Hiring Hall
Posted 25 September 2016 - 09:12 PM
Callsign: omg is that n0ni r255 colby NA?
Also go by: nzev.
My stage name is: Swole McBurvington.
Timezone: -8 GMT
House/Faction: Enforcer main, but also have Crim. Oh wait wrong game.
Only the creamiest of creM.
Playstyle: Aggressive, Win. Take your passive 'lets wait here for the other team to roll us' idea and suggest it to a different team other than the one i'm on.
Roletype: Anything but lock-ons, i refuse to use any sort of lock-on weapons. Also, i don't do well as "Support". Mostly because my idea of "Support" is doing all the damage and taking all the kills.
Preferred Weight: Don't care, if i had to pick: Lights/Mediums despite mostly using Heavy/Assault
Experience: Yes. 'Kay, good talk.
Pretty much looking for competent people to play with, that match my playstyle (preferably), since people that i used to drop with either left, haven't played in months, or rarely play at all and solo queue is not an enjoyable experience when you're doing that 99% of the time.
Hold on a sec guys/gals... *background* "Hey, Rem! Do you want to add anything to what i wrote? Yeah, perfect! Okay, i'll throw that in there."
Okay, here's what best girl wants me to add:
It wouldn't be a post of mine if there wasn't a .gif in it!
Posted 27 September 2016 - 02:46 PM
Callsign: cestus
Timezone: EDT UTC/GMT -4hours
House/Faction: freelance
Playstyle: i prefer to engage at long/medium range and am a fair hand with ppc gause and large lasers but sometimes i like to mix it up in close and so have a autocannon/medium lazer brawler i am comfterbul following orders and prefer to flank the enemy but if it is called for i will be the first over the hill and the first to die if a charge is needed if called for i can allso play a LURM boat fire support
Roletype: brawler/sniper
Preferred Weight: 75 tons timberwolf
Experience have been playing for a little over a week have 3 timberwolfs 2 fully elited and one im working on placed number 17 on the timberwolf leaderboards for the event but held numbers 9-10 for 3/4ths of the event 1.06 KD with 229 matches played looking to get into faction warfare as i am finding quick play a little to easy at times
Posted 30 September 2016 - 02:17 AM
Callsign: Mitts
Timezone: GMT +8
House/Faction: Marik(can change if needed)
Playstyle: Prefer to attack as part of a wolfpack with enough speed to detach and support other team mates.
Roletype: Support/Flank push (Fine with most roles, little to no experience with Lights)
Preferred Weight: Heavies
Experience: Played on and off since the beta for MWO. No other experience with other Mechwarrior/battletech games.
Posted 01 October 2016 - 09:28 AM
Timezone: EU/US
House/Faction: Jade Falcon (drifter)
Playstyle: Team player
Role type: Mid to Long Range Support
Preferred Weight: Medium and Heavy
Preferred Mech: Madcat (because I'm a filthy freebirther)
Experience: MW3, MW4, World of Tanks, EvE Online
Quick Blerb: Just looking for some more team oriented play and decent people to play with. Have a mic and TS and am not terrible. As for those last two games on the experience list, I always ended up in a good, fun, competitive group. Looking to do the same here.
Edited by Psi Gun, 01 October 2016 - 09:58 AM.
Posted 01 October 2016 - 10:55 AM
Callsign: snakemanjon
Timezone: gmt -7 (Pacific)
House/Faction: Clan Smoke Jaguar
Playstyle: team player
Roletype: direct fire support, lrm support, brawler / assault, FW scout matches
Preferred Weight: varies
Experience: 24 clan mechs, 2c and wave 3.
Posted 01 October 2016 - 01:56 PM
Posted 02 October 2016 - 11:21 AM
Callsign: Ostego
Edit: I cannot believe how many responses I received in such a short amount of time. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent me a message. I'm going to give one of them a try and see how it goes!
