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#1481 Davy J0nes


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Posted 09 May 2014 - 05:48 PM

Name: Dugaul

Callsign: N/A Dug?
Timezone: GMT
Playstyle: ( I try and keep to the high ground and when I can use buildings etc as cover when holding my ground ) But will Stick with group, like to keep an eye out for teamma8s under fire and back them up.
Roletype: Pretty much support.
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: Mech Experience with TBT5J, TBT-3c, and my fav TBT-7k - Besides that played with past mechwarrior game starting with mech warrior 2

#1482 THE TECHN1C14N


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Posted 10 May 2014 - 12:05 PM

Name: John
Callsign: The Technician
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Merc (or Until Comstar ever becomes available)
Playstyle: "strategic closer" (hit them from afar with friendlies, move in close and hit them hard)
Rolestyle: close range beatstick
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Played a lot of MW4 its expansions with the 13th Wolf Guards then Clan Snow Raven, tried to get into the tabletop game, but no players near by. Playing MWO since December

Just looking to find someone folks that are organized! Bring the fun of pugging with the purpose of strategy.

#1483 ArcticSoldier


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Posted 10 May 2014 - 01:49 PM

Name: ArcticSoldier
Callsign: Arctic
Timezone: EST / GMT-5
House/Faction: Merc/Any
Playstyle: Aggressive, Short-mid range, Teamplay
Roletype: Skirmisher / Brawler
Preferred Weight: Light, Medium, Heavy
Experience: MW4 Mercs, MechCommander 2, numerous other games

Edited by ArcticSoldier, 16 May 2014 - 01:16 PM.

#1484 HawkEyes75


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 03:06 PM

Former Blazing Aces Mercenary Member, have not seen or heard from former members looking to rejoin a new mercenary unit that is repected and honored to lend my skills and make some c-bills on the side. Like the rush of combat and competition. Mundane former army soldier 16yrs service Honorable discharged, now looking to join the mercenaries on MWO.

Name:Casten C. Mackerer

House/Faction:Former Blazing Aces
Playstyle: short/medium range/ long range support
Roletype:Brawler, Skirmisher
Preferred Weight:Light/medium/some Heavy
Experience:MW2/MW2Merc.-Mw4,MWO 2yrs, CBT Tabletop, and Mechwarrior Dark Age Tabletop

#1485 RedPorkums


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 02:00 PM

Name: Hodor

Timezone:-4:00 GMT or atlantic standard time
House/Faction:Lone Wolves
Preferred Weight:However Much an atlas weighs
Experience:Been playing this game for a few years,was an original beta tester

Basically im a pretty lonely and chubby atlas pilot looking for a little love,perhaps on a date outside new river city.
I enjoy Long walks on the Beach,Death star runs,and Buckets of Fried Chicken

#1486 Malakie


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 02:42 PM

Name: Malakie
Callsign: Malakie or MalakieUSN
Timezone: GMT+6
House/Faction: House Davion or Merc Corps
Playstyle: Lone wolf OR Military Team if run correctly
Roletype: Direct Action
Preferred Weight: Medium - Assault depending on mission parameters
Experience: Extensive...

1989 - During a medical leave from the U.S. Navy, I was part of the team that help build the very first Battletech Center in Chicago. I designed the Sapphire 68020 board that plugged into the Amiga main boards in each cockpit used to bring the very first cockpits online with enough FPS to make it viable.
1990 or so, Ralph Reed was my V.P. at TTR Development during this time and until I was medically cleared to go back to duty in 1992.. Ralph, with input help from me, created the first Battletech computer based game actually derived from the books. It was called Mechforce and ran on the Commodore Amiga - I STILL play this game today on my Amiga.
1991 to present - Have played every Battletech game or derivative of out there. Own many of the books from the beginning of the Houses to the Clan invasion. I am now active here as one of the first Founders as well as on the MWTactics website.

Battletech is one of those few genre's that I have kept up on through all these years... I still have some of the original paintings done by artists as well as a few other artifacts from early years.

