Sickboy78, on 21 September 2014 - 04:26 PM, said:
Any chance of you guys at PGI are actually finishing the core content of the game and stop working on stuff to squeeze money out of us? No matter how tempting all these new mechs are, I, like many, will not drop another single dime on this game till you actually give me a reason to play beyond a half dozen maps and continuously redundant death match. Sorry, been waiting too long for you too follow through with your promises to put any kind of trust in here.
JHackworth, on 21 September 2014 - 04:56 PM, said:
You don't have to buy a damn thing if you don't want to. I, for one, am happy that there are others willing to subsidize this game for me.
At the end of the day PGI need money to make your game content and so buying stuff is in everyone's best interests.
If everyone stopped paying they would stop making and thus no more game...
More people spend the more staff they can hire and thus the more content you get.
And if all the Russ posts and blogs are to believed they have already made your new content, they are just rounding it out and finishing it off ready for at latest the 31st of December(Hope they make the deadline).
So get your friends playing and paying, get their friends playing and paying etc

More people playing and paying = more game.
You only need to look at Monster MMO'S like WOW with 9 million subs at $10 a shot per month, and they get like 1 bit of content a year(which they pay for aswell), MWO seems to get new stuff weekly with challenges and new mechs.
Good Job from PGI currently with all the comms and updates, the game seems to have come a long way in the last 5 months (atmosphere wise)
Edited by Nayonac, 22 September 2014 - 01:20 AM.