I'm very happy to see such a strong community keeping the Mechwarrior franchise going, even if I don't always agree with the devs.
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Formerly House Davion -> Merc
Playstyle: Support, Long Range Targeted, learning Brawling Support.
Roletype: Mixed tactics, I tend to field a diverse load-out of long range and close range weapons.
Preferred Weight: Medium-Heavy-Assault (trying to get better at lights)
Preferred Chassis: So many to chose from...
Experience: MW2, MW2: Mercs, MW3, MW4, MW4: Mercs, Mechcommander 1&2, MWO. I've been playing MW games since I was a kid, back then it used to be all about what kind of Alpha Strike you could get. I learned quickly in MWO that the best tactic is to support your team, no matter what class I'm playing some kind of support.
Example: Most people equip the X-5 with SRMs to brawl in PuGs, I equip it with LRMs so that I can help the boats focus down the baddies and then use the 4xMLas to fend off the inevitable lights that harass the boats. Bonus is that I have mostly fresh armor by the time the brawling phase comes in, so I run around and create as much chaos with my 4xMLas as I can. Better to have the Dire-Whale distracted by a target it can't hit than notice the Atlas coming up on it's backside.
Availability: I'm a marketing manager that is running a newly form department. Sometimes I have to work late, and sometimes I have to go around the country for a week or two at a time, so it's not like I can be in a hardcore unit that requires strict schedules. I'm hoping to find a fun and friendly merc unit that will help this old MechWarrior hone his skills for MWO and maybe do some Faction Warfare.
Interesting Fact: Yes, I am one of those Battletech nerds that is writing a fan-fic Novel, and I'm up to Chapter 4!
Edited by Grayson Sortek, 03 October 2016 - 07:10 PM.
Posted 02 October 2016 - 09:04 PM
Callsign: Mad Man
Timezone: EST(Eastern Time)
House/Faction: Clan Wolf
Playstyle: Point Blank Man-to-Man Combat, Flanking, lots of swearing and shooting.
Roletype: Brawler, Assault Support
Preferred Weight: Assault
Experience: Off/On MWO player, Played through MW1-4 plus expansions.
Posted 06 October 2016 - 05:03 PM
Callsign: Tarn
Timezone: CST USA
House/Faction: Wolf
Playstyle: Casual
Roletype: Multi
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Pretty good, just need a good group to learn the finer points.
Posted 10 October 2016 - 01:02 PM
Callsign: Wenron
Timezone: EST USA
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Hit and run
Roletype: Typically scout or second line fire support
Preferred Weight: Light/Med/Heavy
Experience: Relatively new to the game, played lots of MW 2 thru MW 4. Will generally just listen to directions and try to support the team.
Posted 10 October 2016 - 01:43 PM
Edited by Lone1Ranger, 15 October 2016 - 11:28 AM.
Posted 10 October 2016 - 03:05 PM
Callsign: What ever you come up with I've heard Worse
Timezone: CST
House/Faction: None, currently Mastering a few clan mechs though
Playstyle: What ever tickles my fancy currently. You can usually find me in an LRM or Laser boat.
Roletype: Support, Brawler, Scout
Preferred Weight: What ever is needed but lean towards Medium/Heavy Classes
Experience: Veteran Founder, I have put in quite a few hours on/off since it came out. Filled a leadership role within HHoD for a while.
You can find me on between 4:30pm-11:00pm CST, looking to try community warfare. Laid back, have TS3. Msg me for more details.
Posted 12 October 2016 - 04:51 AM
Timezone: GMT+2
House/Faction: None.
Playstyle: Uncertain
Roletype: Uncertain
Preferred Weight: Light/heavy
Experience: Very limited, have only around 13 hours of playtime.
I'm a new rookie looking for a semi-serious group in Europe.
I've just started playing but already feel that I could learn a lot more by having a sturdy group of people to play with.
I haven't yet to find my preferred role or playstyle but I'm currently enjoying playing my Marauder and Pirate's Bane mechs, and I'm interesting in getting into the Butterbee and other catapult variants.
