Regarding Reddit
Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:58 AM
Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:58 AM

Here, it is done.
Don't delete this thread, Niko. If anything, you should sticky it here, forever, as an object lesson to the Internet and a reminder to anyone else who might come by. (It's the Internet and everything is forever anyway, but deleting it just would make you look like a tool at this point.)
I won't be on the "Fire Niko" bandwagon here, because I believe that one can eat crow and get on with the process of doing one's job better the next time. But use a long spoon and take small bites, for I think you've supped with the devil and it's an awful lot of crow to get down. And put all that salt to good use flavoring it instead of loading it into a shotgun and spraying the userbase. (A dose of rock salt delivered in such a manner is a painful experience, from experience.)
Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:59 AM
Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:59 AM
Roland, on 11 September 2014 - 05:23 AM, said:
According to Bryan, they were freaking designing this travesty in 2012 and 2013. This isn't some brand new thing.
At the time when they said they were designing Community Warfare, AND WERE NOT, they were instead designing some OTHER game.
Russ, you said in the townhall you couldn't understand sometimes why people were so pissed off.
If they read this thread, and I mean really read it they will understand plenty.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:01 AM
It's the guys who's calling the shots that are really responsible.
As for the second project, I hope PGI will learn from its (obvious) failure.
MWO still has a promise, but ONLY if they work on fixing the problems and delivering what was promised, and not hiding behind "oh we only got CW left to deliver", while its pretty much everything they've got to fix.
As for balance, I would be really surprised to learn that it is always broken by mistake, and not as the motivation for people to pay money for new mechs which are being nerfed in a couple months (as if editing a file with weapon values takes so much time).
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:05 AM
Do you think Tranny will hit 55k+ ??

Edited by Ensaine, 11 September 2014 - 06:08 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:05 AM
Hmmm, I'm not banned, and this thread hasn't been deleted, and nobody banned. I'm almost kind of disappointed.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:06 AM
Like I said even if they do everything we wanted, worked for maybe days on end without a break or a chance to see family, and deliver Top-Notch material, content, fixes, and communications We, The Community, will never forgive PGI. Ever. Am I saying that PGI is without fault? Of course not. They screwed up. A lot. But then again We, The Community, aren't necessarily exempt from judgment either. We all make suggestions here or there but what do we really do? I mean...What do we really, really do?
We bash, and scream, and yell, and demand human sacrifice for the wrong-doings. We, The Community, Simply will not be sated until "Internet Justice" Is carried out. That so called Justice calls for the complete and utter annihilation of a company and ruined lives. To close, I say PGI...You guys gotta remember that despite how hard you try, How well you engineer, How often you communicate and be transparent you'll never, ever regain anything from this Community except hatred, venom, and a call for blood.
And To the Community: Maybe we should take a step back, reevaluate ourselves and look at the monster we have become because even is PGI loses the IP or whatnot...its Us that will dictate whether or not another company even wants to risk even touching it. Why else has no one picked it up in the past? If the IP dies...the blame wont solely rest on PGI. We'll have to shoulder it some too.
I, on the other hand, am Not sure what to do from here on out. Maybe I'll take a break from both the game and the forums for a while. At least til college is done. Afterwards...who knows. Maybe things will be better, maybe worse. Maybe I'll officially retire from the Forums. I'm Old Guard....but also tired. Tired of the hate. The Lies. The Nerfs. The Buffs. The winnings. The Losings. The ForumWarriors, The White Knights, all of it. I'm Part of the Tired Guard.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:10 AM
Ensaine, on 11 September 2014 - 05:19 AM, said:
I'm VERY tired of Goons bashing. No, I'm not a Goon, though I was asked at one time.
Chronojam's timeline, I cannot compete with, but a brief history.....
Closed Beta. This, that, and the other were released in order for launch of OB. A few weeks before this OB, the community came unglued, indicating the game was NOT ready for the public to see, as we ALL wanted this to succeed on a massive scale.
PGI pushed back the launch of OB, and that was the last time PGI listened. In a press release from PGI, the public at large was told that Open Beta is ready, and that their Closed Beta Testers were 'tired' and burned out, and that PGI now needed more broad feedback. Little did we tired and burned out CB testers know, that feedback would quickly become less and less important. A this point, the Goons were surfacing, and had about as much visibility as any other player, at that time.
When 3PV was announced, where PGI swore it'd never happen, the Goons, by now bigger, and well organized in the MWO community, went on a tear ass. And I don't blame them one bit. I fanned every flame I came near, as I saw the beginning of where we are now.
Ok, moving on.
Russ is in charge, make no doubt. Niko's parameters for PR were mandated by Russ, of this I have no doubt. Hell, they even sound the same in tone and attitude.
But Niko, finding this Reddit thing as amusing, well, there the sound of squealing brakes ensues.
Still think it's amusing now, Niko? I hope you realize, wherever you may look for employment in THIS industry in the future, you CANNOT, under any circumstances, use your real name.
Same goes for Paul, and Russ. I mean, who in their right mind, would trust ANYTHING with you guys involved, ever again? Well, to begin formulating an answer, just scroll up. We have Founders who walked away years ago, with all 12 posts, coming back to let you have it.
Well, now you got it. I'm pissed off. I'm not a big fish, but I'm no minnow. I've begun waking up contact's in the gaming industry, in case I want to re-initialize Mortality Radio. Only this time, the sole focus, instead of D&D 2e, and D&D 3.0 and 3.5, will be all about PGI, and MWO. The show had a tremendous impact during the early days of D&D 3.0.
Google this: Mortality Radio Adlon. Just a few here......
^ this link, scroll to mid page.
Google should keep you busy, if you care

