The Orion has never felt to me like an XL-brawler 'mech. Its weapon hardpoints scream 'smaller Atlas' too hard for that to really feel like an optimal choice, to say nothing of the jutting left shoulder and relatively small upper arms.
I would say that for an agile 70/75 Heavy, it would make a lot more sense to add the Grasshopper to the list of 'mechs and make that XL-friendly- it's known for being a highly mobile Heavy 'mech to begin with and all GHRs mount jump jets to boot (which is part of why it has that reputation). Additionally, with a mostly energy loadout in any variant, the Grasshopper would be a better fit there as well, since using large engines- even XL variants- tends to eat tonnage and make lots of space for engine-mount heat sinks.
Mind, the GHR has the same base speeds as the ON1, CTF, and TDR anyways.
That can mostly be attributed to the equipment and material weights used in older Inner Sphere 'mechs. Without a very different sort of overall design philosophy than older Inner Sphere models use, XL engines are just not really designed for in pre-TRO3055 Inner Sphere heavies. Even those that do tote XLs nearly all just use them to carry additional weapon weight, rather than improve agility and speed. The only standout exceptions are the Grand Dragon (5K Dragon) and the OTL-5M Ostsol (which is not likely to show up). It's not until 3055 that high-end heavies that are actually designed to be fast really make it out on the field for the Inner Sphere. Of course, when they do, there are suddenly a bunch of them- the Daikyu, Hercules, Thunder, Falconer, and the Timber-Wolf-mirror Rakshasa.
Keep in mind that with the upcoming change to Clan XL toting 'mechs that will cripple their heat dissipation when a side torso is lost, Timber Wolves won't have quite the same advantage at that point as they do now. It'll probably be a bit before that fully settles in to an appropriate balance point, though.
Anyways, the Orion isn't shaped or designed for the same role as the Timber Wolf (particularly not when looking at hardpoint locations) and a buff to make it competitive at the same things really doesn't seem in order. It's a lot like comparing, say, a Wolverine to a Nova- they're not really shaped the same, and even the one WVR with all the energy hardpoints in its right hand doesn't have the same role on the battlefield that the Nova does.
I think it would be better to look at giving the Orion quirks that let it fill the roles that it is better at, rather than trying to make it compete directly with the Timber Wolf.
Given the Orion's physical design, quirks to increase arm motion range- particularly vertically- wouldn't seem too far out of line, and possibly something to improve performance (heat, firing rate, range) on whatever the particular model has more of- missiles on the VA, energy on the K, ballistics on the V. Maybe the VA could instead have a missile lock-on time reduction or something, and then give missile refire to the M.
Edited by Quickdraw Crobat, 01 October 2014 - 09:28 PM.