Bishop Steiner, on 11 September 2014 - 12:59 PM, said:
It's what happens when one marries ridiculous expectations and a myopic worldview.
This is what has always confused me. Ok maybe not confused...amazed me. I knew going into this that PGI would make a lot of choices I personally would not. From the moment I saw that they ignored a good chunk of what was discussed prior to closed beta. There were several dozen threads that outlined all the problems with previous MW titles, and how to fix them. Others outlined how mech/weapon balance could be achieved (coughcoughCoFcoughcough), how CW might work. Clan/IS balance, important structures that would be needed to make role warfare work, etc.
about 90% of it was not utilized.
MWO is not the game I hoped for, but it IS a fun game. I enjoy it because of the things they did correctly (the feel of the game, the graphics, the gamplay (in general), the sensors (ECM and lack of passive mode being the exceptions), the maps, etc.
Im not bitter and will never be bitter because I went into this with eyes open. I was actually shocked and pleasantly surprised when they implemented burst AC's on the clan side for example. Even though I have been advocating for that for 2 1/2 years. (and still think it would be awesome for IS as part of the overall balance efforts)
Really it is simple: Play the game if you like it. Be an adult, make suggestions, but assume the powers that be will not use them. If you feel like suggestions are not useful, then just play the game.
When things become personal, when you become so invested that you get ANGRY when things don't go your really need to reevaluate why you are here.
I have said it before in several places, and Ill say it again:
Maybe MWO is on its last legs. Maybe not. I honestly don't know. And really I only care because I want it to be successful enough to have another iteration down the road and I want to continue to play now.
I still like MWO. I am curious about CW2. I am hoping that NBT-MWO may offer other options.
But again I have no expectations and Im pretty happy with everything to date.