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Worthy Adversaries 2

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#181 Sagamore


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Posted 04 October 2014 - 08:33 PM

View PostCN9 ACE PILOT, on 04 October 2014 - 08:14 PM, said:

I do wish there was something...I took a break to cool off, tried again. 5ish Mins into the match an Enemy Summoner turns around and is ~200m from me, so i alpha into his torso, not a moment after that; a friendly(ornotsofriendly) DireWolf alphas straight into my back, blowing off my right arm and internals heavily damaged, combined with the Summoners retaliation i go down in flames, killed by enemy fire.

Guess i'll just sit this one out.

Compounded by the fact that anything lighter than a Timberwolf is out of place in most games this weekend. I'm seeing 4 assault 4 heavies minimum in each game (currently 60% assault in the mouse-over queue). I'm having fun in a Hunchback but I won't post high enough scores for the leaderboard so I may as well hop in an assault to try to get the C-Bill bonus.

#182 Gravitas


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Posted 04 October 2014 - 08:45 PM

So one quick thing... just noticed... the graphic for this tourney seems to think we need to advise each other. ;)
Luckily its just the graphic, seems all the text in places is fine. ;)

Posted Image

Adversaries are advised to advertise maybe. ;)

#183 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 04 October 2014 - 09:13 PM

Okay, this is starting to get irritating. People don't get that you have to win to get the bonus.

#184 Mercer Skye


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Posted 04 October 2014 - 11:28 PM

Figured I'd gripe here instead of the Daily Whine thread.

Yet ANOTHER match where my individual effort would have been a 130+ score for the tournament. Well fought match ended 10/12, but a loss.

So in this challenge where your individual effort is supposed to be getting rewarded, you're being hosed for losing, stomp or otherwise.

Just downright frustrating.

2 kills, 5 assists, 738 damage, 12 component destructions. 12! Ripped ****ers apart. Is that not respectable enough?

I need to go step outside for a moment, but this is just flippin' ridiculous. Like you have to wipe out the whole ****ing enemy team on your own to qualify.....................................................

Edited by Mercer Skye, 04 October 2014 - 11:37 PM.

#185 Cavinos


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 12:03 AM

So far i would say your challenge has been totally ****, i have been playing this entire weekend and 9/10 matches i have played with a bunch of complete *******, with a complete unbalanced matchmaking. So how about you ppl actually fix this god awfull matchmaker of yours so everyone has a fair chance to compete, before you make another ****** challenge. And for the love of god, this is a TEAM game, not a ******* solo shooter, so make up your minds!

#186 Reno Blade


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 12:21 AM

It's definitely a hard time playing on this weekend (like any other solo tournament).

I tried my luck with brawling clan heavies, but the teams were usually not working together enough.
Then I tried my Firestarter and Raven, but got similar problems.

When I switched to my own Direwolf, (one with Annihilator build, one with Gauss/PPC/ERML build) I started to give tactics in team chat, as the first match was Terra terma and you need to stay outside the ring in pug matches :)
The next few games were great as the team sticked together listening to my advices.
Not to forget that the firepower makes a huge difference itself :)
It was 3am at that time (UTC+2), so I had to stop after the whole evening full of games, even when it began to get better.

#187 Triordinant


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 12:34 AM

The "team must win" requirement favors sync-dropping premades. Even if they succeed 1 in 10 times it ruins it for everyone else.

#188 Divine Retribution


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 12:44 AM

Maxed C-bill bonus. Didn't want to repeat the grind of the faction challenge I actually worked at, so /tourney for me. Just grinding C-bill bonus games put me in a grey area for my "one serious weekend/tourney per year" personal rule. I think the bonus C-bill deal is good for those who try all weekend and don't get into the MC payouts; at least they walk away with something.

Anyway... Go UBCslayer! Oh and I suppose good luck to everyone else too.

#189 Neput Z34


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 01:40 AM

If you are after the C-Bill pay out migth as well drive a Spider 5D. Try to get as many assists as you can and you can afford to be aggresive, becuase it takes atleast 3 or more mechs to focus you down to shoot off your legs.

Hopefuly HBK-4H/4G doesn't get nerfed due to expolits ( as in feats of carring the team [HARD] ) of SovietArmada

Edited by Neput Z34, 05 October 2014 - 03:26 AM.



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Posted 05 October 2014 - 02:08 AM

Really PGI, we have here a SOLO PUG EVENT and the game has still no INGAME VOICE CHAT !!!! COME ON! LET ME PROGRAM YOU ONE! I MAKE YOU A GOOD PRICE!

#191 Mercer Skye


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 02:14 AM

I don't even care about in-game voip. I'd rather just have them realize that the way the system calculates ELO is garbage. Basing an individual's ELO on how a random bunch of people come together as a team is a joke.

Start basing ELO on at minimum the end match score, and I'm sure we'd see a lot more even matches.

#192 Thrudvangar


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 02:25 AM

God damn LRM fest like its always. Still can't believe why KILLS and Assists will get the highest points.
Killwhores and Friendly Fire scrubs everywhere.

Another thing is: If ELO and the MM are working just "good". Why do high elo players can still stomp the lower "brackets".? Aren't they supposed to play against each other? So ppl with like 6 kills and more than 800 damage a game shouldn't happend, if they would play against ppl with the same elo. So the high elo players WILL, of course, get the best rewards becausethey're matched up against low elo players. It can be seen in every ******* tournament that almost the same ppl are in the top 15, always.

So dont tell me that they're playing against their high elo counterparts, this is all about stomps, every ******* match.

