Now there are alot of things I can point at on the targeting and pinpoint side of things. I'm presonally a fan of the cone targeting system similar to what is in World of Tanks. However the devs have been pretty adamant about not going that route. So I've come up with a compromise on the armor side of things.
The idea is pretty simple really. Remove the maximum armor allowed on a part. Let the players choose where and how to apply their armor. If they want 10 tons of armor in their head allow it. If they want an Atlas with 1 ML and 70 tons of armor evenly distributed across all his parts then allow that too. Instead of relying on TT rules that are not designed for the pinpoint accuracy give the choice to the players. Let us decide which parts we want to beef up. We would still be limited based on the overall tonnage of our mech and would have to sacrifice engine or fire power to buff up our armor but it would allow us to tank out if we want.
I know it will rub some people wrong who want the game to be more like TT. I want more TT like elements as well but in a game like this I think we need to make changes where the Turn based and random nature of TT isn't transitioning correctly.
Edited by ThomasMarik, 27 November 2014 - 12:04 AM.