i realy like your Idea. It may be usefully, to do some organizing for the Forum, to give the Players and the Programmers in Charge for this Topic, some exclusive Room to disucuss this Topic.
Btw, iam sure you could find plenty of intrested Comunitymembers, for doing some Help, to get some Lore Pages up as well. That Way, your Companys Customers dont need to go to 3rd Party Websites to get Informations about the Lore.
A Section for Modeldesigners and maybe one for Mapcreators could be usefully as well. Iam sure the Comunity is more then exited about the Idea, to help at the Creation of some Parts of the Game.
Section for ECM
Section for Lore
Section for Map
Section for Mechdesign
Section for Forumstructure
Section for Weaponmodulbalancing
Section for Unitbasecreation
Section for Unitdecals
Section for Spacetravel,
ect, ect. PPL are surly like to help with all this Stuff and much more. Have Fun and well done.
Edited by Revorn, 12 September 2014 - 07:24 PM.