#1487 maniacos


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 07:33 AM

Name: Jherek Carnelian
Callsign: Jherek C
Timezone: GMT+1 (Germany)
House/Fraction: Merc
Playstyle: Quick light wing, fast scout, sneak in/poke on/pull out, loyal team mate, tactically aware.
Roletype: supporting Jenner, leg protector
Preferred Weight: Light, Medium
Experience: 2 years clanning in MW3, 6 months MW4, about 1 month MWO



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Posted 17 May 2014 - 05:20 PM

Name: WTFClock
Callsign: Clock
Timezone: GMT -5
House/Faction: Undec. / Lone.
Playstyle: Long-Range support or Brawler.
Roletype: Support/Tank.
Preferred Weight: Heavy-Assault.
Experience: Played MW games over the years from 3+.

Edited by WTFClock, 18 May 2014 - 07:07 AM.

#1489 GenBeco


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Posted 18 May 2014 - 06:40 AM

Name: Gen Beco
Callsign: Gen/Gecko
Timezone: GMT+10

House: merc

Playstyle: take damage deal it back

Roletype: Distraction/mid-short range damage

Prefered weight: well i like them between 45 and 60 kilo but... ow mechs right medium
Prefered chassis: Trusty Centurion

Experience: Heavy armour (pc with crazy ass control board), mw1-4 1 and 2 are my favs, battletech table top game, battletech rpg.

About me: I am very tactically minded i use my centurion to survey the feild keeping an eye on the map and an eye on the cross hairs can coordinate defenses well and am good at holding a line i dont back down and will body block for an ally with more firepower than me not afraid of being the rear gaurd in a retreat and will keep fighting even if i have to jumo out of the cockpit and pull out a laser pistol and knife (which sadly we cant do yet) but with me you wont have that sook hiding behind a rock while you get shot at youll have me a moving peice of cover with some ac/5s rockets and lasers also im autralian and before you ask no i dont ride a kangaroo or emu to school i have kangaroo steak and scrambled emu eggs for breakfast also i finished school years ago haha

Edited by GenBeco, 18 May 2014 - 06:43 AM.

#1490 No One Lives Forever


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Posted 18 May 2014 - 02:00 PM

Name: Nerrixx
Callsign: Nerrixx
Timezone: GMT+0 (+1 summer time), but usually play +/- 23:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT.
House/Faction: Lone Wolf
Playstyle: Sneak, quick strike, team player. Depends on teams.
Roletype: Brawler, Sniper, Support.
Preferred Weight: Heavy, Assault for now. Learning lights.
Experience: Actively playing 4+ months now, just over 2k matches. Have 16 mechs (for now).

Looking for any good and active players / groups I could play with and learn from. Best would be adult/mature people. Catch me in game or reply by private msg in forum. Thanks.

Edited by Nerrixx, 18 May 2014 - 02:02 PM.

#1491 _VOX_


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Posted 19 May 2014 - 01:48 AM

Name: Arcwave
Callsign: Arc
House/ Faction: Steiner (don't really care..)
Playstyle: Brawler, close support, medium range support
Roletype: Heavy damage hitter, Close support
Preferred Weight: Assault/ Medium
Timezone: PST (California)

I'm usually in the top 3 of every match I play.
Avg.Damage per game: 450-600+ range (consistently)
Avg. XP per game: 801.35
Kill Death Ratio: 1.34

- Extensive.
- 2+ years of playing
- Mastered Cataphract, Atlas, Hunchback (I have 8 mechs).
- Very good aim/ Tactical

- Teamspeak
- A good character team

#1492 Wicketness


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Posted 19 May 2014 - 05:25 PM



House/Faction: 10th Solaris Rangers

Thank You All

Edited by Wicketness, 21 May 2014 - 07:55 PM.

#1493 DaChump


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Posted 19 May 2014 - 07:35 PM

Thanks for all the invites! :(

Name: DaChump

Timezone: Eastern
Playstyle:brawl, sniping support
Roletype: sniping harassment (no LRM), close quarters combat, support
Preferred Weight: Assault/Heavy
Experience: Mechwarrior 2 Mercs, Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance [ Clan: SNO (slaves to no one) ], Mechwarrior 4 Mercs.

