1) Such long well thought-out letters and suggestions have been posted many times in the past on these forums but none of them has even got at least "sticky'ed" for future reference not only for the project team, but for the players as well...so in short, they reside somewhere in limbo, void of attention....One can only hope though
2)You did comment on bad behaviour patterns in the gaming industry that prevent people from making games and treating that particular field with the respect it deserves. I will only say one thing that is a general prime rule in EVERY business field;
For any particular type of industry to be considered healthy, efficient, productive and generally successful, every business operating in that field should have the appropriate ethos and levels of commitment, communication, and quality as to attract and "educate" their potential recipients-customers to those standards and ultimately form a two-way, strong enough bond between the two, to ensure a healthy and long-standing participation by both sides; i.e. on the business end, being able to have sufficient absorption of their production, and on the recipients' end, to be sufficiently content as to be able to absorb and consume that amount and provide the appropriate feedback back to the industry. When such a loop is completed successfully, it could only lead to the advancement and prosperity of that industrial field.