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Community Warfare - Phase 2 - Quick Update - Feedback

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#1 Kyle Polulak


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 04:34 PM

Howdy MechWarriors,

Please leave us your feedback on the latest big

View PostPaul Inouye, on 11 September 2014 - 03:41 PM, said:

Hey folks,

Russ and I would like to clear up the top concerns we saw in the feedback thread for Community Warfare - Phase 2.

Faction Switching - Making use of all of your 'Mech Inventory

We were looking at how the IS Map changes over time and how slow the pace would be if we controlled the release of planets to follow the actual invasion timeline. We had reservations about this for a while and with the current feedback from the community, we have started investigating the ability for units and players to switch factions at the end of a season. Seasons would last for [3] months (still to be determined), and at the end of the Season, the IS Map will reset and players will be able to change factions for participating in Community Warfare. This allows players who have plenty of 'Mechs in each faction stable to use them all in Community Warfare in stages. We think this is a fair tradeoff for both role playing aspects and player inventory aspects in relation to Community Warfare.

Inter-Faction Combat

While the primary conflict in Community Warfare is the faction war between Inner Sphere and Clan forces, we do understand the player desires to include the inter-faction conflicts between the Houses/Clans. These are the skirmishes between Davion and Kurita for example. We currently have the ability to put any planet/system on the map up for contention and can use this feature to kick of conflicts along the house borders and clan borders as well.

While our focus is Clan vs IS, there will be opportunities in Community Warfare for players to engage in inter-faction conflicts as well. Why shouldn't Liao be able to push into Davion space? We believe this will add some very interesting dynamics to Community Warfare along with the main Invasion conflict and will be adding this ability with Phase 2.


So yesterday when I posted the information about Community Warfare - Part 2, I mentioned it was a copy and past from the high level design doc. A few items were still being discussed so I pulled them to not put it out there quite yet. I wanted to release those other bits in the next update. But low and behold... 20 minutes after posting... Karl walked up to me and said... "You left respawn in there." After turning various shades of white/grey I saw the error. Too late.. people already commenting on it. Here's the clarification:

Originally it was planned to have 1.. ONE... respawn when the attackers breached the gate in the Invasion game mode. This gives the feeling of re-enforcements arriving because the respawn would happen in the player's respective bases. Basically players who died before the gate breach, would go into a stasis mode and observe like the current spectator mode. Once the gate was breached, everyone in stasis would respawn one time. People who had not died would have a "respawn in their pocket".

Now keep this in mind... I personally am not a fan of respawning but it just made sense for this type of game mode. Russ HATES respawns and when he saw the first design he was like "WOAH!!". So we were in talks about it. Engineering support is already done for it but everything was on hold until we made a concrete decision. Then I made the copy-paste error...

I met with the engineers involved with CW-Phase 2 and we started talking about the game mode and the idea of respawn. Wayyy back in closed Beta everyone thought Drop Ship mode would be very cool... the ability to bring in up to 4 'Mechs (1 of each Weight Class) into a match and choose non-destroyed 'Mechs to respawn back into the match with. This was a high technical risk back then and Drop Ship was put on the back burner.

In the meeting today and planning out how we will be incorporating the new game mode into Community Warfare to make a unique experience... Drop Ship came back up. Now let me tell you this... every time I mention Drop Ship, the engineering team (I'll call them Karl & Friends) would cringe back in fear with eyes that would make an anime character jealous. We all started talking.. what's best for the game?.. what would have to get done?.. everyone agreed the community would love something like Drop Ship.

I'm happy to let you know... Karl & Friends have decided bite the bullet and fully investigate the complete system requirements for Drop Ship mode. During this discussion we have found that this mode is not only cool, but it also helps with some of the match creation process that would be needed for Planetary Conquest matches. It's a scary undertaking but it's something that we are all passionate about in creating a very cool gaming experience for you the community.

Some players may have concerns about being forced into playing one of each 'Mech weight class during a Community Warfare match. Keep in mind that we've spent a lot of time creating a MechWarrior title where lights, mediums, heavies and assault all have a viable role to play on the battlefield. Bringing in your favorite 'Mech is not going to be hindered in any way and that the rest of your Drop Ship provides you with a means to support your Unit if you do happen to be destroyed in combat. Full 12-man Unit groups participating in CW might be able to ensure that they have exactly 12 'Mechs of each weight class among the 48 total. Random groups and Units that are showing up to defend will have little to no chance organizing which 'Mechs to prep and some people may end up needing to take nothing but 4 lights when they only pilot Assaults. Therefore the most balanced solution that will allow the most strategy amongst teams is to have each person bring one of each weight class into battle.

I cannot 100% guarantee Drop Ship mode at this moment, but everyone on board is going to try to make it happen. I will update you all on the final discovery in the next CW update.

#2 Lord de Seis


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 07:52 PM

If people have a problem with playing 1 of each weight class they can suck it up.

#3 Sarlic


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:42 PM

This is how i like to see the communication. On these boards. Clear and crisp communication; even when little errors are made.

Props for Karl, Paul and Russ for explaining.

Edited by Sarlic, 11 September 2014 - 11:42 PM.

#4 Novakaine


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Posted 12 September 2014 - 03:00 PM

But I might suggest this....
1. Common Mechs.
Mechs common to all houses, Locusts, Griffins, Wolverines, Catapults, Atlas's and so on.
2. House specific Mechs
Kurtita - Dragons, Davion - Jagers and so on
It's kinda difficult to see say House Davion fielding lances of Dragons.
Just a suggestion to add some atmosphere back into the game.

Edited by Novakaine, 12 September 2014 - 03:00 PM.

