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Worthy Adversaries 2

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#421 1e0n


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 11:32 AM

Sooo is it true that some players found a exploit that you could DC from a good group drop/reconnect and that would count as a solo drop?

Edited by 1e0n, 07 October 2014 - 11:40 AM.

#422 Lily from animove


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 11:43 AM

View PostThrudvangar, on 07 October 2014 - 10:58 AM, said:

thanks but i don't think i need to be trained by someone.
i'm playing this game since a year now with experience in other MW titles and also 3rd person shooters.
i know how everything here works. i know how to take cover and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll the stuff ppl
keep telling others when these guys have a problem. MY problems are:

- beeing forced into a team of idiots
- walking around a corner and instant losing one of my side torso (wich means DEATH)
- getting killed while narced and don't know it, also getting killed by LRMs behind cover
- get blocked by idiots OR small rocks while trying to avoid **** or moving from cover to cover
- having low damage output because one of the things above happened and almost every weapon is gone, also playing IS mediums with an XL engine wich almost gets blown of by all the clan scrub lasers hitting me for not more than a second and doing to much damage because of this boating ****.
- Weapons inflicting no damage: Gauss rounds disappears into nowhere, also PPC shots. best example is to hit a DDC with a PPC and his ECM still works fine.
- calling targets or incoming enemy at tile xx and nothing happens while the whole ape-team is hunting one light

just a few reasons why this game is getting worse and worse for me every day. And if anybody, by any means telling me that i have to learn or need more training.... Sorry, better tell 90% of the player base how to press "R" or switch ECM with "J"... My screenshots telling me that i'm not a noob and i really don't feel like it when i can play with ppl who have a brain and not with those who are thinking about bananas the whole game, doing maximum 90 damage.. but hey, at least they're playing clan mechs or ECM lights who, they think, are invulnerable... atl east they're thinking this for about 60 seconds.

My greatest wish for the future is to simply put random ppl against each other, without elo b.ullshit where you have to carry them or you die... and make 3/3/3/3 possible every match, i give a s.hit about wait time if the matches will be even and no stomps. I'm sick about seeing 4 DWF and also that much TBRs and the rest ECM mechs on the enemy team with, of course, plenty of LRM tubes ... and my team has an DDC, at least one ECM, who only mounts LRMs, moving two steps after spawn, then wait there and hitting only one button, leaving the game with 100dmg and did nothing else.

bah i should stop writing and playing now, have a good night.

oh my, sry but there we go

- beeing forced into a team of idiots
true youc an't influence this, it happens. In both ways.

- walking around a corner and instant losing one of my side torso (wich means DEATH)

Now that si a thing f map knowledge and situational awareness. Sure sometimes youc na not prevent this, but if that happens often to you, piloting mistake
- getting killed while narced and don't know it, also getting killed by LRMs behind cover
map knowledge will help you massively with survivign even when narced. this also counts for UAV's the amount of people wh have no feeling when there is a UAV above them is horryfiyng. Sudden LRM rain and no enemy mech in sight, probably small little drone somewhere above you. havign a regular look into the sky helps massively from being lrm spammed. I hardly have any issues with LRMS's when you do, clearly a issue on your side.

- get blocked by idiots OR small rocks while trying to avoid **** or moving from cover to cover

yes there are these guys. but a good pilot will start to avoid these guys. If you recognize that direderp is blocking you constantly or making noobish moves keep some distance or go somewhere else.

- having low damage output because one of the things above happened and almost every weapon is gone, also playing IS mediums with an XL engine wich almost gets blown of by all the clan scrub lasers hitting me for not more than a second and doing to much damage because of this boating ****.

For one claiming you know all these things, your complaint is quite strange, because it shows that YOU have these issues, while other IS medium pilots don't . And this fact points out the problem is you. Like it or not.

- Weapons inflicting no damage: Gauss rounds disappears into nowhere, also PPC shots. best example is to hit a DDC with a PPC and his ECM still works fine.

yeah annoying, but happens to everyone, ever piloted a Nova having your volleys appear into nowhere? Thats evil when you suddenly can't kill a red cored guy and you are at heatcap. But this is just something everoyne has to deal with. And this is not an MWO only issue, many many Online shooters have these issues.

