Name: Manfred (or Fred, prolly easier to pronounce for the english speaking folks
Callsign: Crispy Chicken
Timezone: GMT, but I play usually past midnight local time, so american time zones suit my playtimes too
House/Faction: Steiner currently (for 13 more days)
Playstyle: Beginner
Roletype: not sure yet
Preffered Weight: not sure yet
Experience: random games, for long enough to buy me a Shadowhawk (so not really much)
On the plus side I guess I did not have much time to pick up bad habbits yet
In the time I am playing now one thing got clear to me though: to enjoy this game you have to play with others in a lance, prefferaby with TS.
So what I am looking for is ideally a more relaxed clan/guild with a TS3 server where I can learn a few things and group up with others often. I spoeak german and english. I usually play several hours a day, and that most days. So a group on the more organised side could work too, but I most deffinitely do not want a highly organised military style top notch thing where I have people depending on me showing up. Don't get me wrong, I am reliable, but I do not want ot be forced to play when I am not in the mood for it. So nothing with fixed Lances or fixed play times please. Although I aim to become a better player, fun and enjoying the game comes first for me. If you are interested - or have questions - just give me a holler, hope to hear from you soon