#5 RustyBolts


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Posted 13 September 2014 - 10:36 AM

Good post with good information. Question concerning Drop Ship. Is it possible to have reinforcements called in to assist with the assault/defense outside of re-spawn? This could be a one time deal and the reinforcements would come from those players waiting in the match que. The action would be activated automatically when one team is down to 1-2 players.

#6 CarnageINC


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 04:19 PM

Ehhh...its an okay idea but what happens to players who do not have any mechs in one or more classes???? Are they given the boot or are they 'forced' into using a trial mech to meet requirements to play? What about ELO's for each class that players 'allegedly' have. Are ELO's now an average overall or what? I'm sure there are other holes that can be thought of.

I think it should all be weight based like it was back in closed Beta. At a minimum of 200 tons and maybe a max of 250-260 but definitely not over 300! I would want a system that prevents a player from bringing in more than one 100 ton mech.

#7 Illegal Username


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 07:40 AM


Inter-Faction Combat

While the primary conflict in Community Warfare is the faction war between Inner Sphere and Clan forces, we do understand the player desires to include the inter-faction conflicts between the Houses/Clans. These are the skirmishes between Davion and Kurita for example. We currently have the ability to put any planet/system on the map up for contention and can use this feature to kick of conflicts along the house borders and clan borders as well.
While our focus is Clan vs IS, there will be opportunities in Community Warfare for players to engage in inter-faction conflicts as well. Why shouldn't Liao be able to push into Davion space? We believe this will add some very interesting dynamics to Community Warfare along with the main Invasion conflict and will be adding this ability with Phase 2.

IMO the problem with CW starting with clan versus IS instead of IS vs IS is that clan mechs cost cash money right now. And they're not exactly going to be cheap when they're on sale for MC. This cuts down on the CW playerbase crazy bad.

#8 kesmai


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:13 PM

right now you can get clan mechs for c.bills.
mid december all wave 1 clan mechs will be c.bill mechs.

#9 Asmosis


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 05:10 AM

View PostIllegal Username, on 15 September 2014 - 07:40 AM, said:

IMO the problem with CW starting with clan versus IS instead of IS vs IS is that clan mechs cost cash money right now. And they're not exactly going to be cheap when they're on sale for MC. This cuts down on the CW playerbase crazy bad.

Not really, based on what I've seen in matches at least 50% of the playerbase owns and/or is playing clan mechs right now.

What it will do is skew player skill heavily towards clan though, as lets be honest if your putting $100's of dollars into the game, your a bit more dedicated than a sunday MechWarrior like myself and probably have better skills to boot. Some veterans will run IS, but I think most would gravitate to clans.

I'm also Leary of anything that puts an organized 12 man group against anything other than another 12 man group, especially if its throwing pugs to the wolves.

Edited by Asmosis, 16 September 2014 - 05:12 AM.

#10 Trystan Thorne


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 04:38 PM

[size=3]Paul Inouye[/size]' said:

Faction Switching - Making use of all of your 'Mech Inventory

We were looking at how the IS Map changes over time and how slow the pace would be if we controlled the release of planets to follow the actual invasion timeline. We had reservations about this for a while and with the current feedback from the community, we have started investigating the ability for units and players to switch factions at the end of a season. Seasons would last for [3] months (still to be determined), and at the end of the Season, the IS Map will reset and players will be able to change factions for participating in Community Warfare. This allows players who have plenty of 'Mechs in each faction stable to use them all in Community Warfare in stages. We think this is a fair tradeoff for both role playing aspects and player inventory aspects in relation to Community Warfare.

Apologies if my following question has ben answered already, I haven't read all the replies here yet.

So do I get this correct that if I choose FRR when CW2 starts that I can only play FRR availabe Mechs in CW2 matches and also that I will be bound to the FRR for 3 month until the season stops.
And if I want to play my other Mechs, I could simply play a few 'free for all' matches (pretty much what we do now)?

If so, that sounds pretty fair to me. You don't stop people from playing all their Mechs, yet in CW we get 'canon' battles.

One more question, I assume that Lone Wolves can join factions too?

Oh, and one suggestion. How about if I join FRR I get FRR unit colors to have the option to paint my Mechs in FRR colours.
An when I then join Kurita after 3 moth let's say, I get the FRR colors taken away and am given the Kurita ones?
Just to be clear, no one will be forced to use faction colors, it's just an option for people who like to.

#11 CyclonerM

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 04:27 AM

View PostTrystan Thorne, on 16 September 2014 - 04:38 PM, said:

Apologies if my following question has ben answered already, I haven't read all the replies here yet.

So do I get this correct that if I choose FRR when CW2 starts that I can only play FRR availabe Mechs in CW2 matches and also that I will be bound to the FRR for 3 month until the season stops.
And if I want to play my other Mechs, I could simply play a few 'free for all' matches (pretty much what we do now)?

If so, that sounds pretty fair to me. You don't stop people from playing all their Mechs, yet in CW we get 'canon' battles.

One more question, I assume that Lone Wolves can join factions too?

Neg. All IS factions will be able to use any IS 'Mech. I would like stricter faction 'Mech restrictions, but this is not their current plan. Besides, i think Lone Wolves are like a faction themselves.


Oh, and one suggestion. How about if I join FRR I get FRR unit colors to have the option to paint my Mechs in FRR colours.
An when I then join Kurita after 3 moth let's say, I get the FRR colors taken away and am given the Kurita ones?
Just to be clear, no one will be forced to use faction colors, it's just an option for people who like to.

I would totally LOVE that. I would be fine even with players being forced to wear our canon units' colors, if part of one, especially if they were given freely or with loyalty points, but i am sure even most of the other canon unit players would not like that ;)

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