Hiring Hall
Posted 18 December 2012 - 11:26 PM
Callsign: Absensce
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). I work on graveyard shift so from 8am to noon and 5pm to 9h30pm are my play hours, and weekends.
House/Faction: Mercenary - Undecided, flexible
Playstyle: Team friendly, obeys orders (strategy), group oriented, flexible
Roletype: Long range support, flexible
Preffered Weight: Heavy/Assault, flexible
Experience: MW mercenaries. Its been awhile since i've been looking for a game like MW merc's, didn't have the opportunity to play any of the other MW games since, so very happy to have found this one. I'm looking for teammates that play as a group (squad) with tactics and all, I can take orders.
Posted 19 December 2012 - 11:43 AM
Callsign: H8Wine
Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Careful, Sneaky
Preferred Weight: Assault/Heavy
Experience: Tabletop (not for years though) Few of the older Mechwarrior games, various other mmo's including WOW/BSGO and others
Posted 20 December 2012 - 04:12 AM
Callsign: Venom
Roletype:Indirect Fire Support
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: average player. great with a gauss rifle
Edited by Rusty Knuckle, 07 June 2013 - 08:45 AM.
Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:46 AM
Callsign: Fish
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: No preference
Playstyle: Fast and sneaky
Roletype: Light scout and/or medium support
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: Besides MWO I've only played the Mechassault games released on Xbox
Posted 20 December 2012 - 05:57 PM
Callsign: Cal
Timezone: US EST
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: Uncoordinated Brawler
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: I've died a few times randomly (Played MW 3/4 ages ago as well)
Looking to join somewhere, learn how not to be absolute crap.
Posted 20 December 2012 - 05:57 PM
Callsign: Hetzer
TimeZone: UTC -8 Canada
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Frontline attack
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: Mechwarior 4
I work well in teams and have no problems to follow instuctions from someone.
Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:43 PM
Timezone: PacificTime
House/Faction: I can has madcats?
Playstyle: At the moment mainly artillary, support, long range. Open to learning others.
Roletype: Artillary, focused fire, mobile missle platform
Preferred Weight: Heavy, mainly pilot a few different catas, willing to learn.
Experience: MW2,3,4, mechassault, and MWO in closed beta, but just now coming back to play more regularly.
Casual, 2-4 hours a week, can do more if needed, would just like to drop with friendly people for fun games.
Posted 21 December 2012 - 03:57 AM
Timezone: Australia (GMT +10)
House/Faction: ?
Playstyle: Spotter/Missile Boat
Roletype: Support
Preferred Weight: Any, tell me what I should do
Experience: Nil.
Looking for a group to play with, perferably one that is active in my time zone and uses voice communication.
Im real good at following directions and suggestions. I will make an ideal soldier.
Posted 21 December 2012 - 06:00 AM
Timezone: Norway/GMT+1
Playstyle: Varied
Roletype: Varied
Preferred weight: Heavy/Assault
Experience: Very little multiplayer, but have played most of the earlier mechwarrior games.
Looking for a casual group of players who appreciate teamwork without going overboard
Posted 21 December 2012 - 10:51 PM
Callsign: ShadowRonin
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Hit and run
Roletype: Recon
Preferred Weight: Light
Experience: MW4
Posted 22 December 2012 - 03:52 PM
Callsign: Gradrock
Timezone: MST
House/Faction: Unasigned
Playstyle: Any that wins
Roletype: Support
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: Mechwarrior 1-4
Posted 22 December 2012 - 05:05 PM
Good luck to all and see you on the battlefield.
Edited by Dark Apostle, 26 December 2012 - 11:52 AM.
Posted 22 December 2012 - 09:30 PM
I have found a corp, many thanks for the other offers. See you all on the battlefield!
Edited by Wrathbringer, 28 December 2012 - 12:38 AM.
Posted 23 December 2012 - 06:37 AM
Callsign: Serpentum
Timezone: UTC/GMT +4 (MSK)
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: Close combat or middle range (depends on mech fit), but like to support with LRM boats.
Roletype: Coordinated vanguard / Support
Preferred Weight: Heavy / Assault
Experience: MW2,MW3, MC2, MC3, WoT (2 years), MWO from opening, general gaming experience more than 15 years.
notes: Not hardcore BattleTech universe fan, usually available in the evening for 2-3 hours, at weekends more time, looking for organized and well coordinated group, preferred language is RU, but all other variants can be discussed.
