How Can Pgi Improve Mwo - Free 2 Play Model
Posted 08 January 2015 - 10:31 AM
Posted 10 April 2015 - 05:27 PM
I don't like eliting varients of a varient I don't like to get another one working.
I don't like the low payout of c-bills, especially if I end up not using a mech much.
It's sadly why I've dumped 200+$ into this game. I needed to just to progress decently quickly.
Posted 10 April 2015 - 05:35 PM
Get rid of the free to play model, complete the game and then have dlc packs like typical triple games do hell they did that before xbox live.
get rid of this gouging our wallots for simple digital items that have very little value for us as gamers. We dont have a physical cd for this game if they shut it down all the hundreds and thousands of dollars are literally wasted for nothing. It's not my job to feed pgi workers thats why they work for their company the company is supposed to feed them not us, we just want the game to improve both graphically but in gameplay but both have actually gone back a few steps, the official beta looked and played better compared to the way things are balanced today.
Since I have no faith that they will actually make a huge step like this and design an actual story I'm not gonna support this any longer and in fact have asked for a refund for the wave3. This ship has sailed I'm officially done with supporting free to play model games, frankly I'm just about done with gaming in general.
Games just are not made like they used to be.
Posted 10 April 2015 - 05:44 PM
Night Thastus, on 10 April 2015 - 05:27 PM, said:
I don't like eliting varients of a varient I don't like to get another one working.
I don't like the low payout of c-bills, especially if I end up not using a mech much.
It's sadly why I've dumped 200+$ into this game. I needed to just to progress decently quickly.
Thats what I did only and I regret it. The balance is even worse than it was before, but I agree taking out having to have 2 more mechs which is insulting long time to do if you dont want to spend money is not even fair in fact it does in fact make it a p2w game if you want to enjoy the best mechs possible right away.
I'm tired of companies not taking into account the amount of time I have to play just to enjoy the game. It's not worth it.
They have the rights till 2020...well considering it's 2015 and it took them like what 3 years or something for a broken promised cw that will always be in beta I have no real hope that this game will ever be in the golden spot. No free top lay game ever will be.
Posted 10 April 2015 - 05:50 PM
NEW FREE TO USE MSN GAMMING ZONE chat/lobby/launcher system to replace the private MM system placed on a tab in the UI 2.0. And the MechWarrior4 Mercenaries MM system to play 3rd party leagues free.
MC priced item reduced by 30-50%
C-bills solo mm increased by 30-50%
CW C-bills increased by 30-50%
Mech Armor increased by x2 or 100% +
New game modes/Siege mode/missile mode<-like Hawken has/Attrition mode-With Re-Spawn/12-24 man Vs AI co-op mode/
Get rid of the 3 mech master system to elite a mech and module it.(Only one mech required to elite and module any mech)
Add all CW maps into the solo MM queues for more diversity.
Make all the weapons damage animation 50% less- to much way to much.
Add in all the mechs that were iconic to the MechWarrior IP= Mauler/Marauder/War hammer ETC. but new NON HG Designs.
More New player tutorials expanded to include relevant topics and explanations of game play 2015.
More advertising after all this is done to regain old and new player back to MWO.
P.S I will try to think of a few more things and make a bigger list .

Posted 10 April 2015 - 07:01 PM
And my #1, more cosmetic items.
Different cockpits, unique parts (atlas skulls, different feet, weapon shapes), paint overlays, decals, mechbay themes...
I'd fork out money hand over fist for personalization.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:43 AM
El Bandito, on 08 September 2014 - 07:37 PM, said:
Make mechs, colors, camos, cockpit items more accessible to the casuals--you know, the type of crowd PGI began to suck up to, with the inclusion of 3PV?
Once casuals begin dropping money, they will be hard pressed to leave--thus making them more likely to drop more dollars. Kinda like TF2, LoL, or Dota2. Casuals spending few dollars each, in the long run, will be more profitable than only whales spending hundreds--since they will bring in their friends as well.
Add to the fact that many of the whales are now disappointed with PGI, and no longer drops money, attracting the casuals with lower prices is the next logical move.
Yeah, I vote this, reduce the price on camo, colors, cockpit items and the like to no higher then 500 for any single item. PLanetside 2 has pretty much done this, 500 is standard price and the new PLayer studio items are 1000. Maybe some are 250-375, but 98% are 500, 1 or 2 are maybe 750 if they are selling really well.
Mech grind and economy need to improve. Premium shouldnt be a tool used to make earnings barely tolerable, premium and hero mechs should be a tool used to make a player sit back and go "WOW, that was a nice earning" Getting 600 dmg, 2k, 5a, winning, living, having a 30% boost should not net 150K, instead, the base should be like 170K, then 30% boost for over 200K earnings. An 800 dmg game, 3k, 6a, a win, survive should not pay 170K+boost, it should easily be 200K+boost for like 250K. Add on a PT to the 30% boost for earnings over 300K. They could simply increase winning bonus to 50K, up from 25K, improve damage pay up maybe 20% and increase assists to 5000cbills, up from the like 3500-4000 it is now. That is where we would see a moderately decent improvement to cbill earnings.
