What are the proposed rules: (What changes would you like to see.)
1. Can only use current game assets: From what Brian has said after they get the swamp/jungle map done they will mainly be using assets from the maps they arleady have. So if any map we design is going to get made it is going to have to use current game assets.
Also I know we do not have swamp/jungle map assets but these tend to be generic anyway. So if you want to design for those assets it would probably translate without many problems.
2. Map size should be based on the sizes we have now: I do not believe they will make much larger maps and I am sure they will not make smaller maps. So this will give you the best chance to have your vision made without many changes.
3. Map entries need to be detailed and complete: The contest is not for ideas for maps but for complete designs.
Judging winners: Winners will be voted on by the community.
1. Why start this now and not wait on PGI to do something official in the future? Because map design is time consuming and I think many of us have ideas we want to work on now.
How to move forward:
1. Lets see how many people are interested.
2. If enough people are interested we can figure out where the main thread will be and where threads for each project will be.
3. If people have good ideas for changes to rules we will make those.
4. Get started designing maps!
Edited by XX Sulla XX, 10 September 2014 - 12:42 PM.