brainstormin' up some stats. The following are all Large lasers
using the following stat block, note all numbers are just vague asspulls in terms of balance in my head. but i like to balance heavier power against longer recycle times, longer beam durations (to spread the damage) and other stuff
Damage- total damage for that shot
Duration- how many seconds or fraction thereof a beam lasts
Effective range- range up to which laser does max damage, after which damage peters off.
Heat- how much heat is generated during 1 firing
Rate of fire- how many times it can fire consecutively inside of a minute/seconds of cooldown between firing
Firing delay- how many seconds or fractions there of (if any at all) between trigger pull and laser being fired
Resiliency- on a scale of 1-10 (1 being fragile and 10 being rugged as hell) how well the weapon can take damage and continue to function, also determines how much maintenance is needed during repairs and in dealing with wear and tear.
Maintenance cost multiplier. How much more or less than the original price of the weapon it would cost to repair from nonworking condition to perfect condition.
Price. cost of the weapon
color wave length. color of the beam.
special features. any special things of note, if any.
Defiance B3L
Damage. 8
Duration. .5s
Effective range. 480
Heat. 8.5
Rate of fire 10rpm 6 seconds
Firing delay .25s
Resiliency 7 of 10
Maintenance cost multiplier 1.5x
Price 110,000 cbills
color wave length. cerulean
special features. none
Diverse Optics Type 30
Damage 6.5
Duration .2s
Effective range 430m
Heat 6.5
Rate of fire 12rpm 5 seconds
Firing delay 0s
Resiliency 5 of 10
Maintenance cost multiplier 1.2x
Price 95.500 cbills
color wave length cobalt
special features none
Magna Mk III
Damage 10
Duration .8s
Effective range 450
Heat 11
Rate of fire 8rpm 7.5 seconds
Firing delay .7s
Resiliency 4 of 10
Maintenance cost multiplier 2.5x
Price 160,000 cbills
color wave length cyan
special features none
Lushann Redbeam
Damage 9
Duration .6s
Effective range 440
Heat 9
Rate of fire 9rpm 6.67 seconds
Firing delay .3s
Resiliency 9 of 10
Maintenance cost multiplier .8x
Price 140,000 cbills
color wave length red
special features. if this weapon takes enough critical damage to qualify as disabled, it can actually continue to function at reduced output up until it is actually destroyed.
Cyclops Eye
Damage 12
Duration 1.4s
Effective range 500
Heat 13
Rate of fire 6rpm 10 seconds
Firing delay 1s
Resiliency 3 of 10
Maintenance cost multiplier 1.1x
Price 200,300 cbills
color wave length bright bluegreen beam tinged with electrical arcs
special features Weapon is a cross between ppc and laser technology, scrambles HUD on target as per a ppc impact.
Edited by VYCanis, 29 November 2011 - 11:48 PM.