EboneezeeR, on 16 September 2014 - 08:43 AM, said:

I do.
1) Clans don't have ACs. Though they have some remnant IS ACs when their stuff is stretched thin. Same with standard IS technology, Clans have some left over stuff.
2) IS bore sizes go up to 185mm. (Highest one I've ever found). Clan bore sizes go up to 203mm.
3) IS ACs are burst or auto fire. Clan UACs are burst or auto fire. LBXs either use cluster shot or standard AC ammo (also burst or autofire). Only Sarna has ever mentioned slugs and only on LBX-20s, in which case one must remember that these pages are made by the fans, such fans that believe "1 unit of ammo" = "one shot" instead of "1 use." These people obviously also believe 1 machine gun bullet of the 12.5mm to 25mm variety also does 2 damage, and fires once in 10 seconds. (...like, really?)
4) The Crusher Super Heavy Cannon fires 10 shots at 2 damage each in a rapid burst. It is magazine fed. Magazines in BT are called Cassettes. 1 unit of ammo = 1 cassette.
5) The Chemjet Gun, one of the largest AC/20s at 185mm that the IS has, fires 4 shots at 5 damage each in a 'slow burst'. It is magazine fed.
6) Autocannons are not limited to ranges of 270 to 660 but instead those are the maximum 'likely' ranges for the average 4/5 (4 gunnery, 5 piloting) pilot to achieve solid hits when countering against recoil against a stationary target. Note that a burst fire AC's main inhibitor is the massive amount of recoil.
7) The typical AC/2 range is 25mm to 90mm. (25 for the LBX-2 and UAC/2, 30 for the AC/2). I've never seen a 90mm AC/2 of any sort, but that's the official list. The typical AC/5 ranges from 40mm to 120mm from examples found. An 80mm typically requires 10 shots to make 5 damage. A 120mm requires 3 shots to make 5 damage. The AC/10 ranges from 80mm to 120mm based on examples found, and is simply described as firing much faster than an AC/5. The AC/20 ranges from 100 to 185mm for IS and at 100mm is typically "15-to-16" shots with 16 being consistent with damages. The 185mm I already described. The Ultra 20s go up to 203mm, which is the only debatable one shot in existence as far as concrete solid lore.
Tabletop cannot possibly account for the 60+ medium laser variants (44 of which are unique and these are exclusively standard IS medium lasers) much less the 24+ total variants of AC/20 in the 3050 timeline.
Anything else?

Oh right I almost forgot, there's an exception in the Victor's AC/20, which fires "100 shots" to get 20 damage.
Though said to be 100mm, I suspect this is a writer's error. The actual shot to damage count ratio is respectful of a 30mm AC/2 (10 shots to get 2 damage, 100 shots to get 20 damage).
It could also be 100mm in bore size but very short bullets instead of the typical sabot-style standardized HEAP rounds. This has never been made clear however. Still, I love the manual reload for a Victor's AC/20 and the primary and secondary feeding mechanisms. Would be really cinematic.
Edited by Koniving, 16 September 2014 - 09:20 AM.