Worthy Adversaries 2
Posted 07 October 2014 - 02:51 AM
When you make kills worth 2x more than assist and promises 500k for game where you either get 12 assists and at least 150 dmg ( with no team dmg) or 6 kills and same damage people will leave their brains at home and will go for .... example: was gunning with a direwolf, and managed to take irt down to about 40 %. On my left side there were 3 other mechs taking ERLL potshots at about same amount of people advancing from other side of hill.
The second direwolf lost both his hands, the turned around and run to finish it off... and 30 second later we died becouse those 3 enemy mechs killed us from behind... ( not to mention that they managed to blow my own hand off while rushing for kill...)
Posted 07 October 2014 - 04:44 AM
Eglar, on 06 October 2014 - 12:24 PM, said:
so and thats it. i know you're a good player and you'll be first on the leaderboard (almost?) every time. but HOW is it possible to score like this IF ELO/MM is working as intended and you're playing against players in your elo-heaven?
simple answer: it shouldn't.
you only lost 33 of your 109 games.... what a dream!! i got stomped and stomped and stomped, didn't even reached 5 million reward with my mediums/heavies because 90% of the teams i was in were simply idiots.
I dont know how you're doing this, but respect!
this screen describes me whole weekend. I spit on this game.

Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:09 AM
I actually liked the event but I know other takes issue with part of it. They could probably make some minor adjustments to it to improve it but I think it was better than the first Worthy Adversaries event.
Something I did notice and it was a shame to see was the intentional Team Killing by people either frustrated or upset about tournament, 'tryhards', etc. Not naming any names but I personally seen 8 intentional TKs. Not IFF bug or anything like that, I am talking TK of team mates just after spawn. 6 of them by the same person in only 2 matches (yes I reported him and so did others)! Other 2 was by another person in a single match (I was one of them this time, reported him as well). Never seen so many since I started playing the game.
Edited by DarthPeanut, 07 October 2014 - 05:12 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:13 AM
Hopefully I proved Hunchies are dangerous!
Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:33 AM
That said, if the criteria was simply 120 point, I think I had 6 more matches by my count that would have qualified, and possibly the 4 I'm missing as well. It would have made the weekend less frustrating.
I played in an IS Light (Ember, Jenner-D, Raven 3L), Clan Light (Kit FOx), IS Heavy(Ilya), IS Assault (Stalker 3F), and finally, a Clan Assault (Dire Wolf) that i purchased durring the event and worked on basicing during the tourny.
About half of my wins were in the Dire Wolf. It was just stupid easy compared to any other mech to get the match criteria. Biggest issue is you're a target, so you can die quickly. Other mechs just don't have the damage output to get the damage numbers, or loadouts to get the assists. My Stalker did OK, but was too reliant on my teammates doing things like Targeting the enemy (Many players stopped targeting the enemy so they could get kills. Heck, I lost a kill because I targeted an enemy and someone else LRMed him before I could get in my last shot) and forming a front line (things that don't always happen in PUG matches, sadly). My lights did well, but mostly because the queue was so empty of lights I could drop in volume. % game wise, I had more light matches than anything else, but less than half the victories were from Lights. With all the Dire Wolfs out in the game, I simply couldn't be effective in my Ilya, which was dead on sight most of the time.
I appreciate the CBills, and think it was an improvement to the normal tourny weekend, but I think the good game bar needed to be lowered a bit, and I think excluding losses didn't help the tourny ultimately (make a win worth 40 points, but don't prevent losses from being counted). And the the numbers are just not worth drawing conclusions from, as there are all kinds of factors into why some mechs and classed did better than others in this tourny that are not purely game balance issues.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:34 AM
still think that it has been proven many battles that a quickdraw is not as crappy as many people say it is.
thrudvangar, ELO works well. i dont wanna know where i would be if i would have a TBR since you can play it similar to the QKD but has way more firepower and armor. Eglar played a stormcrow with nothing but SRM's + artemis. that thing has so much alpha that it leaves nothing but wreckage wherever it hits. is fast and maneuverable and well armored. one on one it blasts everything away apart from dual ac20/gauss builds. the only thing worse than that loadout is a streak srm4/6 build. you have no chance against that if you dont have 4 ppl around you that have alot of damn firepower to kill it in seconds or lrm it before it comes in close.
give the IS streak4/streak6 srms and those would be seen more on the field again, especially the meds.
also, Good Job to everyone that is up there and didnt use a LRM loadout.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:44 AM
101011, on 06 October 2014 - 11:38 AM, said:
I work Sunday and have Monday off, and appreciate when events like this run into Monday.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:58 AM
TamerSA, on 06 October 2014 - 11:28 PM, said:
I actually think after reading through the comments here I realize the irony of what happened with this event...
