Shalune, on 05 October 2014 - 02:10 AM, said:
At no point in MWO's history would the game show the hunchback on that incline with both feet on the ground. Also in the Catapult picture it's only a very slight incline, and the right foot IS embedded in the ground. The toe closest to us would have thickness to it instead of a slope (just the top of the toe visible) leading directly to the ground. This just looks better because it is a less exaggerated slope.
Refer to some of the bullet-ridden mech pictures someone posted on the first page and you will see feet raised on subtler ground variations just like the old Atlas picture. If there have been any changes to this specific part of the game they've been incredibly subtle.
Erm... you mean IK was never in the game? I wasn't in CB myself, but others seem pretty sure it was in the game.

IK never words perfectly, there's always a bit of clipping, but you can see in the Catapult pic that the main 'contact point' of the foot is definitely lined up with the terrain height. But yes, it's harder to see with a gentle slope. I might be wrong. In fact I'm usually wrong, but that picture is definitely from closed/before beta, right?
Those bullet ridden images most certainly don't have IK in them, though, that much I do know. You can clearly see the legs are entirely level. Watch any 'Mech in the current game and they don't have IK on any slope.