Redshift2k5, on 01 October 2014 - 06:13 AM, said:
I've always had a comfortable c-bill income, and have never felt exping my mechs was a chore. I frequently play with premium time (especially if I buy a set of new mechs I'll usually buy or activate some premium time)
See the thing is, when you play with premium time ALL THE TIME, it changes dramatically how you view things, especially if you buy in (hero mechs as well).
While I spent most of my time playing without a hero mech or premium, I earn like 500k per hour (assuming things go well).. of course that's affected by consumables quite a bit.
When I spent this weekend with the free 3-day premium from the challenge AND ran exclusively the Kitfox-Prime(I) variant, I was earning along the lines of 1.5m per hour... which more or less covers consumables and then some. Even in a bad match, I recoup more than a half-arsed match.
The difference is night and day, and paying to minimize that god awful threshold doesn't not feel worthwhile.
Once I collect the 30-day premium from buying the Wave 2 early (looks to be given by this Friday due to the alacarte extension), I'll enable it, and try to cash in as much as I can with it.. only because I play so much that I'll gain something out of it.. but this is only to make up for the ~78m minimum I'll spend in C-bills for the Timberwolf+Stormcrow (I have enough C-bills as is). For the player that doesn't have my degenerate rate of playing matches (although I've played less overall due to being bored), others will certainly not feel the benefits provided unless they buy in often and early.
That's what makes the semi-active player not feel the benefits of premium... you have to play a whole lot to make out of it... or just buy into more hero/packs to make up for that deficiency. While some have the time to push through it, putting it with heros+premium time would be icing on said cake... that's what's makes this rather broken.
It's not about investing.. it's whether you are forced to invest due to lack of time vs investing to "suppress" much of the grind (generally C-bills). Many people would prefer to invest "because they don't mind supporting the game", but not generally to "reduce" the grind that does exist (and I still don't mean XP rewards).
Not everyone feels the same about this, but the base rewards as currently constituted only works for the people that know how to milk the system... and most new players don't have the slightest clue on how to maximize (and I don't mean premium time, I'm talking about how match rewards work).
Edited by Deathlike, 01 October 2014 - 04:49 PM.