You've got a lot of people complaining about:
1) Players on my team played selfishly and didn't play for the team;
2) I played the most amazing games ever consistently getting 130+ but still end up losing!
3) Because of 2) I should still be rewarded despite losing because I am so awesome;
Which leads me to understanding exactly what the reasoning behind the victory clause was, and which leads me to the irony of people now complaining about the victory condition. The point imo was to discourage solo douche-ness, by enforcing a team oriented clause to the match. Instead, people ignored this and still went all out to be the best (read worst) they could be and not getting rewarded for it... and then afterwards they are surprised that they were not rewarded for doing so.
One of my last games was phenominal game I had in my ember, but honestly the issue was the other team sent 2 mechs over at a time to be sacrificed, and I was mostly able to lay into them for damage while not taking a lot of fire. At the end of the game, there was a poor soul of a mech who was trying to support his team and did OK damage, but basically wasforced to tow the short bus. Now, in his case, I'm not sure the other team combined to score 130 points (yes, it was bad), but he tried, and basically got penalized for the play of his teammates.
I understand why they did what they did with wins, but there are plenty of reasons to be upset that you couldn't score in a loss, and it's not always simply an ego stroking "I was the only good player on my team" issue.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 06:20 AM
Seriously PGI, when setting up a tournament, don't put additional rewards to incite people to play, especially when it's score based because people only try to abuse it.
Edited by SgtKinCaiD, 07 October 2014 - 06:20 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 06:22 AM
Aliisa White, on 07 October 2014 - 05:34 AM, said:
still think that it has been proven many battles that a quickdraw is not as crappy as many people say it is.
thrudvangar, ELO works well. i dont wanna know where i would be if i would have a TBR since you can play it similar to the QKD but has way more firepower and armor. Eglar played a stormcrow with nothing but SRM's + artemis. that thing has so much alpha that it leaves nothing but wreckage wherever it hits. is fast and maneuverable and well armored. one on one it blasts everything away apart from dual ac20/gauss builds. the only thing worse than that loadout is a streak srm4/6 build. you have no chance against that if you dont have 4 ppl around you that have alot of damn firepower to kill it in seconds or lrm it before it comes in close.
give the IS streak4/streak6 srms and those would be seen more on the field again, especially the meds.
also, Good Job to everyone that is up there and didnt use a LRM loadout.
And yet people say Nova is fine. I guess they all have not yet sit in a SC on their own. That mech is unreal, as much as the TW. Ok MDD can wield massive srm's as well, but it is definately slower than a SC and lesser armored than a TW. SC and TW as well as the DW need some urgent tweaks. They are unhealthy to the games balance.Good pilots do know that these mechs exceed a lot. Sure you can kill them, but in 1 on 1's you make this because you are better skilled than them. Otherwise you have serious troubles. Today I return to my Nova, and even if this is harder to play, I enjoy it being different and not an optimised overused loadout. Loce and dedication can overcome the pain and losses.
Edited by Lily from animove, 07 October 2014 - 06:25 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 06:30 AM
also i dont play clanmechs

the only clanmech that i would buy currently would be the Suckoner

just to prove that a good player can make a mech look better than it is.
and it wont be that lrm-suckoner. whoever plays full lrm loaded mechs should go into a tactic-school.
edit: always happy to see people that play mechs from the heart, not only because the are good or op.
undergunned, outnumbered yet unbowed. salute to all of you crazy people in dragons, quickdraws, locusts etc o7 you make this game a bit better =)
Edited by Aliisa White, 07 October 2014 - 06:33 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 06:57 AM
90% of it was in Jager-DD with 3x ac5/ 2 meds or Jager-S with triple ultras. Handful in Firebrand with dual gauss or 2 ultra/ 4 meds. Balance in the Cataphracts.. 3D, 4X, and even broke out the oddball 2X build I run with STD300 and 3x LPL.
