Hiring Hall
Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:59 PM
Callsign: Banshee
Timezone: GMT -6
House/Faction: Currently unaffiliated
Playstyle: Close to Medium range run 'n' gun
Rolltype: Star Commander, frontline, ambush, raiding, base defense
Preffered weight: Heavy
Experience: Mechcommander, MW3, MW3pm, MW4, MW4m. I played vengence online constantly for a year or so before internet issues stopped me. I was part of clan thunder wolf I think, I know it was [TW]. I have played through MW3 and MW4 several times each and mercs way more than that. Right now I am doing another play-through (or 3) of mercs.
Posted 04 April 2012 - 02:21 AM
Callsign: TWSTED72
Timezone: EST ( GMT -5 )
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: Agressive / Sniper
Roletype: None
Preferred Weight: Med / Heavy
Experience: MechWarrior 1-3. ( Current games - Aces High, Sniper Ghost Warrior, World of Tanks, Counter Strike Source.)
Posted 06 April 2012 - 10:15 AM
Timezone:GMT -6
Playstyle:Support and Defense (usually PPCs)
Roletype:Long Range Support
Preferred Weight:Heavy
Preferred Chassis: Katapault (will try to adapt with another if this one isn't available)
Experience:MW4 Mercs (Campaign and Multiplayer) I feel that I can handle my Mech fairly well, but if not, I'll do my best.
Posted 08 April 2012 - 04:13 AM
Callsign: RockHound
Timezone: GMT (Greenich mean time)
House/Faction: Mercenary (undecided)
Playstyle: Omni
Roletype: Forward Assault and support
Preferred Weight: Medium/Assault
Preferred Chassis: Highlander
Experience: Mechwarrior 2, Mechwarrior 4, Mechcommander 1 and 2, Mechassault 1 and 2.
Edited by RockHound, 08 April 2012 - 04:14 AM.
Posted 08 April 2012 - 04:22 PM
Full Disclosure: We're shopping for merc corp employment until Clans go active, then we'll most likely switch over.
Name: Chris / Jen
Callsign: FoxFang | Tannim
Timezone: Eastern United States (GMT -5)
House/Faction: FRR | Davion
Playstyle:Support | Brawler
Roletype:Lance/Star Leader | Raider
Preferred Weight: Heavy | Assault
Experience: Both of us have played MW 2/3/4, MC, MC2, Firestorm Tesla Pods, and are active Catalyst Demo Agents for the TT game with Roleplaying Experience. We can also provide vent server and can negotiate Website creation and maintinance duties.
We will be soliciting offers and negotiating with potential groups all the way through Open Beta, hope to be settled in by game launch.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 06:19 PM
Callsign: Kopis
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
House/Faction: Freelance, Sympathies with Draconis and the Free Republic
Playstyle: ambush/hit and run
Roletype: scout/recon, cq striker
Preferred Weight: lighter side of medium (recon), lighter side of heavy (cq striker)
Experience: Mechwarriors 3 and 4 with all the expansions, battletech tabletop
Edited by Augustus Cruor, 10 April 2012 - 06:23 PM.
Posted 10 April 2012 - 08:54 PM
Callsign: Firedog25
Timezone: Pacific
House/Faction: None/Undecided/HIghest Bidder
Playstyle: Spastic Monkey Aggro, prepare for big repairs.
Roletype: Any, I'm a quick learn and flexible.
Preferred Weight: Assault, but again I cam flexible
Experience: Mechwarrior 1-3, Mech Commander, worked with John Clarke from Mechwarrior 2 way back in 1995, is that rad or what?
Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:02 PM
Timezone: Western
House/Faction: Clan Diamond Shark / Clan Jade Falcon
Playstyle: Scout,Support, LR Sniper (that order)
Roletype: Any
Preferred Weight: Any that suit mission needs
Preferred Chassis: Uller (Kit Fox), Puma (Adder), Vulture (Mad Dog), Mad Cat (Timberwolf)
Experience: MW2 (and NetMech) (IS clan tech merc unit), MW3 (Clan Ghost Bear), MW4 & MW4 Mercs (Diligent Gravy & DG Horn(when blood named), MechCommander 1 and 2. Most of my best experience came with the two years spent with CDS in NBT, and defeating three mechs to win my blood name in honorable combat. ((OOC that was awesome experience and I still remember it well btw Tinman if you ever see this :-) )). I would prefer to remain loyal to that which I came from but if they do not return ((OOC the old CDS Folks)) then being a bondsman is better than civilian life quiaff? At least then you can die in battle on your feet.
Posted 14 April 2012 - 11:40 AM
Timezone: -8:00 Pacific
House/Faction: Merc
Play-style: Any
Role-type: Sniper/brawl/scout in that order
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience:I have played every mechwarrior game since the 1st and been playing video games for 36 years since they were invented. I was the leader of a 80+ clan in MW4 mercenaries. I have been in many clans throughout my Mechwarrior career. Some don't like me some do. either way I am not a pilot to take lightly. If you are a group that is against cheating or exploits then I am the guy for you.
Edited by Lothahnus, 14 April 2012 - 11:42 AM.
