I'm a bit concerned that the skill I've honed over the past two years will be useless to me as I can't play anymore. My computer is Geforce GTX 760. I've got an average CPU, and no money to upgrade AGAIN since I did a minor upgrade so I could keep playing this game I love when we went from 8 mans to 12 mans and it became unplayable back then at 20fps. I currently get 130fps at the start of the match, then as I'm approaching the enemy it drops to 50 or so, then in combat it drops to 24-28 making aiming a pain in the ass, and frustrating as accuracy and speed is so crucial when going against things like Direwolves to not take much return fire. Your game is running very poorly. I would love to give Archeage a rest and come back to Mechwarrior for a few drops nightly, but it just isn't enjoyable enough despite my LOVING the combat etc etc and all the stuff that makes Mechwarrior great. I miss my game.
Also Clans being so powerful even for a little while to make sure people are enticed to free up their wallets to remain competitive isn't cool. Even if you have plans to nerf em back down, or buff the innersphere, IT HURTS THE GAME WHEN YOU DO IT EVEN FOR A FEW WEEKS. Don't think it doesn't. Prime example... my guild has over three hundred pilots. I, as stated above have been on hiatus from Mechwarrior hoping for a performance boost and game balancing to make a return before I throw my mouse through my TV... I came back online (on Teamspeak) this morning and last night just to hang out with the guildies while I was meandering around in Archage... actually I've had it most of the week where I come to say hi to people only to find that 5 or so people are playing... and this morning, NONE. I've never seen an empty Teamspeak in our group. EVER.
So I'm taking the time to write you in case you didn't know your game is bleeding players.
Bugs are bugs.. yes, but just QUICKLY nail down the ones that make the game unenjoyable. We will tollerate lots for a game like Mechwarrior, even the babies will come back and play... but if we are looking at 25fps after doing an upgrade and I run most other games at 60-100fps (except DayZ... grrr lol) and CLAN Direwolves can pop you like they do... /sigh
I don't know guys... I just hope to see a change.
I used to enjoy kicking ass at this game, but game performance, and game balance, and elo matching for groups has made this an uphill battle.
If you need me I'll be in Archeage until next patch....
OH! A user has joined my channel while I am writing this.. maybe I'll try one drop before I switch over. Time to dust off my CTF3D, or Atlas, or Raven, or Timberwolf. The friggin thing is OP though... Nerf the Dires first tho imo. Make 'em EVEN SLOWER if you can't stop the pinpoint omnifiring.
blah blah blah...
Pop out.
Clan Patch, And Recent Game Performance
Started by Poptart81, Oct 06 2014 05:23 AM
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