- calling targets or incoming enemy at tile xx and nothing happens while the whole ape-team is hunting one light

I wonder a lot, sure sometimes you get these guys, but yet maybe you are in the ape elo? problem probably also on your side? Especially when you talk about LRM's being an issue I would consider this a rather medicore ranked gamers issue.
if you are here round a year, you should already know the maps, and how to avoid lrm's most of the time.

I agree with the 3/3/3/3 team challange 2 was ncie and felt better with class balance, all those heavies and assaults, mostly DW's and TW's is a bit boring and unfun.

View Post1e0n, on 07 October 2014 - 11:32 AM, said:

Sooo is it true that some players found a exploit that you could DC from a good group drop/reconnect and that would count as a solo drop?

IF that is true, PGI should check at least all top 15 players and their counted 10 games and disqualify these players or erase the games from the list..

Edited by Lily from animove, 07 October 2014 - 11:45 AM.

#423 SovietArmada


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:42 PM

View Post1e0n, on 07 October 2014 - 11:32 AM, said:

Sooo is it true that some players found a exploit that you could DC from a good group drop/reconnect and that would count as a solo drop?

:o Where'd you get that source from? If it's true then PGI needs to look into that.

#424 Alienized


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:48 PM

it seems to be true otherwise the MC rewards would been given out already since i cant see a special note for that case.
just that rewards go out when the tournament has ended.

#425 Baron Blitz Fokheimer


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:50 PM

These tournaments are becoming not fun anymore. I said it before, and I'll say it again: the scoring formula is stupid, and enables an unnatural metagame that doesn't otherwise occur during regular days. Final blows should not be the primary scoring metric.

There are just so many ways of doing it better. For example, equalize kills and assists in point values, and then give them weight based on total damage done as a player as a percentage of the total damage done to the entire enemy team in a round. This would ensure that the person who snipes six kills and otherwise contributes nothing scores much lower than someone who drops 800 damage on 4 assault mechs but doesn't score a single finishing blow. And integrate support actions into the formula, such as spotting, tagging, et cetera (but don't give them a huge amount of impact, like in some of the previous challenges).

Even relying on damage as the only scoring metric would be a better system than the one that's been used so far.

#426 SovietArmada


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:55 PM

View PostAliisa White, on 07 October 2014 - 12:48 PM, said:

it seems to be true otherwise the MC rewards would been given out already since i cant see a special note for that case.
just that rewards go out when the tournament has ended.

Actually if I remember correctly it always takes a week for rewards to be given out.

#427 Eglar

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Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:58 PM

View PostAliisa White, on 07 October 2014 - 12:48 PM, said:

it seems to be true otherwise the MC rewards would been given out already since i cant see a special note for that case.
just that rewards go out when the tournament has ended.

all the previous tournaments took 2 days before rewards were given out.

#428 Alienized


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:02 PM

cheers for clarification o7 didnt knew that :o

#429 Jman5


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:06 PM

Man, I struggled just to get wins this weekend.

#430 Thorqemada


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:13 PM

A divers tournament would value different stats and successes in different categories:

Prices for most Assists, most Spotting, most Damage, most efficent Killer,most efficient Winner, fastest Killer, fastest Winner, most ECM coverage, most AMS coverage, most destroyed tonnage, most efficient destroyed tonnage, etc...

Edited by Thorqemada, 07 October 2014 - 01:14 PM.

#431 Redoxin


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:14 PM

I dont know what people are complaining about again. The tournament was entirely optional. If you pressure yourself into winning so much it is your fault.

I played as usual and got 6 million CB on top because I opted into the tourney. Thanks for the money.

#432 Baron Blitz Fokheimer


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:29 PM

View PostRedoxin, on 07 October 2014 - 01:14 PM, said:

I dont know what people are complaining about again. The tournament was entirely optional.

Just because something is optional and/or free doesn't mean that it can't be criticized for its flaws.

#433 Catra Lanis


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:34 PM

Can we in the future know the total number of participants? For us nowhere near the top slots it would be fun to see if we did better or worse than last time.

#434 Eglar

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Posted 07 October 2014 - 01:45 PM

View PostThrudvangar, on 07 October 2014 - 10:58 AM, said:

thanks but i don't think i need to be trained by someone.

You started at the same time I did I guess. (Started when Jagers just came out) As for the rest of your issues: The way you expressed your previous experience led to the conclusion that you might want to get some training. It was in no way offending in a l2p sense.

