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The Clan Warrior Roster

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#121 thedarkangel


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 07:39 AM

Clan: Widowmaker
Pilot callsign: Darkangel
Name: Daellus
Bloodname: Sender
Prefered mech: Direwolf

I played mechwarrior 2 back in the day and became a fan of clan wolf. I did alot of research about the clan when I started playing BT. I took a liking to the widowmaker side of clan wolf and stuck with it. i been an assault mech pilot for a long time and I hope I can stay with that in mech warrior online.

#122 Bonewalker


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 02:11 PM

Clan: Goliath Scorpion
Callsign: Bonewalker
Name: Tam
Bloodname Lineage: Kirov
Prefered Mechs: Cougar, Deimos and Mad Cat Mk 2

I've actually not played the computer games or the tabletop, but I got hooked on the idea of Battletech... but it wasn't until I got into a Pod at MechCorps that I actually found my 'Inner Warrior' In the Pods, my callsign is Nightmare. :P Here, I am Bonewalker.... and I am here to dance on the skeletons and bodies of those who have fallen on the...
*smack* Stop that, yer not supposed to go off the deep end yet!
But I...
Okay Okay....

#123 fire moth


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 03:35 AM

Clan: Ghost Bear
Callsign: Shadow
Name: Tabitha
Bloodname: Tseng
Prefered Mech: Fire Moth

i loved the little Fire Moth from Mechwarrior 2.

Edited by fire moth, 13 March 2012 - 03:35 AM.

#124 KBone


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Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:45 PM

Clan: Ghost Bear
Pilot callsign: KBone
Name: KBone
Bloodname: Dosser
Prefered mech: Something with a big gun

Here's how old skool I am, I remember playing Crescent Hawks Inception, Crescent Hawks Revenge, and the very first Mechwarrior, as well as every Mechwarrior game since excluding MechCommander (which was awful). I earned My Bloodname of KBone_Dosser in MW3 and will fight to regain my honor from any who would stand against me.

#125 Hawkeye 72


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 12:54 AM

Clan: Ghost Bear
Callsign: Hawkeye
Name: Bryce
Bloodname: its a new game, so I don't feel I have earned mine...yet
Preferred mech: Kit Fox, Nova, Summoner, Warhammer IIC, Kodiak

Love the Ghost Bear representation on here. Should be a formidable force when we are allowed to switch. Also great to see representation for the lesser known Clans. The only way I switch my allegiance is if I pull my father out of retirement and back into the game, which I have already got him excited about. In that case Clan Jade Falcon might enlist our services so that I may fight along side him once more.

#126 Evan Pryde


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Posted 22 March 2012 - 07:38 AM

Clan: Jade Falcon

Callsign: Phantom

Name: Evan

Bloodname: Pryde

Mech: Summoner, Timber Wolf, War Hawk

#127 guardian wolf


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Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:46 PM

Clan: Wolf

Callsign: Guardian Wolf

Name: Draconis

Bloodname: Ward (if possible)

Mech: Timber Wolf, Summoner, Hellbringer, Conjurer

Will be with the Wolf's Dragoons till invasion.

#128 Diligent Gravy


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Posted 09 April 2012 - 05:57 PM

Clan: Diamond Shark (of old)

Callsign: Diligent Gravy

Name: Alex

Bloodname: Horn

Mech: Timber Wolf,Stone Rhino, and Turkina (Clan Jade Falcon Mech)

I have played many itterations of MW over 20 years starting from Crescent Hawks Revenge. Was a member of a unknown Merc unit in MW2 and a bondsman to Clan Ghost Bear in MW3 (although I do not recall my call sign then). With MW4 and MBT was part of Clan Diamond Shark, however I have yet to see any of them on these forums.

I would much prefer to play again as a clan member but age has taken a lot of my reflexes but I would still make a good bondsman!


#129 Drenar


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 01:17 AM

Clan: Jade Falcon
Callsign: Drenar
Name: Ryan
Bloodline: Roshak (Haven't earned the name anywhere, came close in the Firestorm pods)
Preferred 'Mechs: Stormcrow, Black Lanner, Nova, Shadow Cat. When forced to go heavier, the Timber Wolf, Summoner, or Dire Wolf are also acceptable, but my heart lies in Mediums.

I vaguely remember playing one of the Mechwarriors when I was young, but I don't remember which one. The Firestorm pods brought me back about 5-6 years ago, though. I am proud to be a Star Colonel at the Denver site, and have recently started playing the MW4 Mercs free release to get used to not having the full pod around me in preparation for MWO. I go by the callsign Wraith in the pods, but that was taken when I registered here, so I'm using my backup.

#130 Uncle Totty


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 02:49 PM

Clan: Wolf

Call-sign: nytfox7 (KnightFox7)

Name: Nathan K.

Bloodname: None yet given (Freebirth)

Rank: MechWarrior

Political outlook: Warden

Preferred BattleMech: Timberwolf (But usess what ever I can get my hands on.)

Edited by Nathan K, 12 April 2012 - 08:58 AM.

#131 fearfactory


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 11:42 PM

Clan: Burrock
Callsign: None. I am a Clan Warrior not an Inner Sphere barbarian.
Name: Erik
Bloodname: Lunde-Haraldsen
Prefered Mech: Nova C or a combination of variants Prime, B and C called "The Archetype"

For those interested in my Clan, please refer to this field manual entry I created, derived from all Burrock source material I could find.


