guess you shoulda voted for the better matches as opposed to choosing your game type. when the vote system was in, i was getting awesome matches. and since i vote all modes anyway, i could care less which mode i ended up with.
however, since it has been removed (

), we are back to matches based on player mode choice and "fill in" players w/ much higher ELOs (i.e. 3500 ELO in a 750 ELO game). Yes it took away the hard game mode choice. but id sooner have good games ( most lasted more than 12min w/ very close outcomes) then to have choice of game mode.
then again, i probably have a high ELO (as i play all the time) and was getting in matches w/ players of my experience level.
It sounds like Its simply a lack expertise you've experienced
..... but thats just my opinion....
Edited by Stormlight, 12 October 2014 - 07:09 AM.