The 66th Avalon Hussars came to be when a couple of us were making fun of each other's poor play. What started as a small incident turned into a glorious friendship that expanded to a group of players who both enjoyed gaming and each others' company. Over time we've found more players who share the same fundamental idea: gaming should be fun.

"Even in death, there is no command but mine!" - Something we'll only say in jest.
We're here to play and have fun first and foremost. We're happy to work with you if you want to raise your game, or we're happy to play casually with a group of any size. That doesn't mean we won't be fielding a competitive unit at some point, but our plans through the end of 2014 remains to be a casual unit.
We're gamers. We like games, and not just this one. We're open to playing other games with you as well as MechWarrior: Online.
We have an organizational structure, loosely based on military ranks. As far as advancement goes, it depends wholly on your participation and willingness to help out. Let me be very clear on this: Your skill as a pilot does not affect the role you play in the unit's chain of command.
Thick skin is a necessity around here. We trash-talk each other in casual conversation a lot. Our friendships have developed in such a way that we're able to say pretty much whatever we want to each other and feelings are never hurt. We want you to feel that way too. This certainly doesn't excuse bad behavior; we expect you to be relatively nice to fellow gamers.
Unit Goal:
Make a fun environment for friendships to grow which employs friendship, fair play and the ability to cut loose on the internet when the time is right. We exist to share our ammo with you.
What are we looking for in a recruit?
Loyalty to the unit, a friendly attitude, and the desire to have a great time.
How Do I Get Started?
Send us correspondence either in-game, on the forums, or at recruits@66thAvalonHussars.com. Though we have our own TeamSpeak server (listed on our website), we call the AFFS server our home.
Recruitment Status:
Recruitment Needs:
We're a short Regiment in need of new pilots to help us expand and hit targets in CW more effectively. Just message someone with a 66AH tag to join.
Unit Type:
Combined House Davion and Mercenary unit. We are Davion loyalists, 28 days at a time. This helps us to remain available in the event the House needs a unit to fight against the Clan front during a time in which our borders are interrupted by another House.
Unit Motto:
Shut up and take our ammo!
Lore Based Unit:
We began as the 22nd Avalon Hussars, however we've evolved into our own unit. Our own lore is being written every day.
Usually Online:
10 P.M. to 4 A.M. EST
(3 A.M. to 9 A.M. GMT)
Unit Website:
Edited by chaas, 05 April 2015 - 11:54 AM.