I STILL have all these guys home phone numbers, and personal emails, minus those who are no longer with us.
What was unknown to the PnP community at the time, is, I had just as many contacts in the software gaming industry.
At this point, I'm seriously debating re-starting the show, this time on Twitch, as opposed to the outdated shoutcast format, which I still have set up, including my 2 Euro, and one Aussie mirrors. Love Linux

I WILL do live call-ins, like the original show. No need for IRC with Twitch, as it's built right in.
To be frank with you all, my desire is to see PGI walk away from or lose this license. I cannot be reversed on this. It's too late for PGI to clean up this farce. The powers that be in PGI need to work for someone else, as no one there seems to have a clue about what this game should be, and howo to handle customers.
I will be vigilant, in determining if, and when their names surface on other projects, and begin anew.
I've begun a massive 'educational' email 'campaign', with links to all validated sources, to a great many people.
On the other side of things, I can be swayed:
If Paul gets stashed far away from lead ....and we never hear from him again.
If Niko hits the door. No alternate outcome here.
If Russ drops his always-been- crap attitude towards the community, and remains perma-STFU.
- or-
PGI walks away from the IP. THEN, I won't be launching torpedo's and ICBM's at their new Tranny project. For now, it's war.
Niko has lost all credibility, Keeping him on, would be wasting payroll. No one here is going to listen to ANYTHING he says. He has shot off his own foot, and the mess is on PGI. He, nor anyone at PGI, can clean Niko up.
Russ is a smug, self confident *******. Russ, how is the view from yon high Tee Ball Stand now?
Yep, the Tee Ball Stand thing got Russ in my radar. He needs to stay WAY in the back, and keep his mouth closed. Let a REAL PR person talk for the company. Lie to us even, tell us this new PR person is now a partner, anything, just gag Russ' mouth.
Do I sound mad? Angry? Ticked off? Yep, planned that way. I waited 13 years for a MW title, having been my single, favorite IP ever. To me, nothing comes close to Battletech/Mechwarrior, including MWO. And we have THIS instead. Inept people making a crappy game, and charging people for it, and finding everything quite amusing.
Yes, I am Adlon. I once told Reppu in an email, he essentially blew me off. He's another PoS. (Post on Saturday

