Hiring Hall
Posted 03 June 2018 - 03:04 AM
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: Null
Playstyle: Scout/Long range support/Hit and run brawl
Roletype: Light mechs
Preferred Weight: 55t>
Experience: Been playing Mechwarrior for well over 20 years, have played MWO casually on and off for the past 2 but am now putting in some serious hours. I focus on playing light mechs which can snipe or hit and run. As for non-light mechs I can also pilot a Stormcrow with success and I'm currently saving up for a Hellbringer to try my hand at a heavier chassis.
My favourite light mech is the Arctic Cheetah for which my stats are as follows (according to MWOMercs):
Average damage per game: 410
KDR: 2.58
Win %: 63.51
Posted 04 June 2018 - 09:54 AM
Callsign: N/A
Timezone: US central
House/Faction: Kurita Inner Sphere
Playstyle: Aggressive/direct
Roletype: Damage dealer/supressive fire
Preferred Weight:60-100 tons
KDR: poor. (it'll get better. I hope.)
Edited by insanebotv21, 04 June 2018 - 10:00 AM.
Posted 05 June 2018 - 02:50 PM
Callsign: Synnthetic
Timezone: Central-USA
House/Faction: Flexible
Playstyle: Any
Roletype: Any
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: Experienced MechWarrior pilot looking for a unit for Faction Play. I originally played the game from Open Beta in November 2012 till November 2014; quit due to the life commitments and could no longer hold out for the release of Community Warfare.
4 years later, I’ve come back to see if the game has matured into its potential… I am very pleased with the improvements! I have been an avid Mechwarrior fan at heart, and the recent Battletech release on PC, inspired me to give this game another go. I am very familiar with the basic aspects of the game; and the nuances are coming back really fast. I can play any role from Brawler, to Firesupport, to Lights. And in a pinch, I can Drop Call.
I’m looking for a unit that is very active in Faction Play and is capable of fielding regular 12mans. Unit discipline and organization is very important to me, as I am a team player through and through. I am willing to bring my mech garage up to Faction Play specs once I find the right unit; I understand my long term enjoyment in playing the game only goes as far as the people I play with.
As I am getting back into the game, I realized that I should have stayed those many years ago. But as they say, cie la vie.
Thank you for considering my application,
Posted 06 June 2018 - 06:49 PM
Timezone: UTC+10
House/Faction: House Davion
Play-style: Long Range
Role-type: Fire Support
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Minimal
Posted 06 June 2018 - 10:27 PM
Callsign: twchris13579
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Will join whatever one is needed
Playstyle: Long range
Roletype: Sniper
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience:Play a few matches with me and decide for youself.
Quick note, I am not interested in joining a website or signing up on some separate forum. If your unit isn't open to people without making them jump through some dumb application process then count me out. I'm here for fun, and of course to win in the process. Don't ask me to talk about real life stuff or real world issues (politics, things in the news, etc..), I keep my gaming life and my real life separate.
Posted 10 June 2018 - 02:41 AM
Name: Horst Draper
Callsign: Horse
Timezone: GMT+9.5 (Adelaide Australia)
House/Faction: Inner Sphere only
Playstyle: Balls out
Roletype: down hill fast
Preferred Weight: 35ton Wolfhounds- Centurians- Jagermechs, Cataphract and 70 ton Warhammers.
Experience: since 1990
Posted 10 June 2018 - 05:39 AM
Callsign: RFaundez
Timezone: GMT -04:00
House/Faction: Null (Would join if asked)
Playstyle:long range support / Sniper / Ballistic
Roletype: Support,
Preferred Weight: Assault (got the misery), would play anything
Experience: MW 4, MW Mercenaries, early beta
Don´t have a lot off time, but can invest in required mech to fullfil the position.
