Am I the only one that's noticed that virtually every "adjustment" to the game (read as: Nerf) seems to be designed for a single make the game easier for new players.
I mean, let's take a look at some of the more recent "adjustments" and how they effected things.
Jump Jets: Granted, I hate "poptarts" as much as the next guy and for a while there, they were EVERYWHERE. So, the "adjustment" comes along and pretty much makes Highlanders and Victors completely worthless as far as being able to jump is concerned (nevermind the fact that the Highlander was specifically designed with heavier leg structure to allow it to jump on other 'mech's heads). The nerf also hurt players that use single JJs to maneuver around maps that have terrain bugs....just not so much.
Why was this?
Seems to me that newer players simply couldn't grasp or apply the common defenses against "poptarting." Don't run into the open, move and shoot at the same time, take advantage of cover, twist your torso to take damage to different locations instead of the CT all the time....all of these things work well against the PPC/Gauss meta build. But, it takes time and experience to learn them...especially the move and shoot at the same time thing. New players can't seem to get the hang of it easily.
LRMs: First, due to popular demand, LRM speed was increased....then IMMEDIATELY decreased due to the complaints on the forums/twitter/reddit about how they were simply overpowered.
Again, why was this?
New players really love the whole concept of "stay behind everyone else, look for red doritos, lock on to them and use the 'fire and forget' weapon." I'm NOT saying that everyone that uses LRMs is a "new player," I'm just saying that it is by far the weapon of choice for players learning the game. Virtually every "adjustment" we've seen with regard to LRMs (speed, damage, hit location, AMS and all it's module variants, TAG and NARC negating ECM) have all been made with the new player in mind.
Again, the primary defenses against them seem to be beyond the comprehension of new players. Don't stand in the open, use cover, twist your torso to spread the damage, use AMS if you have a spot for it....all far too hard to do for someone that can't shoot without standing still and zooming in.
All the other "adjustments" since the Clans came out....not being able to fire more than 2 Gauss Rifles at a time....TTK over PPFLD with the Clan ballistics.....ghost name it. It was all designed to make it easier for newer players to stay alive longer.
So...and this is what puzzles me the most....if every "adjustment" Paul makes with his Football bat designed to make it easier for new players....why are they thrown into general population in the solo queue as opposed to being segregated long enough for them to actually learn some of these easier tactics?
I could be snarky and say "because the developers can't get that stuff down, either, and since they figure that they're mid-range players themselves, then the new players should be too." I mean, we all saw how they played during the "kill a Dev weekend." Some of them are fairly good...some, not so much. But, I doubt that's the case. Personally, I just think it's yet another not too well thought out plan that wasn't good on paper and was a whole lot worse in practice.
Edited by Willard Phule, 01 October 2014 - 04:32 AM.