Community Warfare - Phase 2 - Quick Update - Feedback
Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:54 PM
I still have concerns that the solo player will not have as much an opportunity to participate. It sounds like solo players have a chance at defending but will not have a real shot at attacking. Could the requirements of needing a team of 12 to attack be tweaked to perhaps 8 thus allowing 4 open spots for solo player. I am not asking to preclude full premade teams of 12 from attacking I am just asking that the threshold for attacking be lowered to create an opportunity for solo players to also attack from time to time. If defenders are short their 12 they send out a call for more, could not the same happen on the attack? Doing so really does allow more to participate on both sides of the match and should really help with the flow of defense AND attack.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:13 AM
Why did House Davion get attacked so vigorously, was it some mouthy guy on the forums?

Either way the battles for survival of the Clans and Great Houses would make for the most epic battles thats for sure.
Edited by Johnny Z, 12 September 2014 - 12:24 AM.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:24 AM
it would also be cool, if we would be alloed to use dropships in solo queue, where we may only have weight class restricted drops. So when we drop on terra therma, people cna choose a cooler runnign build of the class they queued up.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:24 AM
Edited by Tezcatli, 12 September 2014 - 12:25 AM.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:25 AM
Greatly in favour of the season option. 3 months at first seemed a wee bit long, but I guess one would need a reasonable amount of time to conquer the IS ;-)
In what concers dropships I'm not sure, but not really against it. I just like the no-respawn we currently have.
Keep the good new coming!
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:44 AM
Not sure on Respawn/bringing different weight classes. On the one hand one doesn't get to ride "his/her" Mech through the fight on the other hand it would help balance. People tend to specialize, beeing forced to play 2 or 3 Mechs they didn't specialized in would lower their impact. And as others have stated it would make for more strategic options. Still not liking the idea of randomness of Mechs though. Tough decision to make.
All in all I'm for bringing this to us and maybe things will work out then

As to IS Map: I think MMNet has a pretty decent system here:
- Planets have points (100 for "normal" planets/ 200 for factory planets/500 capital planets)
- battles fought lead to land exchange (not sure on the exact ratio, but something like this:
0%-30%=ownership other faction
30%-70%=contested/no ownership
70%-100 % =ownership own faction
-limited attack range (maybe 30 lightyears/60 Lightyears for elite/clan units[LF-Battery])
-faction gain benefits depending on owned factory planets
Season last 6 months iirc.
Please don't limit faction to mechs, just make higher prices for non faction Mechs.
And I too am totally in for Solaris. Maybe including some sort of betting system (cbs only). Gladiators would be ruled of the CW Conflict.
just my 2 cents
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:45 AM
A three month reset of progress seems a bit extreme, I was involved with the beta for MPBT3025 and can't remember resets there (doesn't mean they didn't happen) and this led to the feeling that everything you did mattered. Planetside was another game that was allowed to continue without resets and that was very fluid although with each side being very equal a lot of gains made one evening would be lost by the time we logged on the following evening. With the Clan mechs being nerfed recently I hope we don't end up with a stalemate from the beginning.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:53 AM
Posted 12 September 2014 - 12:54 AM
Posted 12 September 2014 - 01:33 AM
Sancho Kabrinski, on 12 September 2014 - 12:54 AM, said:
When you don't have a mech to fill in a slot you will have one mech (respawn) less to bring to the battlefield. (that would be my idea)
Furthermore, Dropship mode is a needed gamemode, to give some battles a more greater feel/scale,
but I don't want to have a simple respawn flicker animation, I want to walk out of a dropship, or have a planetary jump animation
Posted 12 September 2014 - 01:59 AM
Sancho Kabrinski, on 12 September 2014 - 12:54 AM, said:
Then, you must choose out one of the trial Lighst...
- - -
I like the idea of the ONE respawn... I can die 2 times... go in the kitchen, eat something... come back, play 2-3 Solo matches... and after that, my team come back from the 45+ minute fight.. and I can ask them: "Have we win?"... Sound interesting...
Edited by Sky Hawk, 12 September 2014 - 02:00 AM.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:01 AM
Iam totally against different drop-limits on Drop ships, since it would massivly favor richer factions.
Respawning i could see, but i feel this Needs to be worked out yet. Having to drop all 4 Classes-> Meh.
How about hard Limit to Tonnage: everyone gets 200 Tons, freely distributable. If you have some tons left, you donate that Tonnage to the Group. So some ppl. can drop mediums/lighs/Assaults only, yet it still would Balance out.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:04 AM
It comes from your description of role warefare (which is not really in place till today). I have no interest in the role of a light mech of any kind. I have experienced that my chances of winning deteriorate when I jump into a lighter mech because my teammates are too stupid to use BFG's to their full potential.
I will not let anyone force me into a light mech. I will scuicide ingame when this happens.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:05 AM
Rearm/Refit is something i never liked. It was alright in Single-Player-Games, but i don't feel it for an MMO. Seeing atlai crawl back to Rearm to reapper all shiny, having cues for Rearms when 85+% Mechs rearm to be on the save side. All giving me shivers.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:13 AM

