Another event I won't be taking part in, at any given time at best could only field 2 or 3 (not down for 3rd party meetups with people I do not know over software that isn't part of the game that is without a chat lobby system, not that it would be any different than a pug given you do not know these people or their strengths and weaknesses even if you did go 3rd party), another event/weekend that I and friends just wait out until something we can take part in becomes available... (2 to 4 would have been dandy, 4 is not.
I hope in the next event, they either go back to solo drops or do a 2-4 group option, this 4 only thing excludes many to go off and play something else, which is all sorts of not good given how many games are out there and also free even if they aren't a mech game, they are still fun and not excluding.
(This current trend would give the impression that solo's are the minority, and that makes little sense for a game trying to grow and not be stagnant with its userbase without a chat lobby to make friends in game, excessive reliance on events that require 3rd party tools/sites to build teams, excludes new players who aren't in the know and solo hermits all the same, I do hope this changes so that of us who aren't a 24/7 always around group can still partake in these events, sometimes it's just a friend or 2 at best, for me personally: in this case since most I know left, only a couple at best will show, but not 4. Things like this just gives those who left fuel for complaints about why they wont return, thus no 4 man for many here who have been around since closed beta that still hold on to hope.)