Clan Wave Ii - A La Carte And Month 1 Extension!
Posted 01 October 2014 - 09:37 AM
MAYBE $35-$40, if there was a 7-day satisfaction swap policy.
I'll pass on this.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 09:37 AM
In Wave I, the difference between $55 for the a la carte and what you might pay for a high-end package containing your 'mech of choice was greater. In Wave II, it's a lot harder to justify, almost like you want to penalize the a la carte option.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 09:42 AM
GoldenFleece, on 01 October 2014 - 08:30 AM, said:
Devs of competitive online games would need to put that "hey this might change because balance" disclaimer on everything.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 10:53 AM
InnerSphereNews, on 30 September 2014 - 08:18 PM, said:
Just to be sure: does that mean that, buying the Hellbringer a la carte right now (before the 3rd) you get, besides the 3 Hellbringers:
30 days premium time
polygon camo for these 3 Mechs
Fractured IS Map (hanging item?)
MWo Stein
And a empty Mechbay
Is that it?
Posted 01 October 2014 - 10:59 AM
Darkblood, on 01 October 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:
Just to be sure: does that mean that, buying the Hellbringer a la carte right now (before the 3rd) you get, besides the 3 Hellbringers:
30 days premium time
polygon camo for these 3 Mechs
Fractured IS Map (hanging item?)
MWo Stein
And a empty Mechbay
Is that it?
Is that just the mech and the time preorder bonuses? Then yes.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 11:00 AM
Posted 01 October 2014 - 12:13 PM
Posted 01 October 2014 - 12:34 PM
Posted 01 October 2014 - 01:47 PM
Clan weaponry has been nerfed to hell, with more on the way, and more than half the clan mechs don't come with Endosteel and can't upgrade to it. At least everyone knows this going in this time.
They should have priced this 2nd a la carte at $45 each. With each additional mech bringing the price down by $5 per mech.
2 would be 80$, 3 would be $105, 4 would be $120 so wouldn't be an option as you would then just buy the complete package. Nice round numbers and everything works out.
A la carte options not coming with clan colors is bullshit. They should at least make the Faction content packs a separate option for 5 bucks or something.
So what's the best one to buy via a la carte this wave? The Stormcrow if you don't have it already.
Edited by Golden Vulf, 01 October 2014 - 01:53 PM.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:06 PM
Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:53 PM
Sereglach, on 30 September 2014 - 08:25 PM, said:
Otherwise, I'm very happy to hear that this has come out now, for those that desired it.
The real conspiracy is why is the Mad Dog already done and ready to go. Could've it been ready for wave 1 then pulled? There must be a story behind this ...
Edited by Assmodeus, 01 October 2014 - 02:54 PM.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 04:02 PM
Assmodeus, on 01 October 2014 - 02:53 PM, said:
Just a guess, but I'd presume it was originally going to be a reinforcement mech (like the Wolverine and Griffin were for the Phoenix Package) . . . probably along with the Fenris (since it is coming out as the first wave 2 mech). However, with the suggestions in the last town hall and their plans to give a "thank you" mech, I think that's when they decided to drastically expand the program (AWESOME MOVE! by the way) via the Wave 2 set, all the loyalty rewards, and the various free chassis variants we're going to be getting.
I wouldn't call it a conspiracy as much as PGI going above and beyond to make the remainder of the year awesome for MWO. However, I will admit, hearing the full story would be interesting. Maybe a question for the town hall tomorrow?
Posted 01 October 2014 - 04:33 PM
Make it possible for me to spend money without dealing with an ebay company or opening a US bank account from germany just to get a cc, and the funds will flow again.
Still pisses me off that there´s no realistic way I can get the full package w /all preorder bonuses without jumping though those hoops or dealing with paypal, and as soon as the first ingame item preorder deadline passes the Man-o-War package is completely dead to me.
I have 120$ in my account with PGI`s name on it, but no realistic /rational way to give it to them. Alternatively, that`s the coming WoW addon + 6 months of game time and a star citizen ship. Which of those purchases I make is entirely PGI`s choice, and whatever decision is made on 1.11.2014 will be final.
Edited by Zerberus, 01 October 2014 - 04:34 PM.
Posted 02 October 2014 - 06:59 AM
Zerberus, on 01 October 2014 - 04:33 PM, said:
Make it possible for me to spend money without dealing with an ebay company or opening a US bank account from germany just to get a cc, and the funds will flow again.
Still pisses me off that there´s no realistic way I can get the full package w /all preorder bonuses without jumping though those hoops or dealing with paypal, and as soon as the first ingame item preorder deadline passes the Man-o-War package is completely dead to me.
I have 120$ in my account with PGI`s name on it, but no realistic /rational way to give it to them. Alternatively, that`s the coming WoW addon + 6 months of game time and a star citizen ship. Which of those purchases I make is entirely PGI`s choice, and whatever decision is made on 1.11.2014 will be final.
So, you don't have Credit Cards in Germany?
Posted 02 October 2014 - 04:16 PM
Bront, on 02 October 2014 - 06:59 AM, said:
Sure they do.. .but not for US citizens, thanks in no small part to the IRS. In fact, as it currently stands, over 50 % of european banks won`t even let you open a freaking savings account anymore as a US citizen, much less a checking account which is a prerequisite for any sort of CC, again, thanks to the IRS.
That´s what happens when your Tax watchdog starts to act like he owns the world and tries to force financial institutions they have no jurisdiction over to disclose datea that even their own governments are forbidden to request, and start freezing their stateside assets until they comply. They simply remove us citizens from their portfolio, and soon after that theis stateside assets are suddenly no longer stateside.
And that`s the reason why literally thousands of US citizens are having their offshore bank accounts closed against their will and are actually relinquising their citizenship as a direct result, just so that they can keep their ******* jobs for overseas companies, which more often than not often require a "local" checking account that they can transfer wages /salary payments to. "local" meaning a bank that provides normal services within their national borders, not some fund on the Caymans or in Zimbabwe, primarily as a first line of defense against money laundering.
It`s actually been quite a topic in the news, well, everywhere but inside the US (because they`re not affected until they decide to expatriate, and the IRS already knows their bra size and favorite cereal anyway), for about 2 or 3 YEARS now. And any company that does business on an international level should know this, understand it, and act accordingly. And "forcing" US expatriates to either deal with eBay/paypal or open up a stateside account without a stateside residence is IMO NOT acting accordingly. "Forcing" because, no, nobody "needs" it... but if I want to purchase it, I`m left with 2 options that really don`t make much sense, at least for me. Namely either knowingly give money to a company that is partly to fault for my first bankruptcy and be happy about it, or open a US bank account just for a credit card. Which btw is far from easy with absolutely zero credit rating, positive OR negative, which is exactly what happens when you grow up a military dependent and as a result never spend a single dime on US soil.
Bottom line: The IRS has a SSN and birthdate from me, that`s it, and that`s the direct cause of all of the non-paypal issues in some way, shape or form, and the paypal issues were caused by paypal themselves. So either a third option is presented in a reasonable timeframe, or I am forced by no real choice of my own (save that not to deal with a company that still owes me a 5 digit sum plus 12 years of interest) to spend the money somewhere else if at all.

