about luck, I played cose to 100 games during this tournament, all on a GFR-1N and I must have had half of thoses games that i got score in the region of 800 damange, but the kills kept getting stolen, then on the end of round screen, I can see my score as 800 dmg / 1 kill / 9 assists, and then people with 100 dmg / 4 kills / 8 assists.
With the above score I would have got around 190 points, but someone with the 100 / 4 / 8 would get 195 points, now which person was the better player? because if you look at the tournament score it would be the player with the 100 / 4 / 8. We all know that a player with 800/4/8 is the better player. (I assure you that the vast majority of the damage I do is either CT or both Legs.
So the calculation is wrong, again as per Odwalla I don't know what the correct scoring should be, but how it is now between the best players is pure luck.
To win the tournament you need the following:
A team of 12, where you are really good, and the other 11 on your team are not
The oposition team that has 12 bad players
A mech that has decent range to get the 'assists'
Team mates that are not kill stealing
The oposition to push on you 1 at a time, so you can kill and move the the next, a death blob cannot give you a good score.
I had a few games that would have given me a 240+ score and they were in the region of 1000 dmg / 5 kills / 7 assists, and if I had been lucky enough to get 10 of these then I would have been up the top with Odwalla, or anyone with that luck could do it (Sorry Odwalla not trying to take anything away from you as I know you are a good player, but I believe you got more luck than some)
Bottom line some changes need to be made as the current tournament, as fun as it was, is far too much about luck.