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#61 Vicente Maglioni


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 06:57 PM

Name: Vicente Maglioni.

Callsign: N/A.
Timezone: GMT -03:00.
House/Faction: Davion supporter.

Playstyle: Lone Wolf or part of a Lance.
Roletype: Brawler as a Lone Wolf; Direct and Indirect Fire Supporter as a Lancemate.
Preferred Weight: 50-75ton. Mediums and Heavies.
Preferred Mech: Lone Wolf Medium: Hunchback (4H variant); Lone Wolf Heavy: Black Knight (primary configuration); Lance Medium: Uziel (2S variant); Lance Heavy: Catapult (primary configuration).

Experience: MechWarrior 3 and 4 campaigns and instant action modes - never played online.

Extra Information: As I'm starting college this year, I may not be able to play for more than two hours each week day; however, I would be able and willing to play for entire weekends - I could only engage in longer, time consuming operations, once a week. And I should probably add that I detest the Clans and might be convinced to dedicate extra time to the corporation if it means killing some clanners.

Ack, the text editor is acting up.

Edited by Vicente Maglioni, 16 January 2012 - 06:59 PM.

#62 Gabriel Amarell


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 09:56 AM

Name: Gabriel Amarell
Callsign: Rain
Timezone: Pacific
House: Steiner
Style: Defense/Ambush
Role: Close Combat/Electronic Warfare

Light: Raven/Owens
Medium: Griffin/Centurion
Heavy: Orion
Assault: Battlemaster/Stalker

I prefer flexible designs, a blend of speed, armor and firepower.
I have played all existing mech warrior titles from pen and paper to the last title in the series, mechwarrior 4.

#63 Cinobi Kartell


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 12:40 AM

Name: Cinobi Kartell

Callsign: Red Phantom

Timezone: Central U.S.A. (GMT -6)

House/Faction: Merc

Playstyle: Ambush, flanking

Roletype: Recon

Preferred Weight: Light/Medium

Experience: Mechwarrior 2-4, Mech Commander

#64 Patrio Sioux Daltum


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 02:50 PM

Name: Patrio Sioux Daltum
Callsign: Patriot
Timezone: GMT -5
House/Faction: House Davion/FedSuns
Playstyle: Maneuver warfare
Roletype: Strong light fighter
Preferred Weight: Medium-Heavy
Experience: MW3, MW4+Expansion packs
Other: I try to use the supported blitzkreig tactic as much as possible. Multiple units charging can oft give teh idea that the attackers are more powerful than they are, even if the message is subconscious. I will always try to follow orders to the letter, though I myself have never been much of a strategist. Medium to heavy mechs often work best for blitzkreig tactics, such as the Mad Cat, Vulture, Uziel especially. The Catapult is definitely good for supporting blitzes, and damage the enemy combatants to help bring 'em down. I am a little rusty, though, so be warned.

Edited by Patrio Sioux Daltum, 19 January 2012 - 02:50 PM.

#65 Bishop Black


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Posted 20 January 2012 - 04:51 AM

Name: Bishop Black

Callsign: Ox
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Mercenary (Currently Unemployed)
Playstyle: Mixed
Roletype: Scout or Support
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: MW4: Mercs

#66 Syloce


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 01:38 AM

Name: 1st Lt Syloce

Callsign: Syloce
Timezone: (GMT+2:00) South Africa
Housse/Faction: House Steiner
Playstyle: Close Quarters
Roletype: Recon + Flanking
Preferred Weight: Meduim/Heavy
Experience: MW2, MW3 and MW4:mercs. Started play at age:10 . not much online play.
haven't been in a Mech for 6 years so a bit rusty, but a little oil will do good.

Edited by 1st Lt Syloce, 26 January 2012 - 06:21 AM.

#67 Sgt Idaeus


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 06:01 AM

Name: Sgt Idaeus

Callsign: Griever

Timezone: GMT +9:30

House/Faction: Preference to House Davion. But will proudly serve any reputable Faction. Particularly Favourable to the Eridani Light Horse.

Playstyle: Tenacious, Calculating, and a Team Player.

Roletype: Adaptable, Scouting, Hit and Run, Battleline, Direct/Indirect Fire Support, Tactical
Evaluation, Ambush Preadator.

Preferred Weight: Medium-Heavy, Exceptions include Cougar and Madcat MkII Mechs.

Experience: Mechwarrior 3 (inc.pirates moon expo), Mechcommander Gold, Mechwarrior 4 (inc. Black Knight expo), and (I'm ashamed to say) MechAssault.

Of Further Note:
- Comfortable in a variety of roles, including (but not limited to); Solo/Team based Operations, Lineman/Sub Command.
-Can demonstrate an understanding concerning the balance of Personal Initiative to Ordered Directives.

Edited by Sgt Idaeus, 25 January 2012 - 08:44 PM.

#68 Spot


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 05:14 PM

Name: Spot

Callsign: Spot
Timezone: (GMT-6:00) Central Time
House/Faction: N/A / Merc
Playstyle: Recon / Team Tactics
Roletype: Scout Lance / Sniper / Fire Support
Preferred Weight: 35-60
Experience: MW:3 and MW:4, many other games but none like MWO is going to be but i can take orders and give them, i am a leader and also a dedicated soldier and team mate.

