".. We note that a number of players have been requesting these additional payment options be made available so they can further support the game through MC and Collection purchases. We appreciate that the non-availability of these payment options since our August transition has left many players unable to make such purchases.
With that in mind, we are going to be extending our loyalty programs for the following rewards:- Anniversary - MechWarrior Credits Reward: Centurion CN9-AH.
- Anniversary - Collection Pre-Sale Reward: Atlas AS7-S.
- Clan Collection Wave II - Month 1 Reward: 30 Days of Premium Time + Polygon Camo on Wave 2 'Mechs.*
For these three rewards, the new extended deadline is
October 21st, 2014 at 10AM PDT / 1PM EDT / 5PM UTC.
Those who have purchased between October 3rd and now can rest assured they too will be eligible for these rewards. .."
October 21st, 2014 at 10AM PDT / 1PM EDT / 5PM UTC!!!!
jeder User hat jetzt die Möglichkeit bis zum 21.10.2014 (ich weis es steh schon länger drin
Centurion CN9-AH, Atlas AS7-S und 30 Days of Premium Time + Polygon Camo on Wave 2 'Mechs
nachträglich zu bekommen/bestellen.
es wurde durch die neuen Zahlungsmöglichkeiten in der ganzen Welt,
die Vorbestellzeitoption (inklusive aller Rewards) verlängert.
Damit jeder sich ein Pakete/Package kaufen kann, sowie die ganzen dazugehörigen Rewards.
nicht vergessen in
einer woche (7Tage) gibs den
Centurion CN9-AH und den Atlas AS7-S
für Alle die die Bedingungen dafür erfüllen .
ich freue mich darauf
Edited by Marukage, 18 October 2014 - 05:01 AM.