ThomasMarik, on 09 October 2014 - 05:53 AM, said:
You mean that link within which I had posted a few times? Never seen it before.
Yes I know nearly 1400 people said no they didn't like it. I also see over 1400 people said they did. Nearly 100 more people liked the improved balance and the voting was cut short before anyone could really even test the changes. If you had bothered to read the link you posted you would have seen alot of people on the fence and wanting to check things out before they voted.
When the poll was first released the Nos were outstripping the Yes votes. As the night progressed the yes votes started catching up and overtook the Nos by nearly 100 votes before the polls were closed early. So yes. The Yes vote was trending up quite well.
As much as I am happy they reversed their decision, I have to agree with you. This poll needed to be up for a week or at least 3 days. I was fully expecting the community to rally behind the change and it would stick. I wouldn't be here as I was already 'packing my bags' so to speak, and hoping against hope they'd change their mind.
The problem is ultimately the animosity between Conquerors and Skirmishers that's a hold over from pre-skirmish days with back and forth hatred... yes hatred and abuse... regarding winning by cap. Those two camps are not going to reconcile... EVER.
Let's turn this another way, do you think that those who love their solo queue would like to have Queue Voting where they might, against their will, be dragged into the group queue to face off against the bane of their existence in this game: The dreaded premade? Imagine being the only solo with an 11man dragged in because that was 'the best match available'. How do you think this would affect the community if the solo queue was no longer the safe haven? How about the 8 man of beer warriors out there broken up into the solo queue because they needed their elos scattered there more for 'the good of the matches'?
What do you think that group would do if they were forcibly broken up? Now do that during a company practice while training for a tournament.
I dare say the rage would be far larger than this simple little Conqueror/Skirmisher spat.
And to those who are saying "you have to take the good with the bad". No. You don't. This is entertainment, not work. If you don't like a movie or an actor, you don't watch it or them. Nobody's forcing you to unless it's something outside of it that is giving you the needed biochemical boost to your happiness and relaxation because you're putting up with it. It's not an entertainment then... it's a means to what you REALLY want for entertainment or reward.
Ergo, nobody 'has' to take the 'good with the bad' here. They leave and find a better way to satisfy the entertainment itch.
Basic human nature and sociological motivations here combined with 'team sport psychology' (I'm team conquest and you on team skirmish suck the big one! Go Team!)
Edited by Kjudoon, 09 October 2014 - 06:33 AM.