I've been playing this game for a few days, looking to buy my first assault mech soon. Currently using trial mechs (victor). I read some of the books and whatnot. Looking to play with a few good people who have excellent teamwork. I use skype through my phone, can't use anything else due to incompatability between PC and headset.

Edited by DaChump, 28 May 2014 - 09:12 AM.

#1494 Octavian


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 07:21 PM

Callsign: Octavian
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Lone Wolf
Playstyle: Battleline
Roletype: Fire Support, Bodyguard
Preferred Weight: Assault, Heavy, Medium
Experience: total noob :), MW4: Vengance, MW4: Mercs, massive TT/MegaMek experience

Mech stable:

clan pre-orders

Edited by Octavian, 20 May 2014 - 07:26 PM.

#1495 Psydwaiz


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 03:54 PM

Name: Chad

Callsign: evermann00
Timezone: CST
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: Calculating
Roletype: Comfortable either front-line or support
Preferred Weight: Any (I use all weights)
Experience: Played competitively on Mechwarrior 4 Mercs for many a year. Experienced in coordinated tactics as well as soloing. Been on MWO a few months & the fever is back.

Looking for a group with a good mix of competitiveness & comradery w/o the douchbaggery.

#1496 Lurch180


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 11:30 PM


Callsign: LURCH180

Timezone: PST
House/Faction: FRR / None
Playstyle: Brawling with a bit a sniping thrown in
Roletype: Whatever is needed
Preferred Weight: Heavy, Light, Medium, Assault... Play all, but preference is in that order
Experience: I'm 45, been around since the introduction of tabletop... MWO is the only seriously invested computer sim tho'.

Just lookin' to have some fun but competitive times.... no drama please.....lol

Edited by Lurch180, 25 May 2014 - 04:00 PM.

#1497 Buggsy


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 10:35 PM

Name: Buggsy
Callsign: Buggsy
Timezone: all
House/Faction: Liao
Playstyle: none preferred
Roletype: none preferred
Preferred Weight: none preferred
Experience: Plenty of FPS games

Looking for a large enough clan that's online all the time at the weirdest hours. Will listen on TS but won't talk.

I just bought my first mech Cicada 4m, medium mech for short que times, and see how that ECM works out.

#1498 Dave Lister


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 12:16 PM

Name: Dave Lister
Callsign: Listy
Timezone: GMT+00
House/Faction: Merc Corps
Playstyle: Recon/Support Mostly but dependent on chassis. Utility player: will adapt to role needed.
Roletype: As above
Preferred Weight: No preference but enjoy light and heavy, though have medium and assaults
Experience: MWMERCS onwards. MWO from initial release. MMORPGS

Looking for an organised group who are out to have fun.

#1499 IndieSoul


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Posted 29 May 2014 - 06:32 PM

Callsign: IndieSoul
Timezone: MST (GMT+6)
House/Faction: Any.
Playstyle: Anything except LRM support.
Roletype: Direct Fire Support and Light Harassment.
Preferred Weight: Haven't really figured that out yet.
Experience: Mostly console shooters but have been playing on PC much more recently. Played MW3 and 4: mercs years ago and only MechAssault 1/2 since then.

Just finished my first 25 matches only using the trial Firestarter and was told I should check out merc corps for a better time. Makes sense to me. I mean, it's a team game.
Stats:(Probably doesn't mean much with how few games I've played)
Avg. Dmg. 314.6
KDR 1.31

I haven't bought a mech yet.
I do have TS3 and raidcall.
Looking for a casual group most of the time. At least until I get better.

#1500 Sagedabluemage


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Posted 30 May 2014 - 10:47 AM

Name- Sage
Callsign- Sagedabluemage
Timezone GMT -4
House/Faction - Merc
Playstyle- Hit and Run / Bait/ Utility
Roletype- Direct and Indirect Support/ Brawler/ Sniper/
Preferred weight- Medium - Assault ( cant play lights for the life of me)
Experience- Mw1, Mw2, Mw3, Mw4, MWT, all Expansions and MWO

If ya get the chance in game Bug me.

Recruited - Phoenix Dominion

Edited by Sagedabluemage, 15 September 2014 - 06:55 AM.

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