I'm looking for a group that plays regularly, are mature, and have the patience to help and "train" a newbie.
I can't put in several hours a day, but do play regularly.
Hope there's someone out there!
Posted 18 October 2016 - 07:52 AM
Callsign: Dronerider
Timezone: UTC/GMT +9:30
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: Heavy Support
Roletype: Focus fire and fire line support, working on the air jumps trades
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Medium
Experience: From Mech Warrior 2, Mech Warrior 3 Online, Mech Warrior Online since 2013. Play most nights, prefer an Australian Merc team so similar time zone and ping. Haven't joined a team previously due to work commitments and poor internet locations. I am a mature player and would like to join a team/unit with the same attitude and dedication.
Currently 560 in the Heavy Class Leader Board
Note I have found a Group.
Edited by Dronerider, 23 October 2016 - 01:36 AM.
Posted 19 October 2016 - 03:11 PM
Callsign: HiddenClaymore
Timezone: EST USA
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Heavy front line or light ninja scout
Roletype: My main play styles are above but can run with any hat when needed.
Preferred Weight: Light/Heavy
Experience: Took a break for 6 months but was with the TAU Galaxy before I had to stop for a bit. I loved playing Community Wars and have drop decks for both IS and Clan and have dropped during events with organized teams like Merc Star in the past when in Clan Wolf. At this time I have over 60 mechs and have mastery on most with all Pilot Skill upgrades. I have also started a Twitch Stream and would not mind running it during group drops but if you do not want it running just let me know.
Posted 20 October 2016 - 10:53 PM
Timezone: UTC+1
House/Faction: none, currently own only clan mechs
Playstyle: usually streak boats with / without lasers
Roletype: Support, Brawler
Preferred Weight: Light/Heavy
Experience: played on and off since the Steam Release
I am currently looking for a fun unit for faction (and quick) play. So far I have no experience with unit (and faction) play. PM me for further details (I´m normally online on the weekend, sometimes in the morning)
Edited by loswochos, 20 October 2016 - 10:54 PM.
Posted 22 October 2016 - 02:07 PM
Timezone: US est.
House/faction; None
Playstyle: Front line or Support
Roletype: Support/Brawler
Preferred Weight: Med/Heavy
Experience: Around 40 games...
I am a new player (older player) looking for a mature group to learn and have some fun with, played MW4 and just left 3+ years in world of tanks. If you are looking for a project I am a blank slate at this point, thanks and have a great night.
Posted 23 October 2016 - 04:40 AM
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: IS Merc (dont owm any clan mechs, im a dedicated is player)
Playstyle: close/medium range
Roletype: flanker/ Brawler
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: mw2,mw3,mw4 and mwo since closed beta
im only looking for a european unit. and sorry guys im tired of the old talks about "yes we do have a euroean part in the unit"... and when i get there its 5 euro players and 100 from the rest of the world.
Edited by Marius Malthus, 23 October 2016 - 11:38 AM.
Posted 23 October 2016 - 05:40 AM
Time zone: UTC+10:30 (Australian Central Daylight Time)
House/Faction: I only have Inner Sphere mechs
Playstyle: Up close brawling and midrange
Roletype: Brawler & midrange
Preferred Weight: Assault, Love my King Crab
Experience: MWO PUG drops, I'm here for fun and not take it to seriously, but I do want to win and improve.
Posted 24 October 2016 - 09:31 PM
Callsign: snakemanjnon
Timezone: UTC -8
House/Faction: ANY clan loyalist unit
Playstyle: team player, looking for group drops and FW scouting
Roletype: striker, pinpoint alpha focus target
Preferred Weight: mediums and heavy, but lights and fatties too
mechs owned: wave 3 (all 12) origins IIC (all 12)
spheroids keep scrolling
Edited by snakemanjon, 24 October 2016 - 09:32 PM.
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