It really kills immersion. Instead, to make battles last longer, i would rather go back to base to repair and rearm..
Same for the season. Russ, please consider objectives: conquering Terra for the Clans, conquering the homeworlds for the IS.
The invasion should feel like something that changes the face of the Inner Sphere forever, not like a football season :\
If a faction gets too strong, altering the power of balance, then the other factions might decide to turn against it. A touch of player politics would make it much more interesting

Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:16 AM

Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:24 AM
Example : My Unit chooses House Steiner (IS) and is locked/can't switch sides, an some weeks later i get bored and switch as a Player (Clan Loyalist) to Clans to play some Defense-CW games as a Lonewolf aka Clan Loyalist.
And some Games later i switch back as a Player to House Steiner to play again with my Unit.
Is this possible ?
An may i repeat my question :
Are all created Units at the moment and in the future handled as Merc Corps ? And when yes, why do we have to choose Faction Allegiance ?
When it is only IS vs Clan or IS vs IS (in the future) you need only three Allegiances in the game
- Merc Corps (IS)
- Lonewolf (IS)
- Clan Loyalist (Clan)
Fanatic, on 11 September 2014 - 08:29 AM, said:
Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:35 AM
Fanatic, on 12 September 2014 - 02:24 AM, said:
Example : My Unit chooses House Steiner (IS) and is locked/can't switch sides, an some weeks later i get bored and switch as a Player (Clan Loyalist) to Clans to play some Defense-CW games as a Lonewolf aka Clan Loyalist.
And some Games later i switch back as a Player to House Steiner to play again with my Unit.
Is this possible ?
An may i repeat my question :
Are all created Units at the moment and in the future handled as Merc Corps ? And when yes, why do we have to choose Faction Allegiance ?
When it is only IS vs Clan or IS vs IS (in the future) you need only three Allegiances in the game
- Merc Corps (IS)
- Lonewolf (IS)
- Clan Loyalist (Clan)
Well, your units chooses allegiance to a faction. And no, i think your faction is locked too. It makes sense, quiaff?
I would like to know if canon units are still somehow in the plans..
Posted 12 September 2014 - 02:41 AM
Kinda brings the feel of an Arcade game.
I might be wrong but the idea of a pilot specializing in a mech class (light, medium, heavy, assault) or a battle role (scout, skirmisher, support fire, etc) seems to be out of the window with this Drop Ship mode.
I'll wait and see, but I really think respawns are the easy way out for what PGI is trying to accomplish. Even the idea of ONE respawn is too much for me to agree with.
UNLESS the respawn means the pilot ejects out of the mech before it being destroyed and runs back to the Drop Ship to jump into another mech (edit - avoiding getting killed in the process). Now THAT i would love to see. No eject? Game over for that pilot. Have been killed while running back to the DropShip? Game over for that pilot.
But that's me...
Edited by FlipOver, 12 September 2014 - 02:44 AM.
Posted 12 September 2014 - 03:22 AM
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