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The Most Boring (Or Annoying) Of Maps, Your Votes?

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#41 -Natural Selection-


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 07:47 PM

Tera Derpa.. Those doors people cant seem to walk through

#42 Lightfoot


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:02 PM

River City Night. Needs to be a little brighter.

In general, MWO has too many maps like Canyon Network and Terra Therma which are Quake/Unreal styled arena maps with just one terrain. MechWarrior maps need to be variable terrain as well, like say Terra Therma was sitting in the middle of a valley. Mechs cross terrain, control terrain.

#43 Keeshu


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:48 PM

I made a little rating on all the maps on some post in May, and I still stand by those ratings. The worst maps I had were Alpine Peaks being rated a 3 out of 10 (and it's only that high because I love snow + mountains), and Caustic Valley with a 4 out of 10.

Alpine Peaks just has abysmal gameplay compared to every other map in the game. It's almost always the same fights, there's too much walking to do, It'll be incredibly boring if you are short ranged, and fights generally take place on either one of 2 hills in assault/skirmish and it'll take place by the 4 points in conquest (with it being the only conquest map where it's best to ignore one of the cap points [Gamma]).

As for Caustic Valley, the Visual style is "meh" overall but with a few cool features in it, the combat is alright for the most part as both Short range and Long range builds have a chance to do what they need to do, but damn it's the most LRM friendly map, to the point where there's not enough cover to hide the whole team from LRMs, which is absolutely deadly in PUG setting. Though the main reason why I dislike this map is because it is always focused around the crater, and it's very rare for it to deviate from it, it makes it boring.

While I do love the rest of these maps a bunch, I do have to say a couple things that seem wrong with them:
River City: Assault mode becomes a snipe fest because there is no room for short range ambushing before the long range battle is over due to very limited options to approach and because there are turrets on both sides of the river. In Skirmish PUGs It's a rush to kill whatever slow mechs are in D2, as the other team can just rush down there and annihilate them before they can regroup with the other team.

Forest Colony does seem very limited in approach options, and sometimes it can feel like a snipefest. Other than that it's fine. Can't really make any suggestions, that's just how I feel about it.

Terra Therma, while it is one of my favorite maps (originally 9/10, might turn it down to 8/10 now though due to PUGs never learning), it is not the greatest for PUGging, due to the fact that it's very common for players to funnel at the entrances/exits of the center. It's very common for people to block each other due to the people in the front trying to retreat and the people in back wanting to push.
Not sure if this is a problem or not (I'm not sure about the views on making builds to suit all maps still applies or not), but it's basically rock paper scissors for who wins because of Ballistics boats vs energy boats. Ballistic heavy mechs have a severe advantage over everything else in this map. Also, there's no real way to ambush the enemy due to how long it takes to get around, so you're generally restricted to using long range on this map as well.
The battles that take place outside of the center are awesome and interesting, but generally people love to go straight for the center.

#44 Aresye


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:52 PM

View PostQuxudica, on 15 September 2014 - 10:51 PM, said:

What reasons make these your picks? I can probably guess at Terra, but HPG? I'm curious what the reasons for peoples choices will be.

I consider HPG a bad map. Not because of the gameplay (which I think is usually pretty diverse), but more because the entire map has invisible walls that block shots that should in no way, shape, or form, be blocked.

#45 Macster16


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:53 PM

River City is the worse map IMO. Both teams move in and hump around the cathedral at the start and then it become a 5min stand-off. Ugh! Only times it can get interesting is when one team does a flank rush and the other team turns back to cover their mates who're getting rushed and you get a bashup in the upper base with the underpass or in the lower refinery area.

Alpine is next for obvious reasons, but has the special title of being the "trolliest" map - how many of us have decked out our new brawl build packing all that juicy SRM goodness....only to get Alpine 3 times in a row....

#46 Quxudica


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 09:01 PM

View PostAresye, on 16 September 2014 - 08:52 PM, said:

I consider HPG a bad map. Not because of the gameplay (which I think is usually pretty diverse), but more because the entire map has invisible walls that block shots that should in no way, shape, or form, be blocked.

This is a pretty irritating problem on pretty much every map really, some more than others obviously, but there's nothing more frustrating than having perfectly clear shots impact on thin air instead of the target.

#47 Mazerius


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 09:16 PM

View PostKiiyor, on 16 September 2014 - 03:12 AM, said:

MORDOR. Someone should throw Mordor into a volcano in a larger Mordor, and then attach enough engines to the surface of the planet to allow it to be piloted into a black hole.

The larger mordor bit is scarey, could you imagine? ....I just hope its never a tile set used for that larger invasion style map mode they mentioned.

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