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Player Rating System

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#1 taijutsufl


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Posted 26 September 2014 - 04:51 PM

To make solo droping more fun and probably more competative, I suggest a player rating system where players that drop solo can be graded by other players who have also dropped solo on a simple + or - system. As a player accumulates pluses, they move into a 'better' PUG bracket. Minuses just reduce the accumulated pluses and start to go negative.

The match maker would only put solo players on the same team if they are either in the same bracket or within +/- 10 points of the team average.

At the end of each match the players would get the opportunity to 'grade' 0 to 5 of their team mates, with a max of 1 plus or minus awarded to any one pilot by any one pilot. Players would be able to see their accumulated points somewhere in the game interface, probably the skills tab?

Brackets would start at zero with a new bracket every 20 points up and down.

This is a very simplistic system that would allow the player community to identify those players that don't cooperate with the rest of the team and may even encourage better team play among solo pilots. It may also reduce the comments made by dead pilots critical of their team mates.

these numbers can be adjusted as needed.

This idea is not meant to be the 'be all end all' solution, but a starting place for a community conversation on the topic.

Thanks for reading, I hope you contribute meaningfully but flame if it makes you feel good about yourself.

#2 Hoffenstein


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Posted 26 September 2014 - 06:27 PM

While I like the altruism of the idea, I don't think it work well in practice. Very few people would positively vote, leaving everyone with a negative or zero rating :/

#3 TibsVT


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 04:48 AM

Not to mention the people who blame 11 others when they die. There are just too many sore losers around for this to work well in practise sadly.

#4 taijutsufl


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 08:55 AM

I don't think a majority of people voting negative would work against the system, as those with the fewest negative votes would be in 'top tier' in such a scenario. We have to do something to promote teamwork in solo drops and (maybe) get people to start giving positive feedback on fellow pilots who they see doing a good job.

The sore losers would probably accumulate negative points faster than other players, so the goal of the system would still be met (segregating players by teamwork maturity level).

#5 Egomane


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 08:59 AM

Building a game on negativity is never a good place to start!

#6 taijutsufl


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 09:09 AM

it's not a system based on negativity, I'm just saying that if everyone is negative, it won't break. I think this (or something like it) would be a pathway to more positive feedback and positive game play.

#7 WonderSparks


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 09:32 AM

Hmm... I am not feeling it. Sure, when used properly the system could work, but, as has already been noted, it could easily be abused by players who are biased or just out to troll.

#8 taijutsufl


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 10:01 AM

I'm sure abuse is possible, but with each player limited to 5 points to assign per match, and only being able to add or subtract 1 point per team mate per match I think abuse and tolling would be a very slow process taking several matches with the intended victim. Unless you're referring to some other kind of abuse.

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