Edited by DarthPeanut, 07 October 2014 - 06:58 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 07:04 AM
Note to self for future tournament: Don't try to force out the good games, let them come naturally. Out of the 32 hours I had the opportunity to play this weekend I played almost 18 hours straight, and those last 7 hours I only managed to improve my score by 18 points or something because I tried to force out the really good games, but ended up with games with 3 kills, 4 assist and 600 instead of getting the really good games. The last game before the time of the tournament ran out I didn't stress anything, and ended up with a game that took me past Aliisa White.
Another note to self: If you are in a cored jager, dont be so overconfident that you think you can take down a fresh dire.
Edited by mrpetzold, 07 October 2014 - 07:11 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 07:06 AM
Thrudvangar, on 07 October 2014 - 04:44 AM, said:
First, I did delete conquest from my choice of game modes long time ago. I do like to play assaults (even in all mw/bt games), coz I dunno why, I am not a bad pilot in planes, yet i cant get the right insticts to pilot mech in full speed. To play it in tournamet seems like masochistic madness to me

Second - there are people who can be top guns in any class and any type - you and me arent one of those - so pick something you have a natural grip to play (at least a little). I hope everyone can find mech they like to play and achieve good results.
Third - that image you posted isnt my worst feeling. Worst feeling is looking in score tab, where one of your teammate and you lead the BR score, yet rest of the team is far away and enemy average team full of 55-75 just stomped yours

To teamkills - I can feel for these tkers. Yesterday, when i was trying to get last two games (ended with 9 mills), I had number of games sooo close to get it. Yet in every of these games, ive lost points to killhungry selfish **** who either succesfully ks, or at least got damaged by me untill i released the trigger, when force-blocking. Didnt do a single TK, but man...I was THIS close to enrage...
Posted 07 October 2014 - 08:21 AM
Carthoo, on 07 October 2014 - 07:06 AM, said:
First, I did delete conquest from my choice of game modes long time ago. I do like to play assaults (even in all mw/bt games), coz I dunno why, I am not a bad pilot in planes, yet i cant get the right insticts to pilot mech in full speed. To play it in tournamet seems like masochistic madness to me

Second - there are people who can be top guns in any class and any type - you and me arent one of those - so pick something you have a natural grip to play (at least a little). I hope everyone can find mech they like to play and achieve good results.
Third - that image you posted isnt my worst feeling. Worst feeling is looking in score tab, where one of your teammate and you lead the BR score, yet rest of the team is far away and enemy average team full of 55-75 just stomped yours

To teamkills - I can feel for these tkers. Yesterday, when i was trying to get last two games (ended with 9 mills), I had number of games sooo close to get it. Yet in every of these games, ive lost points to killhungry selfish **** who either succesfully ks, or at least got damaged by me untill i released the trigger, when force-blocking. Didnt do a single TK, but man...I was THIS close to enrage...
i know i'm not something near the top end of the player base, seriously.
i started playing MWO with mediums and i'm loving piloting my Griffins and Shadowhawk and i regularly get games where i'm at 4 to 6 kills and more than 1200 damage, but this weekend, there wasn't even a chance for me to survive longer to make this happen.
More than half of the team got overrolled by a train withing a minute while the other half was still sleeping, doing nothing.
I haven't seen that before and i don't have any theory where all the ..... are coming from and why there are almost always on my team.... ?? The whole weekend until monday evening i've got 9 wins who counted +/- a handful wich didn't counted for the 500k bonus. Not more. And while playing mediums, the last few games i've won were in a TBR wich i refused normally to play...
I wouldn't complain about that whole thing IF there were players in my team who are not:
Complete idiots who can't even count to 3
- Killwhores who jump into your fire just right before you could finish somebody
- 6xUAC5 DWF scrubs shooting your light armored, XL engined medium back until its red because they think they can get a
shot on your target, doesn't matter what it costs
- LRM5 jagers shooting missiles without having a lock just because they wanna shoot something (without any sense)
- People firing on already destroyed mechs because they're smoking and they think he's shut down or whatever...