#132 Evgeny Bear


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 02:58 AM

Clan: Wolf
Pilot callsign: None, Ironclad (in the Inner Sphere "Clan Scout" Merc Corp)
Name: Julius
Bloodname: Wolf (have plans to compete for Carn Bloodname once rejoined the Clan)
Prefered mech: Ice Ferret A or Kit Fox B (as lower rank Mechwarrior, Gargoyle C for Assault Mech)
Political Outlook: Warden

My first Game was MW4 Vangeance as low budget disk edition around 2005-6 or so, but really enjoyed the game later as it went to be Freeware with MekTek. After that I searched for novels and books, found my love for Clan Wolf as I read "Blood of Kerensky" Triology and scince there I stick with them.
In MMO and other Multiplayergames I always stick to the thinking of "fair fights" and "honorable Duel" and I get angry when something like Balance and unfair players spoil my fun, I also have deep love for japanese Culture and their Bushido Code of Honor. So I think Clans have many stuff which I can find in myself.

#133 Bindusara


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:19 PM

Clan: Jade Falcon
Pilot callsign: Nexus
Name: Bindusara
Bloodname: Pryde
Prefered mech: Summoner

I've been playing Battletech for a long time and when Mech2 came out, I could not be more excited for it. Since then I've been a huge fan of Jade Falcon, and still play as them regularly.

Edited by Bindusara, 11 April 2012 - 01:20 PM.

#134 Androclese


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Posted 13 April 2012 - 09:32 AM

Clan: Clan Black Sheep http://ClanBlackSheep.net/
Name: Androclese
Answers To: "Andro", "Hey You", "Hey S***-head, stop hitting on my wife when I'm standing here", and "That drunken bas**** over there"
Bloodname: Zima
Rank: Galaxy Commander
Titles: Clan LoreMaster, Clan BrewMaster
Prefered Mech: Loin Cloth & a hand-held rail gun.

History: I am the founder of the MechWarrior 2: Registry (http://mechreg.com/). It morphed and changed over time, and was improved upon as it went, but I am the one that moved it from a list of zip codes and email addresses to an organized Ladder system. I helped run it for a number of years with the rest of the High Council before stepping down in mid 1997.

I started with Team Banzai, run by Nafers in its original inception, and switched over to Clan Black Sheep in late 1995 when Team Banzai broke up; right before we opened the doors to the MW2:Registry. Under the management of Khan Ford Prefect, I moved up the ranks, earning the bloodname Zima (it was a "thing" at the time, just let it go), the titles of LoreMaster and BrewMaster, and eventually earned the rank of Galaxy Commander.

I am responsible for the mess found at the mechreg.com website, the ClanBlackSheep.net website, and I created the pages for (http://tkz.net/netmech/)

Why am I back? Lets see, hanging out with friends from 17 years ago, reliving the days of my youth, and getting to show the world just what it means to be a Sheeper, and hopefully bringing some of you over to the cause is more than reason enough.

Edited by Androclese, 14 April 2012 - 04:35 PM.

#135 Lirethion


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Posted 13 April 2012 - 02:10 PM

Clan: Fire Mandrill
Name: Lirethion (Formerly [CFM] Dragon Mechwarrior 2 Mercs)
Bloodname: Beyl
Ttiles: Mechwarrior, Star Commander, SaKhan, Khan
Prefered Mech : Summoner, Warhammer IIC

#136 A 143


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Posted 13 April 2012 - 06:39 PM

Name: (dont see why that is relevant)
Callsign: A143
Clan: Wolf
Bloodname: Kerensky
Perfered Mech(s): Timber Wolf,Nova cat or Summoner

#137 David Hawk RavenWater


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Posted 14 April 2012 - 10:33 AM

Clan: Hell's Horses MW2 and MW3 Minnesota Tribe
Pilot Callsign: Hawk
Name: David Hawk RavenWater
Bloodname: RavenWater
Prefered Mech: Hellbringer
PoliticalStance: Warden

#138 Catharsis


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Posted 14 April 2012 - 11:54 AM

Maybe I am a bit late?

Clan: Wolf (Served with the Dragoons pre-Revival; followed Phelan into Exile after the Refusal War)
Callsign: Catharsis or Arcturus
Name: Soren
Bloodname: Kerensky
Preferred Mech: Ebon Jaguar (Cauldron Born) or Stormcrow

Codex: Dishonored in combat during first military deployment for disobeying orders and breaking zellbrigen to assist a cut-off and overrun binary. Volunteered for Wolf's Dragoons and served the next years as commander of a mercenary star in the Inner Sphere. Rejoined the Wolf Touman for Operation Revival. Served with the 4th Wolf Guards, Alpha Galaxy in the Battle of Tukayyid and during the Refusal War with Clan Jade Falcon. Followed the Wardens into Exile, but resumed duties with Wolf's Dragoons after returning to the Inner Sphere.
Current Status: Unknown

As for ME, I got into BattleTech back with MechWarrior 2, but I was too young at the time to experience any of the online community. I have followed the universe and series ever since, but it was not until a decade or so ago that I really started to understand what everything was actually about. Regardless, Clan culture has affected my life in ways I simply can not quantify. I would not be the same person I am now if I had no experienced BattleTech :)

Edited by Catharsis, 14 April 2012 - 12:00 PM.

#139 Taelon Zero


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Posted 14 April 2012 - 02:17 PM

Clan: Jade Flacon
Name: Taelon
Bloodname: None yet
Prefered mech: Nova

Light mech: Firemoth
Medium mech: Nova
Heavy mech: Hellbringer/Summoner
Assault mech: Warhawk

#140 James Galen


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Posted 16 April 2012 - 08:26 AM

Clan: Nova Cat
Pilot callsign: Tempest
Name: James
Bloodname: Galen
Unit: Nova Cat Lancers
Prefered mech: Timber Wolf (75 tonnes of megadeath travelling at 86.4 km/h, what's not to like!)

OOC: Been playing Mechwarrior/Battletech since way back in the 90's and have always been devoted to my beloved Nova Cats ever since they first stalked the Battletech novels.

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