WM Quicksilver, on 18 September 2014 - 01:27 PM, said:
Roland, I do have a question, I just skimmed the past couple pages and I think it got touched on but never fully asked or answered.
With regards to target info gathering, I seem to remember that MW4 gave you the most basic info (location and a picture of the mech moving) until your crosshairs met the target for even a split second. Would Target Info still be gathered in a similar fashion as it does now (LOS nets you more information) where as until you get LOS to target, all you know is pretty much the location?
This sort of detail might supress some fears people have about this radar as well clarify something for me because this is kind of important to scouts (I like to know what mech I just discovered).
This is the sort of thing I was talking about with my last post. Being unable to have line of sight to a mech would limit your information; you'd know there was a mech there and give it a target ID (e.g. A, B, C), but not what type -- just a radar contact.
Other gear could improve that; seismic could identify weight class even through terrain (e.g. Heavy Mech A, Medium Mech B), or a UAV could let you have an improved aerial picture to help in an urban fight (Cataphract A, Hunchback B).
Then we get into the scenario where your sensors can directly scan a mech and boom, it's a Swayback with a laser loadout and he's hurt. Maybe he's got gear to interfere with your ability to check his weapons and health, so you only know the variant and not his loadout and need to get close enough to see he's missing an arm.
Then we get into whether or not your mech is allowed to share your data picture with others (C3 Slave) and whether or not your mech can pick up a full data picture (C3 Master - your lance commander should bring one!). Maybe you can't tell what a mech is precisely, but you can see that tiny scout up on the hill, and TAG him from behind -- missile lock for your LRM guys.
Edited by Chronojam, 19 September 2014 - 08:46 AM.