Posted 17 April 2012 - 12:36 AM
i have also been recruited by the BWC (Black Widow Company) thank you all for considering my app
Edited by hashiman, 28 June 2012 - 03:33 PM.
Posted 24 April 2012 - 11:56 PM
Timezone: Gmt+2
House/Faction: $£€=C-Bills, FRR is close to me, but will fight even them if pay is right.
Playstyle: Recon, combined arms.
Roletype: Recon, Indirect fire/LR-support
Preferred Weight: Light/Heavy (Raven and Cat)
Experience: MW 1-4, MC 1 and 2, most FPS games, WOT in a clan. EX-FRDF mechanized recon cpl in real life.
I'm looking for a unit with a good sense of humour and ability to combine that with solid tactics

Posted 26 April 2012 - 06:32 PM
Callsign: Sigma or Achilles
Timezone:GMT - 5 hours [est]
House/Faction: Any with honor
Playstyle: Long shot. addaptiable
Roletype: What ever is needed but loves to be a shot in the dark. (I.E. hit and run or Sniper)
Preferred Weight:Scout, mid or assult.
Mech of choice: Ryoken, Madcat. timber wolf or vulture. (ryoken [Hnr] or madcat[snip] pref)
Experience: Battletech- (xboxlive mechassult) expansive including the battletech simulators at dave & busters (top player 5 weeks running utica MI 2007 tuesday nights) [earned black chassie and played only expert]
[photo ref for those who may not know about the full cockpit sim]
Edited by Sigma Achilles, 26 April 2012 - 06:46 PM.
Posted 30 April 2012 - 02:47 PM
Callsign: Rat man1
Time zone: EST US
House/Faction: Merc/Davion
Playstyle:Conservitive thinker
Roletype: Defence/Assault, Scout
Prefered weight: 55+
Experience:Mechwarrior, Mechwarrior lonewolf, Table top Battle tech
Posted 03 May 2012 - 01:09 PM
Callsign: Hype Six
Timezone: US Eastern
House/Faction: Open
Playstyle: Heavy Recon, Assault, Blitzkrieg,
Roletype: Prefered but will do a non RP unit if they're good.
Preferred Weight: Mediums (specific) Heavies (most) Assaults.
Experience: Mechwarrior 4 Vengence, Mercs, Battletech, MW Clix.
Had some fun in MW4 never really got into the organized stuff In MW 4 i prefered Uzi's or Ryokens. Thors, Timberwolves for the heavies. I doubt i'll like any of the inital assaults.
Posted 05 May 2012 - 01:08 AM
Callsign: Phillimon
Timezone: GMT+8:00 (US Pacific)
House/Faction: Unaffiliated
Playstyle: Feint, Rusher
Roletype: Vanguard, Recon
Preferred Weight: Med-Heavy
Experience: Mechcommander Starleague (1 & 2), MW2-4 including mercenaries. Been out of the leagues for a while, looking forward to this league.
Posted 06 May 2012 - 01:57 PM
Callsign: Cyclone
Timezone: USA Eastern
House/Faction: Clan Ghost Bear
Playstyle: Both long range direct fire support and a prolific infighter.
Roletype: Assault
Preferred Weight: 70-90 tons, though comfortable and capable in anything.
Experience: Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance, Black Knight, and Mercenaries.
Posted 06 May 2012 - 04:32 PM
Callsign: Normally I go by Jester or Harlequin
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Neutral currently, (Leans toward Davion, or bigger paycheck lol)
Playstyle: Varies, adaptable. Normally like to dispatch apponent at a range, or atleast cause enough damage and close in for kill.
Roletype: Adaptable, leans toward heavy fire support LRM's/Gauss/long range. Can adapt to needed role.
Preferred Weight: Heavy, I like the speed/firepower of the 60-75 ton range, will pilot Assault and load up on firepower/armor to tank. can use light/medium mechs, but I prefer light/medium with advanced electronics packages
Experience: Mechwarrior 1-4 (Expansions included/Mektekincluded) Mechcommander 1-2, Dark Age, never got into a clan, multiplayer with microsoft was too little then.
Posted 06 May 2012 - 08:58 PM
Callsign: Roken
Timezone: Pacific
Faction: Whoever's got a big enough pocketbook
Playstyle: Guerrilla/Brawler
Roletype: Harasser
Preffered Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: MW4, MW4 Mercs, MW2 Arcade Combat Edition (PSx version), some MechWarrior tabletop RPG, former member of the original Clan Wolf of MW 4 (ascended to the rank of Star Colonel and eventually landed in the Keshik after a fierce Trial under the callsign of {CW} Okami)
I do a little roleplaying and know a fair amount of canon/lore. I am exceedingly familiar with the Clan Invasion having read the novels surrounding them (and in fact I recommend them to any one who calls themselves a fan of BattleTech/MechWarrior or anyone looking to get into the series!)
Posted 07 May 2012 - 12:34 PM
Name: Networkgeek
Callsign: Geek
Timezone: GMT -5:00 Eastern standard
House/Faction: mech corp
Playstyle: run and gun / Distraction
Roletype: recon
Preferred Weight: light fast
Experience: mech warrior 2 mercinaries, mech warrior 3 (played the other night), mech commander.
Edited by Networkgeek, 07 May 2012 - 12:39 PM.
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