#193 Kjudoon


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 03:01 AM

The MM has 'shear bolts' that give way when you wait too long for a match expanding the elo group, dropping the 3/3/3/3... stuff like that. You want to wait a while longer for a match, or have it say, oh well, this is what you get because this is all I have ready in the player pool to match your requests?

So your choice. Accept bad matches or sit and wait longer.

#194 Thrudvangar


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 03:55 AM

View PostKjudoon, on 05 October 2014 - 03:01 AM, said:

The MM has 'shear bolts' that give way when you wait too long for a match expanding the elo group, dropping the 3/3/3/3... stuff like that. You want to wait a while longer for a match, or have it say, oh well, this is what you get because this is all I have ready in the player pool to match your requests?

So your choice. Accept bad matches or sit and wait longer.

i would rather wait longer and have almost even matches than drop every minute and have 10 or more losses in a row due to stomps...

#195 3xnihilo


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 03:57 AM

View PostKjudoon, on 05 October 2014 - 03:01 AM, said:

The MM has 'shear bolts' that give way when you wait too long for a match expanding the elo group, dropping the 3/3/3/3... stuff like that. You want to wait a while longer for a match, or have it say, oh well, this is what you get because this is all I have ready in the player pool to match your requests?

So your choice. Accept bad matches or sit and wait longer.

So if there were more incentive to take light and mediums it would even out the mm pool and matches could be more balanced? I am doing my part I have been part of the 6-12% dropping lights all weekend. Carrying ecm and shielding friendly assaults my scores are crap but I gave up on the challenge I am just hoping to have a little fun and maybe help someone else along The way at this point.

#196 Vervuel


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 04:05 AM

I gave up on ecm for friendlies cuz they stand around and dont do much. a DDC is better for that. Jenner's for the points and massive damage to help the team from now on.

#197 L A V A


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 04:33 AM

Friday was ok. Had lots of fun games and was getting a number of valid wins.

Saturday... :o

People were doing "whatever it took" to get kills and that meant a huge upsurge in assaults, heavies, Lurms and an amazing amount of Friendly Fire.

As a light I have always expected to get friendly fire, but not like this. Clan weapons make it even worse.

Perhaps PGI should look at increasing the amount of friendly damage X2 in the future. Yep, I know... he ran in front of me. :rolleyes:

#198 Bront


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 06:54 AM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 04 October 2014 - 04:35 AM, said:

The formula for the 130 points to get the c-bill bonus is heavily skewed towards the heavies and assaults that can pack that amount of damage. For lights and mediums who generally have to, y'know, AIM to get their kills, this is a problem. Sure, if you manage to do some damage to everything on the field, you only need to score 100 points of damage, but when you're competing with Dire Wolves that are racking up 600-1000 points of damage a match, things are dying well before you can see them all.

As a result, we get matches like this:
Posted Image
4 Dire Wolves. 4 heavies of various descriptions. 3 mediums. And a sole light, which is of course an ECM Kit Fox.

So far I've had 10 130 point matches (the game only says I have 8, and I know it missed one of them unless I somehow managed to do almost 120 points of team damage, which I doubt, the other may have been in a loss), 7 of them are in lights (6 in IS lights, 1 in a Kitfox), and 3 of them are in Assaults (2 in a Stalker-F, 1 in my new Dire Wolf on my second outing). It's a different thought process. Strangely, I think I only had more than 1 kill in 5 of them.

Assaults and Heavies need to kill stuff and do damage to get the 130 point game. Lights need to tag most of the enemy (farm assists), and try to get a kill and do some reasonable damage (around 300). Given it's so fast to drop in lights since the queue is almost nothing (It's often hit drop and get a game), it's been easy to farm games (and CBills) in it for the 130 goal.

Mediums are kinda screwed. Generally too slow to farm dedicated assists, and too poorly armed to farm damage or kills.

On a side note, why add 20 points for a win when scores don't count if you don't win? (nice addition btw, it does reward good games in a team concept most of the time.

#199 Bront


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 07:00 AM

View PostThrudvangar, on 05 October 2014 - 02:25 AM, said:

God damn LRM fest like its always. Still can't believe why KILLS and Assists will get the highest points.
Killwhores and Friendly Fire scrubs everywhere.

Another thing is: If ELO and the MM are working just "good". Why do high elo players can still stomp the lower "brackets".? Aren't they supposed to play against each other? So ppl with like 6 kills and more than 800 damage a game shouldn't happend, if they would play against ppl with the same elo. So the high elo players WILL, of course, get the best rewards becausethey're matched up against low elo players. It can be seen in every ******* tournament that almost the same ppl are in the top 15, always.

So dont tell me that they're playing against their high elo counterparts, this is all about stomps, every ******* match.
Good games happen, even if you're playing the best. When you're in the zone, you're in the zone, and the good players can find that zone easier than most. And remember, for every player who had 8 kills, there's likely 22 others who had less than 3 in that same match, and it's quite possible one of them will have an 8 kill game the next match.

People take note of the monster games. They tend to ignore the 0 kill 3 assists 250 damage games.

#200 Thrudvangar


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 07:17 AM

View PostBront, on 05 October 2014 - 06:54 AM, said:

So far I've had 10 130 point matches (the game only says I have 8, and I know it missed one of them unless I somehow managed to do almost 120 points of team damage, which I doubt, the other may have been in a loss)

where can i see that?

nvm, found it. lol

Edited by Thrudvangar, 05 October 2014 - 07:30 AM.

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