Clan Pack Upgrade - Worth It For Me?
Posted 14 October 2014 - 07:13 AM
I currently own a Timber Wolf and Stormcrow Ala Carte for a total investment of $110 plus I purchased the Loki Pack for another $90.
That is $200 invested so only $160 to go if I want to upgrade.
What I am trying to decide is if I should just take the plunge and go for broke and get everything.
Here is my situation.
I have already bought 3 Kit Foxes, 3 Novas and 3 Dire Wolves for C-bills so got alot of C-bills tied up in them. Love the Kit Fox and Dire Wolf is ok but not a fan of the Nova (sold off all but one of them). I currently also have 5 extra free bays for new mechs so not really hurting in that area.
Now as to what I feel is potentially worthwhile and would get additional by upgrading:
Kit Fox (I) - yes awesome - 30% bonus on a mech I love.
Nova (I) - Don't care unless they change something with heat
Summoner (I) - Again don't really care but there is one build I might play now and then
Dire Wolf (I) - Not a huge fan of the Dire but still it is fun at times.
Adder (I) - Don't care
Warhawk (I) - Really interested in this mech, will be buying 3 on C-bills so an (I) would be nice.
Gargoyle (I) - Don't care
Mad Dog (I) - Mixed feelings on this mech
4 Extra months of premium
Now as far as the swag, I don't care about titles or cockpit items except for the Warhorns but even then I am already getting 3 horns with my Loki Pack.
So what do you think, is 4 additional (I) variants with a 30% bonus that I would play, 4 (I) variants I may or may not play, a savings of about 75 million C-bills and 4 months of premium time worth another $160 investment especially considering that I already own C-bill variants of the Kit Fox and Dire Wolf? (note: the 75 million C-bills results form expected savings and selling of duplicate variants from what I already own).
Also I am sure there are other Clan packs coming out so I am wondering how many think waiting and saving that $160 for mechs like the Executioner, Cauldron Born and Shadow Cat is as good or a better idea.
Posted 14 October 2014 - 07:18 AM
So, why are you tempted in upgrading?
edit: sure, there are new mechs coming in near future, and maybe you care about them
Edited by Stefka Kerensky, 14 October 2014 - 07:19 AM.
Posted 14 October 2014 - 07:19 AM
Plus the Mad Doge is hilariously funny to painboat with. The QQ is out of this world.
Posted 14 October 2014 - 07:23 AM
Posted 14 October 2014 - 07:27 AM
It's up to you if you want to try the mechs or not... I didn't buy any of the first clan wave being a mostly IS player, and just bought the entire wave 2 for $120 because it's a pretty good deal for first time pre-orderers. And the Hellbringer is going to be a great mech, as long as ECM doesn't get nerf batted into oblivion.
3 Ice Ferrets, 1 a 30% c-bill prime variant
3 Mist Lynx, 1 a 30% c-bill prime variant
3 Hellbringers, 1 a 30% c-bill prime variant
3 Gargoyles, 1 a 30% c-bill prime variant
1 Atlas-S hero mech
1 King Crab hero mech
15 mechbays, one for each mech plus the 4th month reward
4 groups of clan colors, warhorns, cockpit items and patterns
114 days of premium time (60+30+14+7+3 days if purchased before October 21st)
The pre-order bonus items, patterns, silly cockpit items.
As much as I've been playing the game... It made a lot of sense.
For the clan mechs alone, it would probably take me a year of c-bill grinding.
Edited by Greenjulius, 14 October 2014 - 07:35 AM.
Posted 14 October 2014 - 09:50 AM
I had mixed feelings about the Mad Dog at first, too. But once you start to look at its strengths relative to the Timberwolf, you'll probably find a setup that you enjoy - and I suspect that you'll enjoy the Gargoyle more than you think.
Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:32 AM
41 Mechs (39 if you exclude Atlas AS7-S and King Crab)
41 Mechbays (39 if you exclude Atlas AS7-S and King Crab)
13-15 of those Mechs have a Hero C-Bill bonus
204 days (I think) of premium time (roughly 6.5-7mths)
Camo packs + Colour packs
Other odds and ends like Warhorns, Cockpit items, badges, etc.