I paid money based on a lie, both my Founder, and a few MC deals to boot. I'm tired of this never to arrive carrot strung across my face.
Things need to change, and NOW.
This is exactly the attitude of a spoiled sociopath I would expect to see here. I'm surely not defending Niko, nor PGI for the bad decision that was Transverse.
It is funny how you think you have any influence with some shoddy underground podcasts. Reading your rabble made me take some money and save it to buy a 120$ pack of the next clan wave, just to spite you and those that sport the same attitude.
MWO is an ok game that entertained me now for more than two years, 2013 being a real strain though.
You're not happy with the game and PGI? Can you not just simply criticize without constant personal attacks, insults and threats? You'd only talk once to me in RL this way!
Why don't you guys go back to the forums of
Those that claimed certain "designs were stolen" from WC and SC are a special kind of blind, btw. Apple hipster kind of blind...
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:12 AM
I'm gonna get hate here, but I actually like ghost heat. It means I don't get one-shot alpha'd in my Atlas by heavy mechs and tactics can be used on the battlefield because people don't instantly die all over the place.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:12 AM
To Niko and PGI, You reap what you sow.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:15 AM
Shredhead, on 11 September 2014 - 06:10 AM, said:
Not sure anyone who cites Star Citizen as 'vaporware' to get a reaction from people can take the moral high ground. Just saying.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:16 AM
Edited by Hagoromo Gitsune, 11 September 2014 - 06:16 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:16 AM
Shredhead, on 11 September 2014 - 06:10 AM, said:
What uhh.. Who exactly is "Us"? I hope you don't mean the Founder's, because there's a lot of Founder's in here who are mad.
I hope you don't mean Clanners, because there are plenty of clanners in here who are pissed, too.
So who exactly is "us"? And you're missing the entire point of this thing. It's not about Transverse, man. It's not specifically about the game itself. If you can't see that well then to quote a certain someone around here that's, "a special kind of blind, btw. Apple hipster kind of blind..."
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:16 AM

Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:17 AM
Shredhead, on 11 September 2014 - 06:10 AM, said:
It is funny how you think you have any influence with some shoddy underground podcasts. Reading your rabble made me take some money and save it to buy a 120$ pack of the next clan wave, just to spite you and those that sport the same attitude.
MWO is an ok game that entertained me now for more than two years, 2013 being a real strain though.
You're not happy with the game and PGI? Can you not just simply criticize without constant personal attacks, insults and threats? You'd only talk once to me in RL this way!
Why don't you guys go back to the forums of
Those that claimed certain "designs were stolen" from WC and SC are a special kind of blind, btw. Apple hipster kind of blind...
Well, I'll address this, though I really don't feel challenged by someone willing to toss more money into this game just to spite... I LOL at you....
My shows were done on a VERY small budget. My PC on my companies T1, with a desktop boom mic. I was networked to my main broadcast server, which in turn broadcast the show to the mirrors. So, the budget was definitely underground

Live call-ins were done on a speaker phone.
The Shoutcast software was open source, linux based.
The shows had next to no script. We had a scheduled time for the show, attendance was global. People from the UK, EU, AUS, all tuned in live. As the show as at 8pm EST, many ppeople blew off sleep. The night's guest also arrived in IRC, and had a set time to call in. Everything was 98% off the cuff.
We did product reviews, industry news, and then the guest.
Most shows went 2 hrs plus, and most had 10k + downloads for those who didn't attend.
And this was done WAY before Twitch, and WAY before podcasts were even a dream.
However, you have completely, and utterly failed, in every other regard, to do your research on the show.
This was to be expected.
Oh, by the way, Mortality NEVER had advertisements of any kind, on the website (which was ranked #2 under ENWorld, overall, for several years), nor on the show, except our Plug My Cause segment.
100% free to all users/members, and 100% out of my own pocket.
Show me what, if anything, YOU have done to compare. Impress me.
And, you're right. I had a LOT of influence back then, and considerably less now. But ya know, a poke here, an email there, and before long, you have an audience.
Oh, I have no interest in SC, at least until it's in OB, as I wont part with a dime again, to any company, based on a dream, steam, and cream.
Edited by Ensaine, 11 September 2014 - 06:31 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:26 AM
Nikolai Lubkiewicz, on 10 September 2014 - 11:27 AM, said:
If we are unable to have our shadow-bans removed, then we will simply have to say farewell to those accounts. Some individuals on r/mwo have already taught us all too well how easy it is to simply generate a new account. We might return. We might not.
Edited by Joseph Mallan, 11 September 2014 - 06:27 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:28 AM
I doubt we will see that, but maybe some good will come from it, and we will actually end up with fun and playable Community Warfare.
Edited by FLAKPANZER, 11 September 2014 - 06:29 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:30 AM
Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:30 AM
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