How about this:
leaning heavily on the tribunal system that League of legends has put in use, which is quite a nice system, and can teach both sides (the company and the playerbase) on which behavior is okay, which is close to the line and which is overboard.
(the tree strikes system btw. is counter productive, people will abuse it and test how far they can push it, if you then go and put out sanctions because of "we found you are abusing the system to test how far you can go" you start measuring with two scales, which will breake all hell loose)
Just let US, the player, decide whats okay and what not.
it could work like this:
Add a disike Button.
After a treshold of dislikes v.s. likes is reached, for example 50% more dislikes to a posting, then likes, the posting in question gets hidden, you can choose to "read anyway"
and still access it.
If a person gets a certain ammount of dislikes on Postings, volunteering players (which should be aviable via profile) can review the posting history and decide to:
Forgive that player
Skip the decision
Punish that player
Every case should be handed down to x volunteers for review, and after x volunteers have cast their votes, the outcome would be one of the tree above,
in case of slight "punish" advantage, auto bann for 3 days from the Forums, send the player in question a email, notifing him of the case and the outcome against him,
in case of a CLEAR advantage of punish votes, forward the case with the results to moderators, as those would have to decide if a more severe punishment is in order.
in case of slight advantage in "Forgive" votes, send the player a email notification, that his actions are NOT taken lightly by his fellow players, and that he should reconsider how he behaves within the community, but do NOT auto bann.
in case of a high advantage of forgive votes, have again, review the mod team the case in question and if it is in order, clear his posting from all dislikes.
The most important thing about this system would be, you need to show each case to a big enough number of volunteers,
so personal bias would not be a factor.
that way, the playerbase would have a voice in what is okay to say and what not, all the while PGI would have the last word to say in any case.
Now add in the following:
Managing to NEVER show up in this "tribunal" gives you a title per year you go without any case beeing build up
Managing to judge a certain number of cases "right" (meaning the vote YOU cast reflects the majority of votes cast on that case)
gives you something "nice" for christmas (as example, a cockpit item or something)
That way, you get good metrics on what WE, your players, think is okay to say and what we think, is NOT okay.
You encourage people, instead of "putting a gun" to their head, in form of an bannhammer hovering above them,
to behave in a productive manner.
You make producitve (even critising, if they are contructive) Members stand out, and work as an example for others to follow.
*Edit* what i do not get in this whole affaire, we have WORKING systems out there, developed and tested over years and yet still EACH company does start from scratch, why is that?
Edited by Garandos, 08 September 2014 - 04:42 AM.