Edited by Serpentum, 23 December 2012 - 06:42 AM.
Posted 23 December 2012 - 08:27 AM
Callsign: BigPuma
Timezone: CET / UTC+1
House/Faction: Davion / FedSuns
Playstyle: mid-longrange Fire Support / artillery Lance
Roletype: Damage Dealer / Supporter
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy/Assault
Experience: Mechwarrior, Crecent Hawks Revenge, MW2-4 including all Upgrades & Mercenaries packages, MechCommander 1&2, WoT, BT tabletop
Languages: German (native speaker) & English (fluent)
Looking for a group willing to join the Davion side ones faction warfare is implemented. Work for a living and have family & real life, so won't be available 24/7. Rather casual gaming-style, maybe a little bit more success orientated but certainly not sacrifying fun for success (meaning I like to win and to be part of a team but do not seek a paramilitary organization with some drill sergeant constantly barking orders)
Peferably my new ingame home is near to my own timezone and its members show gentlemenlike behaviour
Edited by BigPuma, 27 December 2012 - 11:17 PM.
Posted 23 December 2012 - 09:42 AM
Callsign: BRBellerophon
Timezone: GMT+8
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: I don't rush headfirst into fights (because that means certain death for a medium pilot, in my experience) but prefer to stay in the group, dissasembling enemy "rushers" who aim to break into and disrupt our lances. I mainly stay with the frontliners but usually pilot a chassis with enough speed to support long-range 'mechs at the back of the group. I prefer group-oriented play rather than just run and gun.
Roletype: Brawler.
Prefered Weight: Medium
Experience: Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries, MechCommander 2
Edited by BRBellerophon, 23 December 2012 - 09:44 AM.
Posted 23 December 2012 - 02:29 PM
Callsign: Dr N
Timezone: GMT -8
House/Faction: House Liao/Capellan Confederation, but not that important
Playstyle: Cautious opportunist, teamwork
Roletype: Long range fire support
Prefered Weight: Heavy/Assault
Experience: Mechwarrior 2! And of course MWO
Available mostly during the day. Looking for casual, flexible group to improve with. My availability fluctuates, so I can't go too hardcore. I like playing the ATLAS and have missile boat, sniper, and brawler varients.
Posted 23 December 2012 - 08:27 PM
name: BL4KSTAR
callsign: Bl4K
timezone: GMT -7
house/faction: freelance merc
playstyle: brawler
roletype: frontline firesupport
preferred weight: assault
experience:All previous incarnations of MW, SFC,EVE,WOT.
Interested in joining an organized corp, with proper voice comms & leadership, who understand the importance of correctly directing units during battle to optimize effectiveness.Proper comms discipline is essential to this goal, only the commander & scouts should be talking (usually) everyone listens to the commander & does what they are told.In this way, efficiency & DPS directed on the same target at the same time, leads to a swift & decisive victory, over less organized units with too many "maverick" elements defeating their purpose.
I would like to join a corp that has a decent number of active members, as I do not enjoy less than 8 man groups.I would not consider myself "hardcore" but I do enjoy playing with a well disciplined group, as victory is far more enjoyable than disorganized chaotic groups who just kinda run around without anyone calling the shots.
Edited by BL4KSTAR, 31 December 2012 - 11:55 AM.
Posted 24 December 2012 - 10:27 AM
Callsign: BlakNite
Timezone: UTC -6 (Central US)
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Mixed, short to medium-range weaponry.
Roletype: Medium to close
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Mechwarrior 1-4, Mechcommander 2
Posted 24 December 2012 - 11:17 AM
Callsign: Archoniam
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
House/Faction: Freelancer (that's code for "TeamSpeak pugger")
Playstyle: Reconaissance / Brawler. Screw your LRMs.
Roletype: High-Speed Scout / Harasser; Brawler
Preferred Weight: Light / Medium (some heavies)
Experience: MechWarrior 4, MechWarrior: Living Legends, closed beta MWO
Looking for a semi-pro group that's more interested in playing the game than corp organization. Generally pretty active; 1-3 hours daily at the least. Can adapt well to most 'Mechs and combat situations.
Edited by Archoniam, 24 December 2012 - 02:33 PM.
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