PappySmurf, on 16 September 2014 - 06:45 AM, said:
IraqiWalker (Half-correct. Even direct fire players want the same thing. Lore friendly players want the same thing, since ECM right now is the most OP piece of equipment in the history of BT, for it's cost.
ECM should nullify Artemis IV, and mess with missile locks and such, but it shouldn't prevent locks. If you are within the 180 meter bubble, you basically shouldn't be able to share target information. (That part it already does) Plus, there are plenty of players out there who have come up with brilliant ideas for re-tweaking it, to make it work in a more reasonable manner.)
Even though you are partially correct it still does not warrant a fix at this point in the game because the game itself is still viable and playable. You and your group would let this game be ground into dust and die before it lets this minor problem in the game go or your groups nomination to a player counsel we do not need.
P.S I can name 10+ higher priority things in MWO that needs input and the community's help and involvement in before a ECM fix.
Could you please use the quote function, so I know that you are responding to my posts.
Also, the ECM fix is a good issue to tackle since it actually has a big impact, and is a major part of two pillars of MW:O, Role Warfare, and Information Warfare.
The game is okay right now, and it's fun. Where's the harm in trying to make it more fun? If you are talking about using Direct fire builds and having no problems hitting ECM mechs, this will literally cause no problems for you, in fact, it might actually help you place your shots better. This won't stop ECM from countering LRMs, and SSRMs, it just won't be the ultimate and complete shutdown for LRMs, and SSRMs, that it is right now.
Before you start saying that I'm an LRM boating player, my only LRM boating mechs right now a single summoner varaint, and the BLR-1S, and I'm slapping an XL 400 in my BLR-1S and converting it to an SRM brawler soon, btw. Got the engine, just need to finalize the build properly on Smurfy.
What exactly is the downside you're seeing to this situation? The final decision is in the hands of PGI and the community in the first place. The council is just streamlining the process.