RooftopVoter, on 16 September 2014 - 05:38 PM, said:
I played well over 100 matches over the weekend I did see Devs in 5 matches 4X on my team the other time the dev was protected and killed me while I was overheated from killing one of his teamates(never even saw him), point being making this an event and by the last post from them I saw 123 dev kills over the whole weekend is pathetic. If your going to do something do it. They should have had Dev's playing at all times split up over the weekend(the guy who had kid problems gets a pass) but the number of dev kills being miniscule compared to the number of matches played is just irresponsible and sad.
Perhaps that is because they are actually pretty decent players in general (with the exception of a few, don't want to mention any names...*cough* Paul (hahah jk Paul I know you can get it in when ya wanna!)) Also ppl are getting greedy for the devkill, so they over extend or make other mistakes. If they on your team you feel as if you need to protect them, I know I hear alot of... do tk's count and I'm sure they get that from time to time. But I would think that the average player feels an obligation to protect them event or not. So you wonder why not so many kills? Also Playerbase is much larger then the dev base. Gotta remember that.
This is my fav event out of any, it promotes chaos ';..;' and chaos is beautiful! Doesn't promote epeen or who is better/worse. You just have to get lucky.
They also live life and have real things to do other then entertaining us. It promotes company involvement, anything that actively gets them involved into our beloved community is a great thing! They also get to see things from a payer prospective, which is also good. I do sorta feel this should be an all time running thing. But I understand if it's not. I personally want a medal, but I'm ok if I don't achieve it too. I have a passion for the randomness this event promotes, and that gamble you take every time you enter the cockpit. It keeps me playing during events like this. It's like "Wonder what will the boss drop this time, in other games" I love that aspect in games, the gamble, the randomness, the just not knowing. I guess that is why I so solo pug crazy all the time. GLHF guys.
P.S. Thank you devs for taking time out of your real life, to get involved personally with us in mech combat!