I have been trap by your bait... So i'm force to send you my loadout, the unique loadout i run since i've buy my HM =)
You can do several other options, including some with STD engines. I use XL on him because i stay at more or less 400 meters of the battle with that loadout. Highlanders are not the best assault for brawling, but at long distance, they are good.
You can some SRM build, but in my opinion, you're better at long and medium range with this mech, this is how it has been design.
The triple large lasers arm mounted is the strenght of this Highlander, it's melt faces and allow you to wounded the lights too.
I really love this mech, it's the assault with my biggest score and epic games!
And YOU HAVE to paint it in Pink!! Why? Because it's sexy has hell for a war machine!!!!
Bonus : a STD build that i have try, not bad, but too short range for me. If you use only one ballistic weapons, the Gauss deserve a try too!
Have fun with this angry Scottish man!
BONUS x2 (it's your lucky day) : if you like a little LURMS on it, it's not a LRM boat, but you have an AC/10!!
Edited by Aleski, 15 October 2014 - 12:24 AM.