G'day all. I vote for a fresh start, new thread and competition. The game and more importantly Oceanic comp scene has changed markedly since the HPL tested the waters a year ago. While I am thankful for the initiative of the HPL, I think it is time for a clean redesign.
Here is a draft ruleset that aims to cater for as many Oceanic units of varying size as possible and encourage people to have a go. The fundamental rules are quite simple however I will elaborate on the details for clarity. As you will see it takes inspiration from MRBC, RHoD and MLMW yet remains accessible to small units/groups of mates.
Oceanic 4v4 League.
Pilot Eligibility: Initial rosters of at least 4 (max 8?) are submitted at start of season. Pilots can be added during season if they have not been on any other roster. (Same as MRBC). No geographical limit on pilots but all matches will be on Singapore server.
Team Eligilbility: Pilots within a team do not require the same unit tag (although preferred). Units can enter multiple teams (228: Sobriety Overrated and 228: Choomahdactyls). Roster rules apply.
Format: 2 Stages; Swiss Seeding, Round Robin (this system works with any number of teams)
- Swiss Seeding:
The number of seeding rounds is 2 for up to 4 teams, 3 for up to 8 teams, 4 for up to 16 teams etc,. Round 1 matchups will be random (or approx rating). As per swiss pairing, teams with equal W/L will face each other. Once complete, a rough ladder of teams will be obtained. This can be split into Divisions. (i.e. top 8 become Division A, bottom 8 become Division
. The number and size of the divisions is completely adjustable. This is to encourage newer pilots/teams to have a go and enter the comp scene while the established comp teams (AP MRBC, some EU RHoD?) can still duke it out. If there are a small number of teams and 1 Division seems appropriate, this stage can be skipped completely.
- Round Robin:
Pretty straightforward, we fight every other team in the Division in turn with a leaderboard. End of Season ranking determine winner.
- Finals? Top 2/4 teams play Best of 5 Finals (Optional)
This is where it gets interesting. Best of 3 format (all drops played out):
Drop 1: Conquest 1/1/1/1
Drop 2: Skirmish 240 tons
Drop 3: Conquest 1/1/1/1
Drop 4: Skirmish 240 tons (only used for Finals)
Drop 5: Conquest 1/1/1/1 (only used for Finals)
Maps will be predetermined from a randomised list (Like MRBC/MLMW, maps are known in advance with Alpine, Terra Therma and Viridian Bog excluded). Lower seeded team choses spawn for Drop 1. Loser of previous drop chooses spawn for drops 2+. (For reference, Team 1, Red Spawn creates lobby and Team 2, Blue Spawn gets invited to lobby).
In case of tie on skirmish, both teams get a loss for the drop. Redrop if tied on conquest (that should never happen realistically). There will be no damage countback (unlike MRBC). Gamemode win conditions decide drop win (kill advantage on Skirmish, capture points or team elimination on conquest). Time limit to 10 minutes (should be fine for 4v4, although 15 is fine).
Singapore Server only.
No Strikes
1 Mulligan per team, per match series. Only used in case of pilot DC, illegal dropdeck, IRL disaster. Point of no return (void mulligan) is 1 Minute into game or if any damage has being dealt. The team calling mulligan should type "mulligan" in all chat then all 4 pilots disconnect promptly (this is to prevent that team from seeing enemy loadout or dropdeck).
Scheduling: As per AP MRBC. 1 match per week. Work it out with each other and try to be flexible. Fall-back is Friday 9:00pm AEST (this time seems to be the most universal). If both teams agree to delay a match and play 2 the next week that's fine. (I suggest match start time between 8:00pm and 10:00pm AEST)
Leaderboard scoring: 2 points for match win, 1 point for tie, 0 for match loss. Drops won/lost recorded to split teams on same match W/L. Mechs destroyed/lost likewise recorded. (Forfeits count as 3/0 drop win, 12/0 mechs destroyed/lost).
Seasons: Season length = seeding weeks + division size-1. So for 16 teams (4 seeding weeks) and 2 8 team divisions, seasons will be 11 weeks long.
Mech Eligibility: Any non-preorder mech. Max 1 Clan mech (IS only also good). No duplicate chassis.
Spectating: Spectators must be there to stream and not be same TS channel as competing teams. Streams on at least 5 minute delay.
Issues: Board of team leaders etc. (you get the idea)
Common sense: Don’t cheat, be respectful, have fun
edits: spelling, grammar and wording
Edited by Jay Z, 02 August 2015 - 05:32 AM.