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Inner Sphere 'invasion Response' Pack (Phoenix Ii)

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#21 Hospy


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:49 AM

I think it's a neat idea, but I also think that would be rather unfair to the people who actually bought the package the first time.

#22 RussianWolf


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:49 AM

The Phoenix+Saber was $110. Add in the "Old Guard" 4 mechs without other variants and make it $150?

No camo or special paint.
30% cbill bonus for the "primes"
different title and badges

Its now more expensive than the cheapest way in for the Clans (Man-O-War at $120).

Go for it.

Edited by RussianWolf, 17 September 2014 - 10:54 AM.

#23 Dracol


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:53 AM

My two c-bills:

- Pre-order bonus items should not be included in any post release
- Unique geometry should not be available after the initial sale was concluded
- Hero mechs would be preferred due to c-bill bonus
- Prices should remain the same (30/60/90/120)

With that said, a package deal with Heroes and variants that also qualifies for the king crab would be fine in my opinion.

#24 Khaze


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:56 AM

Well, I bought mine under the assumption that they would never be available again, but I'm not entirely unreasonable. If the pack were to be made available again, I would at the very least expect a generous amount MC poured on to my account, and/or a handful or two of mech bays... ^^

Edited by Khaze, 17 September 2014 - 10:57 AM.

#25 MerryIguana


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:58 AM

I feel like it is a mistake not having a pack available to qualify for KC for IS pilots, but phoenix should not be whored out like this. You want a pack to qualify? Lobby for a new one.

Resounding no from me.

#26 Dracol


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:00 AM

View PostKhaze, on 17 September 2014 - 10:56 AM, said:

Well, I bought mine under the assumption that they would never be available again,

I don't think it was an assumption. Pretty sure it was stated the phoenix mechs unique geometry was only available with purchase of that particular package.

Now, replace those phoenix mechs with mechs a Hero mech, and both sides win. We keep our unique mechs and those who missed the chance have a package they can purchase that lets em qualify. And, PGI wins by making more money, which means we all win!

............. little loopy from working in the heat all day

#27 Malleus011


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:08 AM

View PostDracol, on 17 September 2014 - 11:00 AM, said:

I don't think it was an assumption. Pretty sure it was stated the phoenix mechs unique geometry was only available with purchase of that particular package.

Now, replace those phoenix mechs with mechs a Hero mech, and both sides win. We keep our unique mechs and those who missed the chance have a package they can purchase that lets em qualify. And, PGI wins by making more money, which means we all win!

............. little loopy from working in the heat all day

Yes, they did say quite clearly 'limited' and 'never offered again' on both Founders and Phoenix. That's why 'no, don't offer it again' is a perfectly reasonable response - that's why PGI told their customers they were doing.

A good group of us seem fine with them going back on that, but I completely respect those who aren't OK with it. That is, after all, what you bought.

Just curious to see how large the 'no' response is, and what the demand is.

PGI can always just create a new IS pack from scratch, or assemble one from heroes and champions. Nothing stopping them from doing that on their own.

#28 IronLichRich


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:08 AM

Ok. As someone who has the Phoenix overlord + reinforcement opening the sale again doesn't bug me. I'm here to have fun, not ruin other people's. If someone wants to support pgi by buying phoenix mechs that's their choice.

However, I find the "I need to spend x money to get a king crab rabble rabble rabble" reaction a bit weird. First off, wouldn't it be cheaper buy a king crab with MC (it drops same day for everyone right?). It's a thank you for people that have supported the game, and if you qualify for the insane amount of free stuff, great. The only reward that has an actual impact on time to get mech is the mad dog as far as I know

#29 Jacob Side


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:14 AM

As a Phoenix Overlord and Saber owner: NOPE

#30 MisterPlanetarian


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:15 AM

Opening the sale again briefly, meh. If they can't just tie it into some other non clan bundle then sure.

#31 Christof Romulus


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:16 AM

As my forum badge indicates - I rock the founders:

With that said, the unique geometry of the Founders mechs should not be replicated by any means in any way (regardless of color scheme). As childish and as selfish as it seems, I really do enjoy being one of the VERY FEW AS7-D(F) mechwarriors remaining in the game.

If a package was created, such as "Old Guard" I wouldn't be opposed, however, the unique paint AND GEOMETRY of the founder's mechs (that of old, tattered, battle worn mechs) should not be replicated.