Thats $8.78 per Mech (at least 13 of them with Hero bonuses) even less with the prices of all the Premium Time and other stuff that I CBF finding the prices for. With ~$1.50 for a Mechbay and the other stuff I'd be surprised if it doesnt get to around the $4 ish mark per Mech.
How much do you say is a fair amount to pay for your entertainment? $1.50-$2.00 per hour sound fair?
Think you might get 4.5-5.5 hours out of each Mech (at least on average)?
Dont think you can watch a recent release movie for that price.
Posted 14 October 2014 - 04:12 PM
BumbleBee, on 14 October 2014 - 10:32 AM, said:
41 Mechs (39 if you exclude Atlas AS7-S and King Crab)
41 Mechbays (39 if you exclude Atlas AS7-S and King Crab)
13-15 of those Mechs have a Hero C-Bill bonus
204 days (I think) of premium time (roughly 6.5-7mths)
Camo packs + Colour packs
Other odds and ends like Warhorns, Cockpit items, badges, etc.
Thats $8.78 per Mech (at least 13 of them with Hero bonuses) even less with the prices of all the Premium Time and other stuff that I CBF finding the prices for. With ~$1.50 for a Mechbay and the other stuff I'd be surprised if it doesnt get to around the $4 ish mark per Mech.
How much do you say is a fair amount to pay for your entertainment? $1.50-$2.00 per hour sound fair?
Think you might get 4.5-5.5 hours out of each Mech (at least on average)?
Dont think you can watch a recent release movie for that price.
Actually your post on this in another thread is what got me thinking about doing it, well that and I got thinking I might go ahead and buy the Kit Fox pack just go get the (I) variant since I really like the Kit Fox. Overall it really is a good value though adding another $160 to what I have already spent (almost double) is a bit hard to swallow.
Also I know I will be investing in premium usually $15 a month with a bit of MC left over. The extra 4 months of premium I would be getting over what I already have is worth about $50 so the investment for all the remaining mechs is only abut $110 more.
Kit Fox (I)
Nova (I)
Summoner (I)
Dire Wolf (I)
Adder (I)
Warhawk (I)
Gargoyle (I)
Mad Dog (I)
So if I upgraded I would get an additional 8 Hero mech equivalents, roughly 150 million C-bills worth of standard mechs (based on purchasing all I am missing and selling dupes) and all the swag for $110 over what I will end up spending anyway. So yeah the value is there but that is still alot of cash.
Stefka Kerensky, on 14 October 2014 - 07:18 AM, said:
So, why are you tempted in upgrading?
edit: sure, there are new mechs coming in near future, and maybe you care about them
Well I just started adding up how much real money I had already invested, how much more I was going to invest and then also realized that due to the crazy C-bill grind currently in game, I almost don't play anything without a C-bill bonus partially because I am saving up to by C-bill versions of the Warhawk and Mad Dog (figure that I will need at least 90 million for 3 variants each of both those). Then I realized I would really like a (I) variant Kit Fox at the very least and it would be kind of nice too have an (I) variant of the Dire and I have a feeling I am really going to like the Warhawk so an (I) variant would be cool to have for that one too and well the only way to get an (I) variant for the Mad Dog is to buy all of them.....well it kind of stated making sense to possibly just go all in.
Still there are alot of the existing Clan mechs I find I don't really care about. I already own a Nova and it just sucks, the Summoner maybe offers one playable build, I don't see the Adder replacing my Kit Fox and the Gargoyle isn't likely to replace my Timber Wolf any time soon so there is alot of mechs I am buying that I don't see alot of value in while mechs I am interested in might be just down the road, mechs like the Executioner, Caludron born and Shadow Cat.
Metus regem, on 14 October 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:
Well I am not a pure Clan pilot but for CW I am sure that is where I will be fighting. Also I have more IS mechs than I can shake a stick at including a ton of heroes and Phoenix pack mechs to chose from. I mean I have a Jenner (F), Ember, Flame, Dragon Slayer, Heavy Metal, Locust (P), Shadowhawk (P), Thunderbolt (P) and Battlemaster (P) plus soon I will have the gift Centurion, Atlas and King Crab all with bonuses so I have plenty of options should I ever want to play on the side of the IS.
Edited by Viktor Drake, 14 October 2014 - 04:14 PM.
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