As for

View PostThrudvangar, on 07 October 2014 - 10:58 AM, said:

being forced into a team of idiots

Well, I can't really help you here, but since you are a single person and can only do that much to contribute towards the outcome of a match - you might want to start with a post-analysis of what you could have done better yourself.

At this point I might be wrong but it's usually the defensive/Long-range players, that dislikes the way their teams runs into an enemy group and dies. Of course you have to consider that your solo-que team also contains mechs that are dedicated for brawling and of course they want to enforce an opportunity to brawl. Sometimes, it's just better to go with them, even if you're a ERLL Raven or a LRM-Boat.

View PostThrudvangar, on 07 October 2014 - 10:58 AM, said:

- walking around a corner and instant losing one of my side torso (wich means DEATH)
- getting killed while narced and don't know it, also getting killed by LRMs behind cover
- get blocked by idiots OR small rocks while trying to avoid **** or moving from cover to cover

Personally, I think that this all depends on general knowledge of the map and stereotypical enemy behavior. It doesn't prevent you from getting one-shot, but it helps with getting one shot on much lesser occasions, same goes for LRMs and which covers are viable and which ones not.

There are Top Players I know who can just learn that kind of stuff just by playing and remember it all instinctively (most of them are actually). I am unfortunately not one of them. For each map, I've spent at least 3 hours just on training grounds running from spawn/A/B/C to point A/B/C and counting down the seconds to see which paths are the fastest one. By now, I know most paths with/without JJs on all the maps. I usually also know how many steps I can backpedal before I hit that tiny rock or the fastest route to intercept player "X" over that hill. Here a small thing to pay attention for: if you ever meet some decent player on let's say River City and Cross the River together on the same clan-mechs you might notice that he arrives there about 3-4 seconds before you. Just think about it how is that possible, it's all water and mostly plain ground. It's most likely because that other player had the right straight angle from the start and didn't do any unnecessary movements by walking straight forward. I've noticed that a lot of players don't know where the stairs are from the start and correct their course during the travel across the river.

But all that of course depends on how much time and dedication you want to put into an Online-Game. (Up to now I've only met one single player who did the same training-ground science like I did, namely Schopenhauer)

Also you seem to be the type that rages a lot, let me say this: Rage usually affects your gameplay performance negatively.

#435 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 02:09 PM

I would love to see how many participated in the tournament. It would give a little depth to my rank.

#436 Sukotto


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 02:16 PM

View PostEglar, on 07 October 2014 - 01:45 PM, said:

Well said, and well done in the tournament Eglar.

I took fifth in the IS Assaults and if people were using some sort of exploit, it's sad that they can't cough up enough skill to rank well enough on their own. Hopefully if this is the case, they will be found out but I kind of attribute this rumor to the typical whining that goes on in this game when someone can't adapt to a challenge.

Of course the games are going to get tougher over the weekend, as better players who normally drop with their friends enter the solo queue. I personally welcome challenges in video games and feel as though they make me a better player.

It's as Eglar says, you need to think about improving the little things in your playstyle in order to become a better player. I can't tell you how many people I see standing still at the start of a match when I'm 500 meters ahead of them in a Stalker! And that's just because I'm ready to roll as soon as the countdown ends.

And some might say, "Oh it's just a game, I don't take it that seriously." Well then why are you taking the time to rant/read these forums? If winning a match in MWO is more fun for you than losing, shouldn't you try a little harder?

This next tip wont work every time, but it can sometimes help to talk to your teammates even when solo-dropping. I normally play with a decent group of friends and we typically have a plan for each map. So at the start of the match in a solo queue, I'll say into chat: "Let's group up and look down 3-line. Big guys in the back call for help if you get flanked." Three out of four times, people actually like having someone take point like that and a solid starting move boosts your odds of winning by at least 30% I'd say.


Watch some twitch streams of the really awesome guys playing to get better. Join up with a clan. Test which kinds of cover on a map are good against LRMs. Because LRMs really aren't that great of a weapon if they're used against a player who knows what they're doing. You should always have an escape route and a cover picked out for that anyway.



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Posted 07 October 2014 - 02:28 PM

View PostShinobiHunter, on 07 October 2014 - 02:09 PM, said:

I would love to see how many participated in the tournament. It would give a little depth to my rank.