- LRMs in masses flying through mountains and building edges destroying your XL while you wanna hide behind a 20m tall cover
- ECM mech players who don't know how to switch between ECM modes and running away from the team while sniping.
and so on and so on...
and the surprising thing is, i rarely see these "Apes" again in another match. There are way too many ppl without any clue running around, shooting everything, no matter if friend or enemy, without any tactical thinking and dies below 120 seconds.
i don't know how many games i was playing but i know i didn't even won 30% of them. And this is just sad. Hopefully it gets better now that this ****** tournament is over, otherwise i will quit playing. If i wanna play with "stuff" who's IQ is below that of an umbrella, i'll build towers out of cigarettes instead of playing this game.
btw: i started building a TK list... if i see one of those a....holes who's on the list, i just kill him from now on. i'm sick about it and i don't care about any consequences. i'm totally frustrated.
Hahaha okay, i wrote down the last 4 matches right now.. just before the server went down:
1. River City - Skirmish - 1:11 (one DC on my team)
2. River City - Assault - 3:12
3. Frozen City - Skirmish - 6:12 (the last 4 kills where made by a Kintaro alone)
4. Frozen City - Skirmish - 1:12
in all those matches was it that every enemy mech has had LRMs guided by _at least_ 4 ECM scouts... my team has had maximum one ECM and almost no lrms haha nice huh?
the best i've seen in those matches: 2 DWF were hiding in a corner, shooting only enemy who passed this corner with their medium lasers. lol
Edited by Thrudvangar, 07 October 2014 - 09:07 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 08:27 AM
Plus the opportunity to earn some extra c-bills driving my favored Mech was a nice bonus.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 09:37 AM
It was nice to get to play with some top tier folks and I think having a specific performance goal helped me improve my game.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 10:04 AM
Thrudvangar, on 07 October 2014 - 08:21 AM, said:
i know i'm not something near the top end of the player base, seriously.
i started playing MWO with mediums and i'm loving piloting my Griffins and Shadowhawk and i regularly get games where i'm at 4 to 6 kills and more than 1200 damage, but this weekend, there wasn't even a chance for me to survive longer to make this happen.
More than half of the team got overrolled by a train withing a minute while the other half was still sleeping, doing nothing.
I haven't seen that before and i don't have any theory where all the ..... are coming from and why there are almost always on my team.... ?? The whole weekend until monday evening i've got 9 wins who counted +/- a handful wich didn't counted for the 500k bonus. Not more. And while playing mediums, the last few games i've won were in a TBR wich i refused normally to play...
I wouldn't complain about that whole thing IF there were players in my team who are not:
Complete idiots who can't even count to 3
- Killwhores who jump into your fire just right before you could finish somebody
- 6xUAC5 DWF scrubs shooting your light armored, XL engined medium back until its red because they think they can get a
shot on your target, doesn't matter what it costs
- LRM5 jagers shooting missiles without having a lock just because they wanna shoot something (without any sense)
- People firing on already destroyed mechs because they're smoking and they think he's shut down or whatever...
- LRMs in masses flying through mountains and building edges destroying your XL while you wanna hide behind a 20m tall cover
- ECM mech players who don't know how to switch between ECM modes and running away from the team while sniping.
and so on and so on...
and the surprising thing is, i rarely see these "Apes" again in another match. There are way too many ppl without any clue running around, shooting everything, no matter if friend or enemy, without any tactical thinking and dies below 120 seconds.
i don't know how many games i was playing but i know i didn't even won 30% of them. And this is just sad. Hopefully it gets better now that this ****** tournament is over, otherwise i will quit playing. If i wanna play with "stuff" who's IQ is below that of an umbrella, i'll build towers out of cigarettes instead of playing this game.
btw: i started building a TK list... if i see one of those a....holes who's on the list, i just kill him from now on. i'm sick about it and i don't care about any consequences. i'm totally frustrated.