Edited by Spot, 25 January 2012 - 05:16 PM.

#69 Trireaper


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Posted 25 January 2012 - 05:24 PM

Black Widow company has recruited me :)

Edited by Trireaper, 26 January 2012 - 12:37 PM.

#70 Ice Dragon


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 07:48 PM

Callsign:Ice Dragon
House/Faction:Can't Remember last Merc group, possibly CAN
Playstyle:Divide and conquer, flanking, ambush
Roletype: Long Range Support (LRMS mostly)
Preferred Weight:Medium - Heavy
Preferred Chassis: Catapult, Vulture or Mad Cat MkII, Rifleman, Hollander, Nova Cat
Experience: MW2, MW2: Mercs, MW3, MW4, MW4: Mercs, Mechcommander 1, Mechcommander 2. Online experience with MW3 and MW4, played a lot of coordinated matches with other clans.

Edited by Ice Dragon, 28 January 2012 - 07:51 PM.

#71 Harry Dresden


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 08:11 PM

Name: Harry Dresden
Callsign: Wizard
Timezone: MST (GMT-7)
House/Faction: None-open to all (preferred Davion in the 3066-67 FedCom civil war, but that's later on in the canon)
Playstyle: Hit and run, though I'll have to see how fluid the control scheme is.
Roletype: Mobile attack
Preferred Weight: Medium/mobile heavy (bushwacker, thor, etc.)
Experience: MechWarrior 3-4

#72 Fireproofjeans


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 10:57 AM

Name: Dex
Callsign: Fireproofjeans (Fyre)
Timezone: -8:00 (Pacific Standard Time, North America West Coast)
House/Faction: Undetermined (Not familiar enough with Lore to make a good decision)
Playstyle: Laser Boat or Missile Boat, Heavy Hitting, All Ranges.
Roletype: Flexible
Preferred Weight: Flexible.
Experience: MW4:Vengeance and Mercenaries. Not sure of relative skill level versus other players.
I'm flexible. I have favourite 'mechs in every weight category, and I usually have long and short range variants of those 'mechs. I do tend to prefer single big-hit weapon loadouts, such as dual PPC or large arrays of missiles, but I'm willing to use low-damage-sustained-fire loadouts and unfamiliar 'mechs if desired. I enjoy piloting both lumbering powerhouses and zippy scouts, so I can fill pretty much any role you need.

As far as personality goes, I'm easy-going, enjoy humor, and don't mind running in formation. I can follow reasonable orders ("Attack my target", "Form on me", "Go to alpha" sort of thing, not "Go where my mouse is pointing", because I can't see your screen)

On the other hand, I dislike drama, and won't put up with ridiculous expectations (expecting me to call in sick to work, cut class, spend my money for the group, power tripping, extreme micromanaging) I AM willing to donate time if I have some to spare, and I will try to cover shifts to be at battles, I'm just not going to put my life on hold for a game.

I do have a life, so I can't be at your beck and call, but if you set a date I'll do my best to be there.
tl,dr; I have my own ride, but I'll pilot whatever you want me to - I go with the flow.

Edited by Fireproofjeans, 01 February 2012 - 11:25 AM.

#73 Rayge


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 11:34 AM

Edit: decided to run my own ship. Check out http://reddit.com/r/credditMWO for details!

Experienced MW player here. I started playing mechwarrior with MW2 single player and took to MW3 multiplayer quite happily. Some of my favorite memories are my 30 machine-gun Owens build (that only worked with UA on lol), playing as an elemental and downing a Daishi (again in MW3), and quad gauss cannon sniping with a Dashi in MW4 (specifically on the capture the flag level with those huge mountains!).

So much fun! and I'm so exicted that MWO is going to mix things up with such a heavy multiplayer focus. I actually picture the game to be similar to World of Tanks (if you've heard of it), because of the role that scouts play in supporting the longer range and heavier players.

I personally would be quite willing to play any of the three main roles (defense, offense, scout), and maybe even command depending on how exactly they work it out. I however am not willing to pigeonhole myself into a specific role until I've had a chance to explore each one. Jsut because I like scouting in WoTanks, doesn't mean I'll enjoy the implementation in MWO.

I do have vent and a mic and other voip options as well, I am employed full-time and have 2 beautiful daughters.

Looking for good groups to play with!

Name/callsign: Rayge
Timezone: N.American Central (CST)
House/Faction: undecided
Playstyle/Role type: I like a bit of everything
Preferred Weight: I lean toward jack-of-all-trades mechs (~75ton), but would be quite willing to run a light scout or others.
Experience: see above
Other: I prefer a group that does not use TS3.Thanks!

Edited by Rayge, 07 February 2012 - 04:13 PM.