As I am less attached to the Phoenix mechs (as they haven't served me as long) I am not opposed in any way to the re-release of the phoenix package in its entirety.

#32 Agent 0 Fortune


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:19 AM

Look at it this way, someone else owning the pheonix pack doesn't hurt me one bit, but it will help PGI through additional sales.
I really don't see a problem with reopening them for sale, although I would encourage players to pre-order by eliminating the bonus features (premium and/or mc), so late purchasers only get the mechs. Essentially what you are selling is a $120 custom king crab (which wouldn't sell on its own but will sell when bundled with phoenix).

#33 Domoneky


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:21 AM

Lets NOT bring the previous packs back. They're coming out for C-bills and its pretty much redundant since all the Phoenix Mechs are out.

Now if we get Something different in the Old Guard pack Like say, More Unseen The I'm for it.

#34 fyrebryan


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:23 AM

View Postkeith, on 17 September 2014 - 10:18 AM, said:

stuff like this should ALWAYS be in the bundle area. just none of the pre order bonuses. so take away the 90 day premium time and the fancy camos u would get. if someone who is late to the game so wishes to give pgi 20, 40, 60 or 80 bucks for a mech pack with a c-bill bonus mech so be it. it is their money and only us and pgi make out by making it available to them.

I'm all for this... Phoenix package should always be available, however without any of the bonuses (premium time, flame camo, colors, etc)

Also, I bought in on Overlord, but didnt get the Sabre.. I'd buy it know for sure because of how much fun i've had in the griffins..
I'd also really like to see a 2nd reinforcement package... but with heavies this time... particularly the 70 and 75 ton heavies... (cause heavier heavies need some love... not many 70-75 tonners.. but lots of 60-65 tonners..)

#35 Corbon Zackery


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:27 AM

Since the mechs have been released already in c-bill, and Mech credit forum what would be the point. All variants are open to purchase.

All your trying to do is get the 6 Phoenix variants that give you a c-bill boost those can be made available for mech credits.

If you want to do a Inner sphere package then I would look into a Star League Defense package.
Containing old rare Star League Defense mechs.

#36 SgtMagor


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:31 AM

I.m really not seeing a difference from your idea than from the original PP pack, your still going to get the P variants only called A and call them champions when there really the P variant with a changed name and same C-bill bonus, now if you considered that maybe some of us PP owners would probably like a Founders pack too! that would probably be a little hard for the Founders to accept, you see where I'm going with this right!

#37 Pendraco


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:37 AM

It's seems obvious that Founders / Overlords will not all agree to re-releasing said packs. So what does that leave us? Are we really asking PGI to slap together an IS Hero pack....ie "Clan Buster or Old Guard" in less than 4 working days just so some of you guys can get the King Crab gift mech?

Old Guard (like this name better)

- Hero Mech from each weight class.
- 2 normal variants of each chassis.
- all required mech bays.
- 90 Days Premium Time.

$120.00 Top Teir

Now lets keep in mind that to call this a top teir pack you obviously must have non-top teir packs as well.

I am ok with this, lets make it happen!

Edit: re-read the announcement, apparently you have until Dec. 16th! So, yes. A new IS pack is possible, but I would not count on any new or unseen Mechs.

Edited by Pendraco, 17 September 2014 - 11:57 AM.

#38 Mad Strike


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:38 AM

As a buyer of Overlord and Saber reinforcements package , i tottally support the idea.

The phoenix project packages where a damm good deal and is perfect for new players to have a taste of it , specially those who will want to fight for the IS.

Edited by strikebrch, 17 September 2014 - 11:39 AM.

#39 Snowseth


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:38 AM

As an Overlord+Sabre owner ... I absolutely support this idea.

And would support fyrebryan idea of adding another Phoenix Reinforcement with Heavies.

#40 Jack Corban


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:41 AM

I'm completly fine with making the old packages purchasable again as long as...

... i as a Legendary Founder, Phoenix Overlord + Saberpack and Masakari Clan pack owner get all colors that are available now and in the future , all camo's available now and in the future unlocked on all mechs now and in the future free of charge. Otherwise...



or you know a Billion MC free of charge.

Edited by Jack Corban, 17 September 2014 - 11:43 AM.

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