Hahaha okay, i wrote down the last 4 matches right now.. just before the server went down:
1. River City - Skirmish - 1:11 (one DC on my team)
2. River City - Assault - 3:12
3. Frozen City - Skirmish - 6:12 (the last 4 kills where made by a Kintaro alone)
4. Frozen City - Skirmish - 1:12
in all those matches was it that every enemy mech has had LRMs guided by _at least_ 4 ECM scouts... my team has had maximum one ECM and almost no lrms haha nice huh?
the best i've seen in those matches: 2 DWF were hiding in a corner, shooting only enemy who passed this corner with their medium lasers. lol
I know that feel bro

It just happens, drop again and everything can be different.
Edited by Lily from animove, 07 October 2014 - 10:05 AM.
Posted 07 October 2014 - 10:38 AM
Thrudvangar, on 07 October 2014 - 04:44 AM, said:
so and thats it. i know you're a good player and you'll be first on the leaderboard (almost?) every time. but HOW is it possible to score like this IF ELO/MM is working as intended and you're playing against players in your elo-heaven?
simple answer: it shouldn't.
you only lost 33 of your 109 games.... what a dream!! i got stomped and stomped and stomped, didn't even reached 5 million reward with my mediums/heavies because 90% of the teams i was in were simply idiots.
I dont know how you're doing this, but respect!
this screen describes me whole weekend. I spit on this game.
to be frank, this weekend has been tougher for me compared to any previous tournaments. If you want to give PGI credits in that regard, they did tighten up the MM by quite a lot.
Also if you compare the score of this and the previous tournament, you can see what happened (the changes to clan weapons were minimal in between those 2 tournaments e.g. Cerll range, Cerll duration)
Personally I would recommend you to hook up with Heimdelight, and play a few matches with him - asking questions and stuff..
Posted 07 October 2014 - 10:58 AM
Eglar, on 07 October 2014 - 10:38 AM, said:
to be frank, this weekend has been tougher for me compared to any previous tournaments. If you want to give PGI credits in that regard, they did tighten up the MM by quite a lot.
Also if you compare the score of this and the previous tournament, you can see what happened (the changes to clan weapons were minimal in between those 2 tournaments e.g. Cerll range, Cerll duration)
Personally I would recommend you to hook up with Heimdelight, and play a few matches with him - asking questions and stuff..
thanks but i don't think i need to be trained by someone.
i'm playing this game since a year now with experience in other MW titles and also 3rd person shooters.
i know how everything here works. i know how to take cover and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll the stuff ppl
keep telling others when these guys have a problem. MY problems are:
- beeing forced into a team of idiots
- walking around a corner and instant losing one of my side torso (wich means DEATH)
- getting killed while narced and don't know it, also getting killed by LRMs behind cover
- get blocked by idiots OR small rocks while trying to avoid **** or moving from cover to cover
- having low damage output because one of the things above happened and almost every weapon is gone, also playing IS mediums with an XL engine wich almost gets blown of by all the clan scrub lasers hitting me for not more than a second and doing to much damage because of this boating ****.
- Weapons inflicting no damage: Gauss rounds disappears into nowhere, also PPC shots. best example is to hit a DDC with a PPC and his ECM still works fine.
- calling targets or incoming enemy at tile xx and nothing happens while the whole ape-team is hunting one light
just a few reasons why this game is getting worse and worse for me every day. And if anybody, by any means telling me that i have to learn or need more training.... Sorry, better tell 90% of the player base how to press "R" or switch ECM with "J"... My screenshots telling me that i'm not a noob and i really don't feel like it when i can play with ppl who have a brain and not with those who are thinking about bananas the whole game, doing maximum 90 damage.. but hey, at least they're playing clan mechs or ECM lights who, they think, are invulnerable... atl east they're thinking this for about 60 seconds.
My greatest wish for the future is to simply put random ppl against each other, without elo b.ullshit where you have to carry them or you die... and make 3/3/3/3 possible every match, i give a s.hit about wait time if the matches will be even and no stomps. I'm sick about seeing 4 DWF and also that much TBRs and the rest ECM mechs on the enemy team with, of course, plenty of LRM tubes ... and my team has an DDC, at least one ECM, who only mounts LRMs, moving two steps after spawn, then wait there and hitting only one button, leaving the game with 100dmg and did nothing else.
bah i should stop writing and playing now, have a good night.
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