They said they might not implement 10v12 due to the amount of work needed to be done. I say Bull****. I dont care how long it takes, they need to get that done. The MM can handle it i am sure, also after CW is released of course. Then they have plenty of time to work on general improvements to the game.

Dev Vlog #7
Started by Kyle Polulak, Aug 21 2014 11:14 AM
162 replies to this topic
Posted 06 September 2014 - 07:41 AM
Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:41 PM
BLOOD WOLF, on 06 September 2014 - 07:41 AM, said:
They said they might not implement 10v12 due to the amount of work needed to be done.
I think it was pretty clear when they released the clans way ahead of CW that they weren't really going to go 10 vs 12. After all, they've got to balance the clans for pug play. PGI isn't going to spend all that time tweaking values, and getting screamed at in the forums for it, only to undo them once clan vs. IS matches are available. It's just not their style.
After the debacle that was launch I swore to myself I would never spend another real dollar on this game but I bought a Timberwolf anyway. I literally did it an hour before they initially released. I did it because I'm familiar with PGI's track record (double heat sinks, ecm) and I fully expected clan mechs to be way overpowered for at least a month until Paul got out the "nerf hammer" and turned them into something barely recognizable. Mostly I was worried about getting my ass kicked so I figured, if you can't beat them, join 'em.
If they went 10vs12 they'd have to start balancing all over again. All the balancing to date has been designed to allow IS mechs to fight each other and they aren't about to undo that. I don't believe it's possible for PGI to have the mechs balanced so that they could fight 12vs12 PUG matches with mixed teams and simultaneously balanced for 10vs12, clan vs IS matches. Until they acheive that 10vs12 balance, one side or the other is going to be consistently losing every match because the teams will be made up exclusively of underpowered or overpowered mechs. That's not fun.
In short, don't get your hopes up. Expect PGI to always take the path easiest to implement.
Edited by Nyden, 06 September 2014 - 09:43 PM.
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