EvilCow, on 14 September 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:
PGI could have fixed the ECM themselves, they didn't and finally suggested the community to make proposals, thus the council is required.
It will be a one-task thing.
In no way is an entreaty to build consensus on a singular issue such as ECM a requirement for a council or committee...nor did Russoffer it up as more than a suggestion. There is a great deal of self-aggrandizing ego around here that is very quick turn his optional idea into a mandate.
The NGNG guys likely do not want to hurt balance in this game either but clearly their access is having unintended consequences in gameplay like it or not.
Options can be debated, provided and voted on (to determine if there is consensus) more readily than can a council be found that represents the views of this community. All too often a committe can find itself promoting agendas with no actual consensus from the community they claim to represent because lo and behold "they know better."
Plus they are just as likely to gain consensuse via polls as they are any other method.