How Does One Play Atlas In Current Meta?
Posted 29 September 2014 - 10:53 AM
Back in a day when Clanners were nowhere near. Atlas was a force to be reckoned with. What it lacked in speed it made up in armor. Superior staying power and respectable damage output (however since Stalker release it was no longer no1 dmg) were why this mech often made huge difference on the battlefield.
I came back to the game about a week ago and decided to hop into my DDC again. And....I just can't make it work. Usual scenario is that side torso with AC20 gets two-shotted in a couple of seconds by high alpha clan builds. And then all I can do is tickle the armor with lasers and rockets.
And even if AC20 somehow survives it doesn't really matter because CT gets destroyed fairly quickly too. Being so sluggish you can't really use cover that effectively and have to rely on your armor in combat. Doesn't matter I'm the most armored mech in the game....current builds shred me into pieces in a matter of seconds.
Now this isn't my problem...Dire Wolf, for example gets CTed quickly as well.
The problem is that unlike Dire Wolf, Atlas doesn't pack that insane punch to quickly dish out damage before you run out of armor.
When I'm playing Atlas now I feel more like cannon-fodder that soaks up 150-200ish damage for the team (aside from providing ECM). And if I'm lucky I might get some shots off before I die.
So...am I missing anything? Can I make Atlas viable? Or is this sad truth?
Posted 29 September 2014 - 10:59 AM
parman01, on 29 September 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:
Back in a day when Clanners were nowhere near. Atlas was a force to be reckoned with. What it lacked in speed it made up in armor. Superior staying power and respectable damage output (however since Stalker release it was no longer no1 dmg) were why this mech often made huge difference on the battlefield.
I came back to the game about a week ago and decided to hop into my DDC again. And....I just can't make it work. Usual scenario is that side torso with AC20 gets two-shotted in a couple of seconds by high alpha clan builds. And then all I can do is tickle the armor with lasers and rockets.
And even if AC20 somehow survives it doesn't really matter because CT gets destroyed fairly quickly too. Being so sluggish you can't really use cover that effectively and have to rely on your armor in combat. Doesn't matter I'm the most armored mech in the game....current builds shred me into pieces in a matter of seconds.
Now this isn't my problem...Dire Wolf, for example gets CTed quickly as well.
The problem is that unlike Dire Wolf, Atlas doesn't pack that insane punch to quickly dish out damage before you run out of armor.
When I'm playing Atlas now I feel more like cannon-fodder that soaks up 150-200ish damage for the team (aside from providing ECM). And if I'm lucky I might get some shots off before I die.
So...am I missing anything? Can I make Atlas viable? Or is this sad truth?
I used to pilot Atlas a lot and know how you feel. Do you have this experience when you drop solo or?
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:02 AM
Stop staring at your target between shots and torso twist to absorb more fire while your ac20 and srms recycle.
Edited by Spurowny, 29 September 2014 - 11:04 AM.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:05 AM
aside from that we're starting to see more LRM atlas lately since the hardpoints on the profile are so low mounted, some of the time taking direct fire doesn't make as much sense as it used to;
if you want to take autocannons and lasers, you don't want to engage on medium ranges, you want to be far with ER laser and then all of the sudden close up to their face when they turn a corner, and your mech can just march forward against their heavy, medium or assault mech hopelessly trying to backpedal slowly out of the situation you put him in.
against a dire wolf just twist away, you can better twist your torso to spread damage than the other 100 tonner.
against a medium mech like a stormcrow or nova with insane firepower, even a cicada can be bad news -
you need to stay inside the death ball or at least a complete lance.
i would recommend you mount some ER weaps and some LBX or SRM that you can use both at long and short ranges, med range engagements aren't your forte
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:08 AM
You can still 2-shot a Direwolf if you get the drop on it. You just need to make use of your god-mode...er...I mean ECM. And don't do it ALONE. Be with a friend who can discourage faster mechs from getting behind you. (otherwise you take out one...then they all turn around and gang up on you and you've just provided a distraction).
Torso twist to soak damage in your arms, and in your missile torso. Protect your AC20.