Edited by Zerberus, 02 October 2014 - 05:21 PM.
Posted 02 October 2014 - 05:23 PM
Posted 02 October 2014 - 05:39 PM
Golden Vulf, on 02 October 2014 - 05:23 PM, said:
I actually agree, and I file every year even though I`m not obligated to with either government at my level of income.
However, this isn`t entirely about tax evasion, its about datamining. Like for ex the IRS requests to know things from non us banks about US citizens that are irrelevant / not necessary /not even known by teh bank, and punishes them for not complying until they release the information. If they never had it, their assets stay frozen.
The IRS has no need to know things like when I tend to make large withdrawals, who I pay my rent to, how often I pay for groceries, if I have a girlfriend /fiancee and who it is, who my employer has me contracted out to and when,... , and my european bank wouldn`t dare ask (though they can obviously simply open their eyes in many cases and see it on the statements if they want to). But that`s exactly the type of information theyre attempting to acquire about US citizens abroud from their banks in the name of Tax Fraud prevention (and probably The War on Terror).
And that`s just BS with no leg to stand on, and that`s part of the reason why even if would have been easy to get a european CC as a US citizen before (I know people that have managed to do so, but there`s apparently a certain amount of gamesmanship and luck involved, I know I brickwalled every time), there`s no way in hell anyone would give you one now even if they could.

Edited by Zerberus, 02 October 2014 - 05:39 PM.
Posted 04 October 2014 - 12:21 PM
And we do not even have the promised updates on when or if other payment options will be reinstated. THAT is just a slap in the face, on top of the Man-o-War package I`ve been wanting to purchase for about 3 weeks now being devalued the equivalent of 20% of the asking price compared to the MoW package original offer I`ve been attempting to buy since it was released, as purchasing the camo for 5 mechs and 30 days of Premium time is about a 20-25$ value.
As promised, my money is now with Blizzard and RSI, where people that don`t have CCs aren`t second class customers. So, I guess I`ll see you all in January at the very earliest, take care.
PS: Yes, NOW I do in fact wish I had saved the money I so gladly invested in this game numerous times over the last few years and put it towards something useful. But don`t expect me to be fooled again.

Edited by Zerberus, 04 October 2014 - 12:56 PM.
Posted 11 October 2014 - 02:00 AM
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