Also, they could add an actual salvage type thing to the game. Where if in game you destroyed a mech, you could, after the battle, choose to buy the mech as it was when you killed it, for a reduced price in cbills or MC. You would only get it as you left it, without its armor and guns and w/e else you blew off it....I know that would be a leg everything meta, but would be amusing to try, and could allow a F2P to get some mechs and gear with less grinding and stuff. Obviously, mechs that are not out for Cbills yet and certain reward mechs would be unavailable for this system, but otherwise...
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:07 PM
Posted 11 April 2015 - 09:47 PM
Chuanhao, on 11 April 2015 - 07:07 PM, said:
LOL, no, you want to sell mechs by the handful? YOu dont focus on making new mechs, you focus entirely on making the game a GOOD GAME!!! Interesting, gripping, fun, desireable, entertaining, deep, immersive gameplay. You make a grind that is a grind with progression, but not to the lvl of this game.
Why do you think WoW hasnt died yet? Its like 15 years old, yet it still has thousands of players, even Eq1 and 2 have and get new or returning players every day. Why? THey are all GOOD GAMES. And guess what? Everquest 1 and 2 went FREE TO PLAY!!!! Yet they still get people buying **** in there and apparently the game has no issues sustaining despite being f2p now.
MWO needs good gameplay. Good mechanics, improved performance, a serious overhaul of the New player experience and they will make money hands over fist, especially considering they are the only Mechwarrior based game out atm. They get it truly right and they will be rolling in so much dough they will be able to buy and build the first real Mech....
But alas, the gameplay is dull, the performance and graphics are shoddy or just really greyed out, the grind and NPE is absolutely atrocious and all they seem to be content with is making new mech packs, hoping those who always did will keep buying the new mechs.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 09:57 PM
Posted 11 April 2015 - 10:43 PM
The game has to be improved. SIGNIFICANTLY. You are trying to sell a product against multiple opposition. You only have 1 thing which defines this game over all the generic competition, Big Stompy Mechs. You do not have team fighting synergy and composition ALA Blizzards upcoming TF2 remake, you dont have speed fights ala CS , COD etc, you do not have TF2 multiple level and maps and easily malleable art styles. You have big stompy mechs. So that what it comes down to, your Big Stompy Mechs have to play like Big Stompy mechs, have to feel like BSM , have to shoot , fight and move etc like BSM. They have to look great and when bits get blasted off it has to be epic. When the BSM crash into each other there needs to be collisions and BSMs falling over etc
it doesn't. The game just like CS in feel, you never crash into others, the bits flying off is nice but pretty average compared to the original game and the Beta. The sound and the impact of projectiles and hot lasers..feel like it was from a PG rated Star Wars that was made in 1970s. The stomping feel teeny, you simply do not feel like you are in a big stompy mech fight. The trees do not fall over, they dont explode or blast into flame when you shoot them. You cannot climb up stuff because apparently despite having knees and gyros, you can be blocked by a small protrusion on the ground. the buildings are larger than you and you cannot go thru them. Hell you cant even dent the windows ...Its like something from Quake days.
The engine running this is pretty decent but the devs cannot seem to take advantage of the features.
So yeah the F2p model could work better IF the damn game was better , first actually develop the game and then worry about the payment options. But this is all moot as PGI obviously does not have enough money or talent or resources to actually develop the game further.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 11:06 PM
Posted 12 April 2015 - 12:54 AM
Grisbane, on 10 April 2015 - 07:21 PM, said:
Having a Necro rule for threads is really very inefficient and a waste of a mod's time. If they really dislike old threads being resurrected then they should just set the forums to autolock any thread that does not get a reply after a fixed period of time.
Posted 12 April 2015 - 04:09 AM
PGI should drop the F2P model. Implement $5 a month model giving all players premium time, all the time. Keep in game purchases available, but lower the cost of MC slightly to offset the $5 a month fee. $60 a year isn't a lot. But, it gives PGI a steady stream of income, and let's face it the MWO community has die hard followers - I don't know how many but I'm willing to bet there are a lot. I am hoping that this switch will allow PGI to do more than maps, and mechs. Right now there's just no gameplay. It's drop, tinker with mech, rinse repeat. It's getting old.
Posted 12 April 2015 - 04:12 AM
Posted 12 April 2015 - 11:27 AM
PurpleNinja, on 12 April 2015 - 04:12 AM, said:
It does net the company more money. Free to play allows anyone to play it, and if they like it, they spend money on what they want over a subscription. Ive spent a few hundred on Eq, MWO, PLanetside2 and the like with their f2p model, far more then a 15/mo subscription ever got Sony for EQ. 1 shot of $30 SC in PLanetside 2, thats 2 months of sub, then ive done that numerous times.
The issue with MWO isnt its F2P model, its the core game itself just isnt that great and doesnt draw players in, rather they come, they see, they get wasted, they leave.
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