Do not close from range. You gotta go the long way around using cover and bust out like your the Kool-Aid man, or be in a group in the back 1/3 to keep from getting immediately focused. If you aren't target numero uno you can take advantage of a good brawl.
Edited by Ghost Badger, 29 September 2014 - 11:31 AM.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:26 AM
No, no. You're strength is within that 400m zone. 300m is ideal, but as long as you're in close you can handily out maneuver those Dire Whales. You've got to play smart and be patient. Your armor is a resource. Let the snipers have their initial battle. That's not your fight, though I often pack an LRM20 onto my Atlas builds so that I have at least some ranged options. Lob missiles during the opening stages and keep an eye out for an opening. When you see the opportunity to get in close on the enemy flank, get moving. More often than not, you'll quickly crush the harassing mediums and heavies and free your team up to advance with you. Stay in cover and keep the momentum going right through to their fighting center.
You can beat Dire Whales in a brawl pretty handily and you can demolish anything you encounter within 300m. It's your job to set up those fights for yourself.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:34 AM
-one medium mech to wingman you is highly recommended.
-giving ecm cover to your own dire whales is not a bad idea either.
-but please stay away from ddc-lrm builds. For me that feels so wrong. Think of your team: who is there left for the first line of battle if every coward thinks the biggest mech belong in the back to "support" with LRMs. if atlas could weep, he would for being neutered.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:36 AM
Edited by StalaggtIKE, 29 September 2014 - 11:37 AM.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 04:24 PM
anyways, people have given me some decent tips, perhaps some might help you out so here is the link, in case any info is helpful.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:26 AM
Spurowny, on 29 September 2014 - 11:02 AM, said:
Stop staring at your target between shots and torso twist to absorb more fire while your ac20 and srms recycle.
This,you should at least lose one side torso in a atlas before you go down
When in doubt,torso twist like a madman.
Posted 02 October 2014 - 03:54 AM
I oriented my build more towards alpha damage than raw DPS. Threw away LLs in arms and put MLs instead. Because 2xML are more of supplementary weapons I sport AC20 + 3x Artemis SRM6 as a main damage dealers. This allowed me to look at my target for shorter amount of time and torso-twist more. And quite surprisingly is also very strong source of precise damage.
I also switched 300 engine for 350. I think this did the trick. 10 kph higher top speed is not such a huge deal but higher maneuverability and accel/deceleration really shine.
Slowly I get to enjoy good ol' Atlas like I used to back in beta.
Posted 04 October 2014 - 04:31 PM
Having a pair of 500m large lasers can help you deal some damage at medium ranges so you won't be completely helpless on maps like alpine etc. Going from a 325 to a 350 puts you comfortably over 60kph but costs you any mid range firepower and some alpha. You will get more precise SRM6's though.
I've used Dual UAC5/AC5 builds successfully in the past but that was more a symptom of screwed up SRM hitreg and no Direwolf/King Crab to use instead. By the end of the year we will have all three of those so there will be no reason not to mount an AC20 on the atlas.
Hopefully the Atlas Quirks will add bonus armor to the torso, some twist related agility and some AC20/Gauss/SRM6 buffs to improve its role as a tanky brawler.
Edited by MisterPlanetarian, 04 October 2014 - 04:35 PM.
Posted 05 October 2014 - 10:34 PM
Josef Nader, on 29 September 2014 - 11:26 AM, said:
This ^
If you are trying to make a direct comparison against a DW you cant. the DW is much better at range, much higher mounted weapons you wont have a chance.
Despite the fact its a 100t assault mech, the atlas is no solo mech, its slow, and if you get caught out you are dead. You need to stay with the team/lance and use it as a fire support and to soak up "collateral" damage, that is where is excels. Be behind your team mates and not in front.
Edited by BUDFORCE, 05 October 2014 - 10:35 PM.