#74 DragonClaw


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 01:04 PM

Name: Dragonclaw

Callsign: DC

TimeZone: CT

House/Faction: Merc

Playstyle: Recon/Raider

Roletype: Anti-Recon/Raider

Preferred Weight Class: Med/heavy
Preferred Mechs: IS: Griffin, Wolverine, Black Hawk, and Warhammer
Clan: Conjurer, Huntsman, Nova, Stormcrow, Viper, and Summoner. (I preferre useing clan names)
Experience: I dont want to sound like I have played everything BT and i have not. But i have played TTBT started backin '89, 3 game consoles games, most of the PC games. I play an on-line game thats is close to the table top.

#75 Glastyn


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 10:21 PM

Name : Fabian Simon
TimeZone : GMT +1:00 (Germany)
Experience :
  • MechWarrior 3
  • MechWarrior 4
  • Mech Commander 2
Callsign : CryHavoc
House/Faction : Free Worlds League / Freelancer
Playstyle : Ambush / Coordinated Team-Defense
Roletype : Commander
Preferred Weightclass : Heavy
Preferred Mechs :
  • Light : Raven
  • Medium : Bloodhound
  • Heavy : Orion
  • Assault : Thug
Personal History :

Former Free Worlds League Lieutenant Senior Grade.

Field Experience on all Weight Classes.

8 Confirmed Killshots.

Participated in over 60 Battles, including the famous Battle of Xanthe III in 3037.

Joined the FWLM in 3036, Expelled in 3044 for Insubordination.

Lone Wolf Mercenary and Arena Competitor since then.

#76 Rogue Lantern


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 06:29 PM

Name: Rogue Lantern

Callsign: Rogue
Timezone: AZ -7 hours GMT
House/Faction: None yet. Looking for straight up military style unit. No backstabbing, drama etc..Would like to team up with group that will take play somewhat seriously-just not to the point of being negative and taking the fun out of it though. Can spew ranges and damages on weapons-that kind of serious.
Playstyle: Brawler. Like it intense and fast with a need for solid accuracy.
Roletype: Assault, Guerilla, QRF. Some snipe but need target rich environment or I'll get bored. Pretty much any role, as long as I get some...
Preferred Weight: Medium up. Gotta have plenty of weapons and ammo. Prefer all beam. I h8 to run out of ammo. Yet, ballistic has that kinetic devistation. Yeah, just a trigger jockey at heart. Can light for hit and run snipe.
Experience: Ex Army 7th Light Infantry, hence seriousness and desire for military tactics/teammates. Probably one of the oldest ones here tho. Anyone else here remember the BattleTech game shops where you sat down into a pod with 2 video displays, throttle and joystick to play 15-30 minutes at a time? This was before PC/Xbox started big. Anyway, MW2-MW4. No MC-it wasn't intense enough for me. Can PL/APL w/ small unit tactics if needed.

#77 Alexander Grave


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 03:22 PM

Name: Alexander Grave

Callsign: Grave-9
Timezone: GMT-8
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Sniper, Fire Support, Scout, or Skirmishing
Roletype: Recon or Assault
Preferred Weight: Light or Assault (possibly Medium as well)
Preferred Chasis: Whatever works.
Experience: All MechAssault games, and a few MechWarrior Games. Various unrelated but similar games. Rusty, but quick learner and team player.

Note: I am a college student and have a life. I refuse to be a part of any group that will demand every waking moment from me. I want a group that will NOT ask for this. I will log in casually (probably a couple times a week, though absences may occur if busy with life). I am a team player, but I am human. I expect to be RESPECTED by my peers, and will respect THEM in return. A game is a game is a game, so let's have fun. :)

Further Note: I have been involved in moderating and administrating websites and forum boards for a VERY long time. I have always been both a capable leader AND follower. As a result, I understand orders given to me in a clear manner and will act upon them to the best of my ability.

Last note: I have Skype and will be willing to use this with the group.

#78 Grimm Stoner


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Posted 05 February 2012 - 02:27 PM

Name:Grimm Stoner
Callsign: Callsigns are like nicknames, you earn them, not choose them.
Playstyle:Harrasser, EW
Preferred Weight:light - medium
Experience:MW4 up to the close of the gamespy servers

#79 Zeige


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:46 PM

Name: Zeige Arnault

Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
House/Faction: Mercenary
Playstyle: TBD
Roletype: Support, Support **
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium
Experience: MW2, MW4: Mercenaries, Mech Assault, Mechcommander Gold, MC2 (Lead Wolf Dragoons in The Cobra league's Planetary)
Fav Mechs: Raven and Bushwacker
Mechs Used: Raven, Hunchback mainly and starting to test Cataphract. Really looking forward to the trebuchet. I think it will fit my play style best.**

Edited by Zeige, 12 December 2012 - 02:15 AM.

#80 OzBrad


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 11:03 PM

Name: Brad
Callsign: OzBrad
Timezone: Australia
House/Faction: Undecided
Playstyle: Assault
Roletype: Assault
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Preferred Chassis: Mauler,Awesome. Or what the clan requiers
Experience: Mechcommander, Mechcommander 2, MechWarrior 3, MechWarrior 4, Mechassault, Mechassault 2


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