Posted 10 June 2018 - 06:24 AM
Callsign: Dunther
Timezone: MST
House/Faction: Would join if it is a good fit
Playstyle: I am flexible here and willing to learn any role needed
Roletype: will play anything
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: getting back into the game, last time played before was when the Timber Wolf came out, and played some of the betas
Posted 10 June 2018 - 03:12 PM
I love BattleTech and Big Stompy Robots. MechWarrior was one of my first PC games. Yes, I am getting old.
My family and friends love to play as well, though most of them are complete noobs when it comes to BT/MW. I have 5-10 Intel+Nvidia powered Battlestations in various states and builds around so we can LAN it up and such. We are looking for other PNW/West Coast Gamers to hang with and do Big Stomy Robot stuff with. Maybe even some TableTop since we are local here to the Pacific Northwe
Hit me up on here with your name and email and I will email you as soon as I can. I personally am down for whatever, though honestly not a huge fan of the clans. Also, if you are local to Oregon I do host some MWO LAN Party Events every now and then.
SlumLord over and out.
Posted 11 June 2018 - 03:18 PM
Callsign: Rando Slim
Timezone: U.S. Mountain (UTC -6 I think....Northern Utah......whatever that is).
House/Faction: Couldn't care less really.
Playstyle: I'm pretty adaptable......almost to a fault to where I don't have a true mastery, play somewhat faster or flankier things at medium or short ranges where I'm most comfortable.
Roletypes: I'm capable at most things but I'm just not that good really at long distance sniping and poptarting. I can brawl, duel, flank, and midrange skirmish pretty well. I am usually very attentive for stuff like UAVs and will chip in to call targets and weak points if comms isnt too cluttered with too many people trying to do it at once.
Weightclasses/loadouts: I possess over 140 mechs, not much of the new stuff though, Arctic Wolf was my last purchase. I can genuinely find enjoyment in any weight class and a wide variety of loadout types but find myself when left to my own devices piloting mediums, a few specific lights, and faster heavies/assaults. I will run meta or troll or whatever, it's all fun to me.
Experience: Several thousand hours in MWO I'm sure. Started in March or so of 2013. Have taken a few months long breaks here and there and am just coming back from one, been playing by myself for about a month. I started in Aces Wild, ended up as a scrub in 228th IBR for a while.
Make no mistake though, I may be a "scrub" by 228 standards......but I'm by no means terrible overall. Anyway, I just want to relax and have fun and mess around anymore. I just want to have some laughs, share some knowledge, and just have human interaction in the game again basically. I'd hope for a small to medium size unit of people that get along well and hopefully don't totally suck. I would prefer a unit that operates in the Western or Mountain U.S. Timezones.
Edit: I have now joined War Wolf Command.
Edited by Rando Slim, 15 June 2018 - 09:50 AM.
Posted 17 June 2018 - 01:28 PM
Callsign: Whiskeytangofox007
Timezone: Eastern U.S. UTC -5
House/faction: n/a
Playstyle: Prefer to stay at mid-range but do brawl on occasion.
Roletypes: Not set on anything just yet. Still relatively new to the game.
Preferred weight: Heavy or Assault.
Experience: I played for a bit back in 2013. Just started up again a couple weeks ago. I can hold my own but by no means am I a good pilot. When I don't make stupid positioning mistakes I think I'm at least average.
Basically I'm looking for a laid back group to drop with. Game is more fun if you have some guys or gals willing to communicate and work together.
Edited by WhiskeyTangoFox007, 17 June 2018 - 01:29 PM.
Posted 18 June 2018 - 06:16 AM
Callsign: DASH77
Timezone: GMT+0
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: TBD
Roletype: TBD (Enjoy skirmish/flanking maneuvers as part of a coordinated attack plan)
Preferred Weight: Med/Heavy
Experience: Minimal. Have played previous MW and Mechcommander games, but am new to online play. That said, I'm really enjoying playing as part of a team, and that's mainly what I'm looking to get recruited for! Would love to play with others who want to work together and have some fun. Nothing too competitive, but keen to improve my skills and learn from other players.