Posted 05 October 2014 - 10:49 PM
Posted 06 October 2014 - 06:05 AM
Posted 06 October 2014 - 10:57 AM
parman01, on 02 October 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
I oriented my build more towards alpha damage than raw DPS. Threw away LLs in arms and put MLs instead. Because 2xML are more of supplementary weapons I sport AC20 + 3x Artemis SRM6 as a main damage dealers. This allowed me to look at my target for shorter amount of time and torso-twist more. And quite surprisingly is also very strong source of precise damage.
I also switched 300 engine for 350. I think this did the trick. 10 kph higher top speed is not such a huge deal but higher maneuverability and accel/deceleration really shine.
Slowly I get to enjoy good ol' Atlas like I used to back in beta.
now your talking

also the cooldown module for srm6 and ac20 is handy as well
Edited by Summon3r, 06 October 2014 - 10:59 AM.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:39 PM
- apply ASRM and AC20 facelift until desired effect
- c-billz
Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:06 AM
Is something like this ( http://mwo.smurfy-ne...3ce3227a2c52476 ) viable considering heat diference from 2LL or 2 LPL I really like LPS but on other mechs I had trouble to mix it up with ACs and SRMs.LPLs just feel too heavy for what they do but I still like tham.
I am afraid will heat be issue within given range.I am about to buy DDC and need to buy engine too,So would U sugest lowering engine rating to be more heat effecient or this could work.
I rly want to make DDC with LPLs to reduce staring time but also I m afraid to lower engine rating not much becouze of speed but becouze of twist speed.
I was also thinking to reduce to AC10 and get maybe a lil higher engine and put a HS or 2 more.But... AC20 is much better thou AC 10 gives some reach. Something like this ( http://mwo.smurfy-ne...8d6985b5c8260d8 )
Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:16 AM
For speed, I don't like moving slower than 60kph in my Atlases. Otherwise, you start suffering from "Whale Syndrome" and get left behind by the relatively speedy pack. And then you get harpooned by Light packs (and zippy Mediums) sneaking around the edges.
60kph also gives you juuuuuust enough speed to sometimes recover from a mistake (like you go to push against that Jager and, whups, he has a whole two lances back there) or get under cover (you waddle into the open and someone spots you, so here comes the rain).
You can definitely tank damage, but as a preference, you want to tank DIRECT damage rather than indirect. You WILL get hit by arty, that's pretty much unavoidable in something the Atlas' size, but you want to try to avoid the LRMs, if possible - they'll sand your armor away until whatever's left is easy to pull apart.
Short version? Build around a engine and preferably one that gets you moving at 60kph+ (with speed tweak). Also, know until you get three of them, and get them elited, it's going to perform like a drunk slug.
Final advice, do not EVER run an XL engine on an Atlas.
Edited by Dawnstealer, 07 October 2014 - 05:28 AM.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 01:04 AM
Then, after two, three games, it all came back flooding to me: low slung weapons, terrible pitch angles on torso mounted weapons, attracting fire that can't be compensated for with armour these days.
The idea of piloting an Atlas is Awesome, but the practice just doesn't live up to the expectations, for me. Like stated earlier, where the Atlas used to pack a respectable punch, it pales in comparison to the pin-point Metawhales (2xGauss, 2xC-ER-PPC).
I really don't like the feeling of being the designated punching bag, with a limited ability to fight back. You get disarmed real quick, even with torso twist. If you push through, your teammates will leave you out to dry. If you flank, no one will follow, you'll miss the fight and then you'll arrive too late to do anything, anyway.
For maybe three hours I was trying to get my Atlas mojo back (assuming I ever had any, but I do remember carrying games in them in the past). As it is, I just don't feel there's enough pilot agency. My decisions are largely irrelevant and in public games - I'd have to be prescient, or super lucky, to spring up at the right place at the right time.
Awesome, Victor, heavies, mediums, your ridiculed mechs (Dragons, etc.) - give me these any day! I switched to my 4SP and my Cents for a while in need of a cathartic experience after a sessions of pure Atlas D/RS and I felt in control again. I felt like I was playing the game, not the other way around. (it doesn't help that it makes me sick to the core when I see the heavy/assault queue percentages; it's why I run mediums so much these days)
That's all.
Edited by AThousandD, 08 October 2014 - 01:05 AM.
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