Well just to make you feel better, a good chunk of the scoring is luck is your team all after same objective? Did ELO work? What mechs did other team have? Did my team have a pack of lights that would all circle and wait for crit location? etc.

I've been paid out a few times for these events and let me tell you, it takes a whole lot of games, not just a few hours, to get that score, like 6-8kills+6-8 assist and 800+ dmg. If it was purely skill based you'd see guys clean up a few matches then go elsewhere.

Not like playing counter strike, your good players were always good, here you can die right away.

As a great example though if I played against Eglar I'd target him as a primary target. Playing with him it would be a battle for who could get the final blow. I've come to recognize names and it's about 95% chance you're going to end up splitting kills and not have that 8 kill match.

End of the day the prize is a joke and learning that helps walk away from it, I put some much needed time in to cleaning my basement and grinding out some archeage tokens/events with friends after I got my 10mil cbills, think I was sitting around 1800 pts friday after coming to that conclusion I didn't want to spend my weekend playing MWO for $7 ;)

I am very adamant that the tournaments need to be month long and have completely different scoring.

Eg. Lights score based upon

Spotting(non UAV as it's a cost requirement)
Narc/Tag (one or the other of course, can't stack both)
Damage done (2x score for either damage done/kills on other lights from within 500M, to encourage light on light fighting while both are scouting, maybe subtract off damage received. Risk vs reward type deal

Then have other side things like most components blown off, most assaults killed yada yada type deal for each class to make them play more so as intended and not have EVERYONE trying to kill steal.

Edited by shad0w4life, 07 October 2014 - 02:31 PM.

#438 ShinobiHunter


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 03:50 PM

Very true Shadow. I know alot of it depends on the team/MM, and the requirements for it didn't exactly bring out the best in most players. I feel I pulled my own weight and then some on most matches so I really don't need to know how I placed and how many others played. But I would still like to know, just to satisfy my curiosity ;)

Also it would be awesome if they would add more of a role for the individual classes as opposed to the same for all.

Edited by ShinobiHunter, 07 October 2014 - 03:55 PM.

#439 Sukotto


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Posted 07 October 2014 - 05:13 PM

I really like Shadow's idea for class-specific rewards. The tournament would be more like a learning experience for what you should be using your mech for. Perhaps Mediums would get a bonus for hunting lights and Assaults and Heavies would be more based around kills and whatnot.

When it's all said and done, I actually like these tournaments. They kind of make me feel like I'm working towards something instead of just grinding C-bills and GXP. And it's pretty cool that they gave you that C-bill bonus incentive for scoring high this time around. It didn't seem "that" hard to get the bonus. I think I got it like 25 times or something; waaay over the limit. And I didn't even play very much in the tournament. Only had one day off during the entire span of it and on that day I was playing with my friends for the most part.

To get decent at any game, you just have to pay attention to what went wrong and think about how you can be a better player instead of just blaming it on bad pugs and stuff. EVERYONE gets those terribad games where your team gets stomped. Heck, in one game during the tournament I had 4 kills, 3 assists, 1,200 damage, and we STILL lost v_v;;

#440 TamerSA


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Posted 08 October 2014 - 02:56 AM

View PostBront, on 07 October 2014 - 05:58 AM, said:

One of my last games was phenominal game I had in my ember, but honestly the issue was the other team sent 2 mechs over at a time to be sacrificed, and I was mostly able to lay into them for damage while not taking a lot of fire. At the end of the game, there was a poor soul of a mech who was trying to support his team and did OK damage, but basically wasforced to tow the short bus. Now, in his case, I'm not sure the other team combined to score 130 points (yes, it was bad), but he tried, and basically got penalized for the play of his teammates.

I understand why they did what they did with wins, but there are plenty of reasons to be upset that you couldn't score in a loss, and it's not always simply an ego stroking "I was the only good player on my team" issue.

I hear you, and agree. My point was less about the ego part and more just to point out that I think the victory condition was done with good intent. The fact that so many players ignored it by using Rambo mentality was the flaw.

And my subsequent point was that I am fairly certain a lot of the people who posted on the 23+ pages of this topic complaining about the victory clause were from that pool (obviously not all, but enough to validate my statement I'm sure).

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