Posted 18 June 2018 - 08:56 AM
Callsign: Oktar
Timezone: GMT+1
House/Faction: NONE
Playstyle: Uncertain
Roletype: Uncertain
Preferred Weight: Uncertain
Experience: After playing Mech warrior 4 mercenaries, I felt like playing something else in the Mech Warrior verse so I thought, hey MWO would be perfect. And I noticed I can lob great quantities of missiles at people so I thought that was fun.
I'm looking for a group that uses discord, just because I find it easier to drop in an out of, as opposed to Teamspeak, or other VOIPs. Not into very hierarchical guild structures, since i'm mostly looking for a group of people to hang out maybe once or twice a week. Since i'm very new to the game, I still don't know how far I want to go in terms of competetive play.
Preference for Groups that play on Thursdays.
Edited by Oktarnash, 22 June 2018 - 12:02 PM.
Posted 20 June 2018 - 05:47 AM
Callsign: Mortalshock13
Timezone: Pacific Standard
House/Faction: Davion atm but pretty indifferent
Playstyle: Dunno
Roletype: Dunno
Preferred Weight: Light or medium
Experience: 80 hours give or take
Posted 24 June 2018 - 08:54 AM
Timezone: Central USA, typically play 6-10pm
House/Faction: n/a
Playstyle: aggressive and mobile
Roletype: brawl and direct fire support
Preferred Weight: medium to heavy
Experience: little over a month, about a dozen mechs.
Also have a friend I play with but group que is hit or miss with small groups.
I prefer the catapult jester, shadowhawk with an ac20, and huntsman with srm and micro or pocket atlas build, but always looking for new mechs to try out.
Posted 27 June 2018 - 03:32 PM
Callsign: Selitos
Timezone: PST
House/Faction: Flexible
Playstyle: Little bit of everything
Roletype: Flexible
Preferred Weight: Assault>Medium>Heavy>Light
Experience: Played since closed beta but took a long break
I'm getting back into the game and I'd like to join a unit to learn the new meta and have people to blow mechs up with. I'm also interested in competitive play but might need a little bit of training.
Posted 01 July 2018 - 05:48 AM
Callsign: Psyc0h
Timezone: EU
House/Faction: Kurita (Could switch within IS)
Playstyle/Roletype: aggressive, brawl, ranged, tactics
Preferred Weight: Assault and Heavy, but also medium
Experience: only MWO, playing for 2 years after taking a break
Posted 02 July 2018 - 12:09 PM
Timezone - GMT -5 (EST)
House/Faction - Clan-aligned mercenary preferred, but could go straight clan
Playstyle - Any, but prefer sniping or brawling.
Roletype - Any
Preferred Weight - Any
Experience - MechWarrior 1-4 and tabeltop, BattleTech rpg and crpg, other first person shooters, numerous books, only a few months here but learning fast
Edited by Merbak, 02 July 2018 - 12:09 PM.
Posted 02 July 2018 - 10:01 PM
Timezone - GMT -6 (Central)
Experience -
- [Redacted]
- 20 years experience in Country Western dancing and can teach classes when called upon to do so.
- [Redacted]
- Scary good with Excel
- Can range from baritone to tenor, but miss most of the notes on the way
- Aries
Edited by draiocht, 03 July 2018 - 10:51 AM.
unconstructive, inappropriate content or references
Posted 04 July 2018 - 04:17 PM
Callsign: Bolyarin
Timezone: CST (UTC−06:00)
House/Faction: House Marik
Playstyle: Frontline, Flanker, Team Player
Roletype: Skirmisher, Brawler
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: Battletech (2018)
I've been on most weekdays around 20:00 - 24:00 CST, and throughout the day on weekends. Looking for a Casual Unit (i.e. no practices, etc) which focuses on having fun (and winning ofc).
Edited by Bolyarin, 04 July 2018 - 04:35 PM.
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